
digging some dirt ...

.. and lots more where this came from.

Subtitle: all their own words... (nothing to see here; move on!)


Harry Heidelberg/David Davis mooting a WD takeover?

«The whole thing is with Margo, I apologised to her and I did it publicly. ...

I am really tired of this crap.

It is an election year. I want to FIGHT about politics, I want to share wine stories, I want to do all the usual things we do here.

I am NOT in 2007 after my watershed return to Webdiary, going to get into some arcane argument with Rowley about the past.»

[Harry Heidelberg Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 20:39]

Geoff Pahoff comment:

«WD has become just another hate site. I've tried to stick it out longer than others who have pointed this out, in the hope a crisis might make this place see sense.

You are a racist and a bigot Roslyn Ross. You shame Webdiary. And you reveal why Webdiary does not deserve to survive in its current form.»

[Geoff Pahoff Thursday, August 03, 2006 at 09:03]

Geoff Pahoff threat 1:

«Notice the car parked outside last night? That knock on the door but nobody's there? That person staring at you down the shops the other day?

That'd be us, [redacted] Phil. Yep. That's us. We know who you are. We know where you are. We know what you do.

Did you really expect it would be any other way?»

[Geoff Pahoff Friday, April 06, 2007 at 17:10]

Geoff Pahoff threat 2:

«"I'm just a faceless person at the other end of the computer ..."

Don't bet on it Damian. I've got a picture of you. It was emailed to me by a "friend" some time ago.

Would you like me to post on the blogs?»

[Geoff Pahoff Monday, August 06, 2007 at 22:06]

Comment: Me not looking for trouble; Oh, no! - I don't converse with such [qualifier & descriptor(Pl.) redacted]. But WD-mgt does, and worse: they are seen to cuddle-up to such types. The C Parsons/Eliоt Ramѕey construct(s) is/are of the same stripe as Pahoff, then there's the cyber-avatar (currently) identified as Pаul Mоrrella.

Q: Why does WD-mgt suck up to these criminal-types and/or frauds?

Reckon there's anything in "You are what you eat?"


Daniel said...

While the Temple of Webdiary is shaken by a terrible earthquake the rest of the world continues on its erratic course.

While waiting for the earthquake to resolve itself and the dust to clear what about the veritable earthquake shaking the Coalition. I watched 'Question Time' this afternoon. Dead Men Talking seems appropriate.


Damian Lataan said...

Of course, we know that Pahoff is lying when he says he has a picture of me because he said he got it from a "freind". Pahoff doesn't have any friends! Even he knows that which is why he put the word "friends" in quote marks.

Anonymous said...

At least we know how to spell the word.

Anonymous said...

What is criminal about the behaviour of ER, CP, PM or GP, Phil?

Friedham I. Whont said...

Anon E. Mouse, please see answer on webdiary time-line.