

Submitted on August 23, 2007 - 8:49pm.

Subtitle: no, not the navy-recruit type




Post flagged thus: ‡

WD-censored marked in red like this.

WD-mangled version here.


1. Howard has offered the QLD local council-backers a possibly poisoned chalice; to vote y/n for amalgamation or the status quo.

2. Vaile flags vote on possible nuclear sites
Posted August 23, 2007 01:00:00
and Costello backs community vote on nuclear reactors
Posted August 23, 2007 10:00:00

3. Even TV shows are in on the act; see big-brother-ejac... err, ejected.

Since I started drafting this, it's becoming 'a movement:'

4. NT wants vote on proposed nuclear dump
Posted August 23, 2007 16:04:00

Then wha'd'ya know - our very own PM as 'flip-flopper:'

5. PM backs local votes on reactor sites
5:53pm PRIME Minister John Howard has moved to counter a Labor scare campaign on nuclear plants and a split in the coalition by supporting plebiscites about proposed reactor sites.


(This could be Howards *BIG* mistake: letting the democracy genie out'a the bottle. Haw!)


Could we be on the threshold of a new - and better - chapter in our poor, crippled democracy?


Q: Why didn't we get a vote back then, on the Iraq war illegal invasion (now turned brutal occupation) - both equally murdering, and based on eventual oil-theft... we could still have a vote anytime, it's never too late to stop this awful, senseless (unless you're an oil-major) slaughter?

Q: Then, or independently from all that, why don't we get a vote 'in here' (meant is WD) - we could choose to eject any serial, recalcitrant Störfaktors, on the hope of getting more readers, and encourage some utterly disgusted ones into coming back?

Let's face it, some sort'a clean-up is sorely needed. And not 'just' in WD.


Anonymous said...

And if Webdiarists voted you out, Phil? Would you go or claim a conspiracy against your 'troof'?

Friedham I. Whont said...


 Subtitle: note lack thereof.


G'day Anon E. Mouse,

I note your lack of respect ('troof'), sadly only par for the pro-crime troll-course.