

G'day Craigw.

You raised a few points; I'll 'deal' with two of them, then add one of my own.


Preamble: I don't blog for fun or fame. I consider problems; immoralities, injustices, crimes and 'the biggie,' the possible tending to ever more probable CO2-caused greedastrophe®. The hope is that by providing insights not (well if at all) highlighted by the (venal!) MSM, I and any readers may more clearly perceive reality, and go on to a better informed understanding.

I report/opine; dear reader, you decide.

1. Cross-posting at WD. I do that because I can't trust them to publish me. In the recent past they have a) not published me at all, or b) published with a day or so delay and/or c) published with their changes forced onto my text. (A result of cross-posting is that one may view a few DNPed posts, not normally possible.)

Examples of (a) are here: non sequiturs ...1936 and here: liar - a lying troll, even_1927.

An example of (b) is here: AusBC bias ...1942

An example of (c) is changing my title "only liars, thugs and trolls ..." to "only [the lonely...]" - a similar change was made in the text body.

WD claim that I was banned for abuse, I claim that that claim is nonsense. IMHO MK banned me for 'insubordination,' i.e. resisting her authority. «Margo: That's it, Phil. You're banned from this thread. You clearly don't respect my judgment, so there's no point going on with this.» I was attempting to defend myself against the unsubstantiated, untrue, not to mention unfair assertions made by a certain troll. Perusing either of the (a) posts might be enlightening.

HH claims that the AusBC is left-biased. Perusing the (b) post might be enlightening.

In addition to DNPing me for resisting WD authority, I suspect some DNPing is done to protect certain posters. Why any would need such 'protection' can only be theorised about.

2. Craigw's keywords: "convert, believe, attack, reinforce" in reference to religion. Any person prepared to believe in an entity for which science can find absolutely no evidence of existence, indeed an entity that is by definition entirely outside of both science and the universe, is also by definition outside the reach of my chosen 'weapons,' observation, logic and rational thought.

Indeed, as I attempted to show in the 'the ultimate conspiracy...' article, religion (as I have observed it, usually titled "Christianity") is toadally® arse-about; it talks about (universal) love, but it is based (almost entirely) on fear.

It is - IMHO, as usual and of course - based on the fear of death(g*d), and my reason for so bracketing, is that death-and-g*d cannot be separated vis-à-vis Christianity - again, in my observation. But you don't have to take my word for it, Pell/Jensen recently said exactly that: «Easter is the most important feast for all Christians because Good Friday and Easter Sunday represent Christianity's central claims that Jesus, the man of God, died on the cross and rose from death," he said. ... "His resurrection offers us a true and living hope."»

That is the death-agenda-monkey that Christians have had thrust into their minds, resulting in a hag-ridden, death(g*d) fearing life. Once in, the death-agenda-monkey is hard to dislodge, and then usually only by believers themselves. Some master their aroused/suppressed fears extremely well; see the Hillsong 'happy-clappers' (Displacement activities?) But no-one can argue with any'o that (i.e. irrational belief), and I simply don't try.

Penultimately, some people say "Wha'da 'bout Mother Therese?" One may cite MT as proof that religion is not all bad; believers will take the stand that religion is on balance mostly if not all good, but few acknowledge religion's role in evil. Which was one of my original points.

Conclusion. Not all religions offer an 'after-life' (Zen, perhaps); not all people are believers, and not all believers are Christian. But religion plays a dominant role in our society's 'narrative.' One could say that it is callously deployed, even shamelessly, not for good but rather to divert and pervert. The aim of diversion is to shut the sheople® up, and the perversions are multiple. Instead of a high-minded, proud and moral society, we live in one whose present functioning is deeply mired in immorality; lying, cheating, theft and murder are not just present but dominate. See murder for oil in Iraq. This is the essential hypocrisy; our so-called leaders, actually puppets of the kleptocracy®, say one thing (claiming high morals), then do another (performing criminal acts).

Basically, things could hardly be worse. (But beware the tyranny factor.)

3. War vs. peace; fair vs. foul[2]. Briefly now, as well as the usual anti-war stance, there's the efficiency angle. Blowing so much dough and resources, and blowing so much CO2 into the already endangered atmosphere, all in the name of 'defence,' when what is meant and done is murdering theft, i.e. not defence at all, but vile offence. Using "Shock'n whore®" to lay waste to an entire country's infrastructure (not to mention the uncounted, 'pink-misted,' mostly innocent 'collateral' dead) is not just immoral, not just criminal, but wickedly wasteful to boot.

The US big-notes itself as 'world leader,' whilst at the same time it's ripping the world right off. The Harvard Business School for Sharks, and especially the oil/mining sector lead the way on rip-offs. Think 'fair vs. foul,' think say one thing(moral), then do another(criminal). They preach(!?) "Greed is good" when it's just simply not; with 5% of the people, they consume 25% of the resources. The US military is the largest single oil burner/CO2 producer on the planet. They go to war to 'secure' the oil - to go to war...

Gotta stop, gotta be stopped.


Epilogue: Three hag-ridden themes; WD with imperfect moderation, Christians with fear, business with dishonesty; greed and crime. All together: we gotta do beddah; no more of the same!



[1] hag-ridden adj. afflicted by nightmares or anxieties. [POD]

[2] foul —adj. 1 offensive; loathsome, stinking. 2 soiled, filthy. 3 colloq. disgusting, awful. 4 a noxious (foul air). b clogged, choked. 5 obscenely abusive (foul language). 6 unfair; against the rules (by fair means or foul). [ibid.]

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