
no *flamin'* progress ...

 .. why the f**k not? ('Scuse the French.)


Since first hearing the ugly threat of "Shock'n whore®" then only being mooted for Iraq, I've been tearing my hair out - whoa! Figuratively, about the immorality, the illegality, and the sheer injustice of it all.

Now, more than four years 'down the track,' the illegal, murdering invasion has been morphed into an even more brutal occupation, and perhaps as many as a million have died, pink-misted by the US grunts 'playing in Iraq,' or blown to high heaven by persons unknown, possibly resistance fighters, possibly sectarian bombers, possibly al-Qaeda, possibly CIA-style black- or psyops (Wha'do I - or we - know, since the MSM either can't get the true story, or simply lies to us outright.) As well as the dead, four million have been displaced, half of them exiting Iraq.


SBN2S (Sorry, but not too sorry) - for shouting.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, even year after year, the Ami 'grunts,' along with the Poms'n 'our boys' are running an ugly, murdering occupation, premised on eventual oil-theft.

Nobody says 'Peep!'

What the wannabe hegemon, its illegal sprog and poodle with dag, all mass-murdering for spoil (US/UK/Aus for oil in Iraq, Israel for land, water in (ex)Palestine & surrounds) are doing is directly analogous to armed robbery with actual, murdering violence; if such took place in Martin Place, say, with a few $s stolen, one or two dead'ns; the entire country would be up in toadal® bloody uproar.

Things are now so bad in fact, that the ugly lizard masquerading as 'our' PM has the nerve to ring the (US-puppet) Iraqi PM, and threaten him - for not cooperating in the rape, pillage and plunder of his very own country!

An aside that is not really an aside at all: religion has a role in this theft and carnage. NO, the US/Israel/UK/Aus are not raping, pillaging and/or plundering because of religion, but in spite of it. Speaking now of Christianity, it has its own moral framework, usually denoted by the 10 commandments, the strongest of which is "Thou shalt not kill!" - or lie, cheat, thieve etc.

And in addition to the pap about 'love thy neighbour as thyself,' are the concepts of "sins of commission" and "sins of omission."

When some Church declares some war 'just,' it is actively encouraging people to kill others; that's a sin of commission.

When some Church declines to forbid some war, that's a sin of omission.

IMHO all Churches should 'move Heaven and Earth' (pardon) to prevent, decry, discourage any killing at all, let alone war; then let alone a filthy, criminal murder for oil war.

The current total ineffectiveness of the Churches makes them accessories to crime; murdering, thieving crime.


And as for every Church, so for every believer, if their faith includes "Thou shalt not kill" (or analogue), they must do all in their power, now to stop the theft-predicated carnage, in Iraq, Palestine, anywhere.

And as for every believer, so for every other with even a pretension to having morals. Under the "With us, or agin' us" doctrine, if you, dear reader, also hold "Thou shalt not kill" or analogous as a correct rule, then you must do all in your power to stop the rape and pillage.

All together now: NO MORE WAR! YANKS GO HOME!


Daniel said...

Hear, Hear, Phil. Now you've convinced me but what about the other three hundred million people who live in the U.S.?

Perhaps you need to go on a speaking tour!

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Daniel,

thanks but 'no, thanks' to a speaking tour; but what really gets me is why the sheople® tolerate such massive crime at the national level, when they'd scream blue-bloody-murder if anything remotely like it happened to them or theirs. It's a toadal® moral failure, and a worse failure by our so-called 'leaders.'

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