
‡neither gushing nor gossiping ...

Submitted on August 27, 2007 - 11:49am.

(WD thread 1992; delayed - censored?

Not yet visible, but a later post is...

The WD Ed thought (ir)responsible is Richard Tonkin.

See eml/NFP to WD below[1].)

.. but waving gaily at the passing parade.

Subtitle: the lobby, and pro-pushed paradigm propagandists.


Prologue: The following may appear cryptic; those involved will understand perfectly - at least, so is my intention; sufficient material is made available.


I refer to three previous posts: P1, P2 & P3; a 4th ("Huh?" - not mine) follows P2 (as those who follow the links will be easily able to see).

1. Apology: in P1 I wrote "Pa, Pa & lit'li," this was incorrect (my oversight), and should read "Pa, Pa & lit'ly." The pronunciation was correctly given as "Pa(Huh?) - Pa(Sss!) - and little-Eee..."

2. Update: things have however, changed; Pa(Sss!) has apparently 'passed on,' (see my webdiary time-line) and has (ostensibly?) been replaced by "Err" (as short for 'error?') The pronunciation now becomes "Pa(Huh?) - Err, little-Eee?"

3. Reminder: The warning given in P2 still stands:

PLEASE DO NOT FRAME ME WITH THE 'H' WORD, where 'framing' is both in the normal sense, plus that of Lakoff.

And whilst speaking of 'framing,' a review of the post following P2 ("Huh?") is recommended.


Epilogue: I believe (word used advisedly, in the sense of 'balance of probabilities') that we of our great wide-brown Aus, as integral part of the wider world, are endangered by these problems in increasing order of importance, a) immorality, b) criminality and c) outright, greedy-grasping ignorance.

In reverse order, the outright ignorance is the worst; those that purportedly represent and lead us are not doing so (effectively), and we are all endangered by inaction in the face of the mooted CO2 climate-change greedastrophe®.

The second problem, criminality, infests both our so-called leaders, and most business, here referred to under the rubric 'globalisation' (aka the kleptocracy®.) What is happening is that (commercial) control of the world has been grasped by massive (mainly US) corporations who pursue policies inimical to us, we the sheople®. This is manifest primarily by the rapacious miners, oil being a special, worst case of mining, and the prime symptom being the hideous, illegal invasion of Iraq turned brutal occupation, both mass-murdering and premised on eventual oil-theft. My generalisation of this is: the wannabe world hegemon plus its illegal sprog and the poodle with dag, all mass-murdering to enable theft (the Anglo/Christian CoW® after oil, Israel after land and water.)

The third problem, most immediate for us, we the sheople, is immorality. Why do we have it? It is exhibited by the kleptocracy, our so-called leaders, transmitted and often amplified by the venal and corrupt MSM - and cheered on by amateurs (boo! Hiss!) Again, why?


Facit: any accommodation, of criminals or their spruikers both, 'legitimises' those utter baddies since (IMHO!) all such should be unreservedly condemned (and no correspondence entered into); as examples take the principle crooks, their propagandists, apologists, party-members and/or even voters. Anything outside of implacable opposition allows the rot to continue; progress can and will only be made by outing all evil, trunk, root and branch.

We are truly looking down the tubes of doom; no more of the same!


[1] eml/NFP to WD (eml sent Monday, August 27, 2007 13:08):

Submitted on August 27, 2007 - 1:38pm.

G'day Richard,

...I'm supposing that it's you who's 'on.'

And I'm also supposing that it's you who's "left me on hold," as you so charmingly put it - when not outright DNPing.

I'm further supposing that you are acting 'under orders.'

But I'm letting you know that:

a) I do not agree with what you (&/ WD) are doing,

b) I consider what you (&/ WD) are doing is anti-democratic and anti-free speech.

I personally don't know how you live with such utter hypocrisy.

[cross posted] means here.

I'm heartily sick of this (filthy!) WD behaviour.

I will wait 30mins for your reply.

[No answer came in the 30mins.]

I will wait a further 30mins for a reply to this NFP.

regards, Phil.


[Still no answer.]

Basically, I conclude that WD is not:

"Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent"

Oh, no! - and not on your Nelly. As far from it as is herein shown.

Sooo. Here I am, Harry; your latest refo. As extreme-left as they get; ask Hyacinth.

[cross posted]

‡An updated post may be flagged with the symbol: '‡'


Daniel said...

I agree that ignorance is a major problem, Phil, and mass ignorance is facilitated by the diet of rubbish that appears on the flickering screen most nights.

People's minds are on snooze mode most of the time. The price will be high!

Anonymous said...

Phil Kendall banned from Web Diary!
NO MORE OF THE SAME@!!@(Thank God)
Woo Hoo!!
What say you Friedham I. Whent?