
the most amazing lies_1983

 Subtitle: just how brazen can they get?


This is the start:

«August 16, 2007
THE world has become normal again. The years immediately following the end of the Cold War offered a tantalising glimpse of a new kind of international order, the hope that nations might grow together or disappear altogether, with ideological conflicts melting away and cultures intermingling through increasingly free commerce and communications.»

[Robert Kagan/Renewing the liberal vision]

The more you read, the worse it gets.

I've often mentioned the pushed-paradigm propaganda; here it is in (lying!) bucket-loads.

One more sample:

«The Islamists' struggle against the powerful and often impersonal forces of modernisation, capitalism and globalisation is a significant fact of life in the world today, but oddly this struggle is largely a sideshow on the international stage. The future is more likely to be dominated by the struggle between the great ideologies of liberalism and autocracy than by the effort of radical Islamists to restore an imagined past of piety.»


Kagan blithely carries on, as if what he was talking about was 'the truth of the matter,' when in fact what he says pretty-well encapsulates the standard litany of lies.

One thing he says is correct, that the US is the strongest power, what he doesn't say is that that power works almost exclusively for evil.

One implication of what he's saying is that democracy is the way, the only way; all others are wrong or failed. What he doesn't say is that the democracies he's promoting just aren't.

He talks about the UN and its failures, what he doesn't say is that the UN is a US' plaything; if the UN buckles to US' wishes then OK, but if not it's ignored - when not outright abused. A one word proof: Bolton.


Statement of scope: Kagan speaks from the US, but the US is allied to/with Israel; the Israel lobby infests the US to the point of undue influence. The US is also 'allied' to/with the UK and Aus, where the alliance is better described by UK as a lesser accessory and Aus as tiny sycophant. A 'short-hand' for this grouping is Anglo/Christian/Judaic. Another short-handing is the wannabe hegemon, its illegal sprog and poodle with dag.


1. There are at least two narratives, the lying one represented here by Kagan, and all such transmitted when not (corruptly) amplified by the (venal) MSM, and the actual truth. These two could hardly be further apart.

One could 'short-hand' the standard pushed-paradigm myth as "Truth, Justice and the American Way," but each item is an horrendous perversion. We are told almost nothing but filthy lies, there is effectively no justice, and 'the American Way' turns out to be "1001 ways of ripping the world off," all the while pissing the ripped-off proceeds up the pointless/profligate/obese-consumerist wall.


2. To have a functioning democracy, one needs a few pre-requisites:

a) A valid choice of candidates. The A/C/J 'democracies' are nominally two-party systems, but whether two or more, the choice between them is so narrow as to be effectively non-existent. No matter which 'side' is elected, almost the same policies will hold sway. Look at Israel since 1947; unrelieved (invasive) war against the former legal owner/occupants of what was previously known as Palestine. Look at Iraq now, illegal invasion morphed into brutal occupation; Repugs and Dummocrats both are after the oil, and prepared to mass-murder for it. Latham showed us here, on his 1st press conference as leader. Posed before a US flag (spit!)

b) A fully informed populace. This we do not have; see the quoted article. They used to make jokes: "The Mushroom Club" (kept in the dark and fed on BS.) Well, it's no joke. Never was, but telling us lies is toadally® undemocratic.

c) An actively engaged electorate. No chance at the moment; the sheople® having been bought-off with cheap Chinese junk and fed ever more BS via their 5.1ch, flat-panel TVs. The soma that puts them into their coma-like state being such BS as Hollywood portraying its 'all possible perversions' as infotainment, interspersed by raucous ads (thanks but no thanks to Madison Ave.)


3. The UN. I sincerely thought that this was genuine. If one looks at the governing structures, we have local, state, country then international. We are supposed to have "The rule of Law" at each level. Sadly, not. One knows one has trouble when one hears "You can't legislate morality." More BS; of course you can, all it takes is the will. The temptation there was to write 'the political[1] will,' but the word/concept 'politics'[2] is wrong. This concept and its application, just as democracy itself, has failed us.

Inspect the two definitions. Both contain 'power.' That's the problem. We are supposed to have representative government. But the elected do not represent - us, we the sheople. The representatives have become prostitute-puppets to a power-elite - the kleptocracy®, as the MSM have become presstitutes to the same. Oppositions hardly oppose; the ALP even having let it be publicly known: they have 'dropped' almost all left-leaning allegiances in favour of kow-towing to business.


The truth, as I see it. I date the start of the current problems to the A-bombing of Japan (an utterly vicious and cynical war crime), but according to Blum, say, the trouble with US criminal immorality vis-à-vis invading other countries goes back at least to the 'conquering' of Hawaii in 1893. Not to mention the genocide practised on their own indigenes. After WW2, the US did not demobilise, quite the reverse. The m/i-plex was deliberately extended into the bulk of the US, and they went onto a permanent war-footing. Why that? Because they were already 'harvesting' far more from the world than anything that could be considered fair (it currently stands at 5% population, 25% of resources), and they set out to maintain their position by brute-force.

There is nothing either liberal or democratic about the criminal power-plays dominating our world. The wannabe hegemon, its illegal sprog and poodle with dag, all mass-murdering for spoil (US/UK/Aus for oil, Israel for land, water) put the lie to both of those. What really bothers me is that neither the sheople nor other governments make any (visible) moves against these incredible injustices. Must be the US' nucular threats, eh? Plus the disenfranchised, disempowered, disabled poor sheople. (This last includes you'n me. Bah! - Baaaaa!)


Solution: People power. The electors must renounce their sheople-status; awake! The representatives must return to representing, or be displaced. The MSM must return to reporting the truth, or become redundant. (This last is already happening, thanks to the 'net.) The 'law as ass' must be reformed to deliver justice.

Simplify: 10 commandments is perhaps too many; IMHO only about four crimes need proscribing[3]; as described in the chezPhil morality, the basic crimes are lying, cheating, theft and murder (add a few more if you like). The whole thing has nothing to do with any g*d construct (organised religion having disgraced itself), but is driven only by reflexive altruism (i.e. I don't wish to be murdered, therefore I agree not to murder some other, etc); and a key tenet is "Fair go, ya mug!"

We could quickly return the world to a fair place; the rich would not even have to surrender their riches - well, not too much of 'em anyway; 'all' we really have to do is eliminate the kleptocracy's filthy crimes.

Oh, yeah: that includes ending all war, and melting the guns into ploughshares. (While we're at it, teach a few pigs to fly.)



[1] political adj. 1 a of or concerning the State or its government, or public affairs generally. b of or engaged in politics. 2 taking or belonging to a side in politics. 3 concerned with seeking power, status, etc. (political decision).  politically adv. [Latin: related to *politic] [POD]

[2] politics n.pl. 1 (treated as sing. or pl.) a art and science of government. b public life and affairs. 2 (usu. treated as pl.) political principles or practice (what are his politics?). 3 activities concerned with seeking power, status, etc. [ibid.]

[3] proscribe v. (-bing) 1 forbid, esp. by law. 2 reject or denounce (a practice etc.). 3 outlaw (a person).  proscription n. proscriptive adj. [Latin, = publish in writing] [ibid.]

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