
webdiary and abuse

Subtitle: "Fair go, ya mug!"


The cyber-avatar (currently) identified as Pаul Mоrrella turned up on 20May'07; in its very 1st post it attacked me. Others recognised it as I did: a troll attack. Not 'just' a troll, but a lying, bullying, pro-pushed paradigm troll. I combated it as best as I could ("I'm a lover, not a fighter...") - but in doing so, several of my posts were DNPed. Perhaps the 'best' of these is 'liar - a lying troll, even_1927.' Anyone who cares enough may examine that post, with a view to assessing it for abuse. Since I wrote it 'for publication,' I took particular care.


The points to be made are two:

1. I'm serious about what I write; if any abuse were to slip in, it'd possibly, quite probably, be due to my toadal® lack of respect for such pro-pushed paradigm trolls. Since I take my stand based on the chezPhil morality, any opposing me are by default and definition supporting some sort'a immorality if not outright criminality (like 'murder for oil,' say.)

2. I'm of the opinion that WD has acted poorly vis-à-vis my battles with the Mоrrella fella (? Sex unknown, any/all details do not matter.) In particular, one simply cannot 'fight' effectively if one must continuously accommodate the WD censor. And if that censor seems biased against one (IMHO most likely (in this case at least)), then one has the old "Buckley's."

In particular, I reject the accusation implied in this statement from David Roffey: "Margo banned [me] from the site for a week for persistent abuse."

Banned I was; IMHO not for abuse, but for expressing unwelcome truths.


PS Speculation: webdiary insists on 'diversity;' whereas that's certainly a laudable and desirable aim, to achieve that by actively protecting/promoting one side or the other is - IMHO - unethical. But that is exactly what I see; both the Mоrrella troll and the C Parsons/Eliоt Ramѕey construct(s) is/are not only actively being encouraged but also seen to be encouraged, at the expense of not 'just' (poor little old? Nah. Truth-seeker) me, but others of very high calibre indeed (they know who they are; g'day.)


In: the truth is on the march ..
Submitted by Craig Rowley on August 6, 2007 - 2:43pm.

Craig quoted this:

«Since September 2004 I have banned several people from Webdiary when I am satisfied that they are not commenting in good faith, but rather to destroy the safety of the space for the civil debate I'm seeking to foster.»

[WD/Editorial Policy]

My comment: too bad that wasn't an operating consideration while Mоrrella was attacking me.

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