
evidence-free zone is also thought-free zone

 Subtitle: HH/DD/MK tantrums over QLD local govt.


Presumably, those 'worthies' are enraged, partly because of their parochialism, partly because it's Labor doing the dirty - but why and whatever doesn't really matter.

We do know what HH/DD 'thinks' about Labor, we do know what WD/DR/MK is doing - vis-à-vis CPER & PM, which is supporting them at the expense of CR, me & IMcP, say.

What HH/DD and CPER & PM (and by their deliberate policy, WD/DR/MK) all have in common is that they (some more, some less; but the direction is starkly clear), these are all hindering desperately needed forward progress.

I'm sure that's too cryptic, so see here:

Yep-it's Facism
Submitted by Michael de Angelos on August 10, 2007 - 10:01am:

«But they're also coming for that free forum we have enjoyed so much but for really only a relatively short time- the Internet.

And it's all been brought to you by John Howard.»

(Great post: read it all, and thanks MdeA.)

Me: Howard's gotta be stopped.


More: Our democracy is stuffed; the sheople® dumbed-down, distracted, dispirited... it's chilling.


Because we know - we've observed, thought, read and chatted, the WD community (the ones on my list; add AR, BW, MS, PW, RF, RR, a few others - wha'do I know?) and a few 'on the side:'

The murdering military, the lying/thieving m/i-plex, plus the traitor-politicians (never say 'pollies,' that's too respectful, giving them a friendly-tag is not on) plus the (venal!) MSM = rip-offs = kleptocracy = fascism. Coming here; coming soon: but definitely on its way.

Gotta be stopped.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Fascism is probably on its way, Phil. Perhaps it's already here!

Check out the article on IS AMERICA BURNING, the one written by Paul Craig Roberts. Bush might be around for much longer that was thought. Martial law is a real option.

P.S. Forget the retarded peanut gallery. Write a post for the whole world to see! Cheers.