
a) pink mist, b) pink-mist

Updated on August 26, 2007 - 3:23pm.

This started out as a 'quickie,' to examine the history of "pink mist."

news.a (a general archive; 2003-5. ##=number, v=a/b, i.e. ' ' or '-'.)

##v               yymmdd
04a, beginning on 030409
Paul McGeough 'Amid the fragments of lives, new enemies are made,' April 9 2003.

16b, beginning on 060316
Most in webd Bob Wall's 'They hate us for our values,' (it might amuse some to look up the link.)

HYS (Canberra Times Have Your Say.)

02a, beginning on 030409
1st, judi grey Wednesday, 9 April 2003.

My drafts:

10a, beginning on 030716

37b, beginning on 041030

news.6 (news archive 2006)

01a, beginning on 060901

21b, beginning on 060503

news.7 (news archive 2007)

01a, beginning on 070412

14b, beginning on 070325


judi grey Have your say
Wednesday, 9 April 2003

In the article US zeroes in on dictator: Reuters Wed. April 9th, it was reported that

'US aircraft dropped four 900kg bombs on a building in a residential area on Monday after US intelligence reports said the Iraqi leader and his sons Uday and Qusay might have been inside with other Iraqi leaders, US officials said.' And again in the same article, 'It was unclear whether Saddam was still alive after coalition forces dropped four bunker-busting bombs on a restaurant where he was believed to be meeting.' I guess any innocent civilians close to where the 'bunker busting bombs exploded would now be, as the US military describe them, "PINK MIST". Another report from reuters that you have not mentioned happened on the Sunday night. It tells of a young 12 year boy, an 12 year Iraqi boy, a boy one year younger than my grandson, 'who was fast asleep when a missile demolished his home and obliterated most of his family, leaving him orphaned, badly burned and without arms. He says, 'It was midnight when the missile fell on us. My father, my mother and my brother died. My mother was five months pregnant. Our neighbours pulled me out and brought me here. I was unconscious.' He added

"Can you help get my arms back? Do you think the doctors can get me another pair of hands?" Abbas asked. "If I don't get a pair of hands I will commit suicide," he said with tears spilling down his cheeks.'

Is this what an arrogant (more arrogant that Paul Keating ever was, and I guess he's proud of that) John Howard, to use the US military jargon, calls collateral damage? SHAME!


My later comment: It is estimated, 'well' estimated (IMHO, but not 'well' at all), that there may now be upwards of one million Iraqis killed after the US/UK/Aus illegal invasion in 2003, this 'Nuremberg' style invasion (i.e. aggressive) now turned brutal occupation. In addition, it is estimated that four million have been displaced, two million managing to escape Iraq into (poorly coping) neighbour-lands. All in our names.

And 'just' to steal a bit - actually, a lot of - Iraq's oil...

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