
shuffling ...

.. off this mortal coil[1,2]

Subtitle: justice and the 'final solution'


Let us prey: In the beginning, g*d (aka Margo) gave us webdiary. Well, of course, that's not exactly correct, since it was an SMH experiment that higgledy-piggledy grew - for a while. Then the SMH sent it into the wilderness, where it devoured large parts of Margo's fortune and sanity both, was somehow 'rescued' by Alcorn and is now run by the remaining disciples Reynolds, Roffey & Tonkin - all, by any measure, with feet of clay[3]. (Haw!)


Musing: In the beginning, g*d gave us good vs. evil. Well, of course, that's not exactly correct either, since a) there is and can never be any proof of the existence of any g*d; my intuition says: "What utter BS!" - but worse, b) if we have free will (We do, yes we do!) - it is then, our choice, as to which we choose.

The first 'final solution:' irrespective of any g*d (I say not,) each of us has just the one 'earthly' life; it behoves us to use it wisely and well.

Warning: Justice delayed is justice denied.


Long story short: for whatever reason, webdiary has fallen victim to, been taken over by, forces of evil (slight hyperbole). The last valiant knight fights bravely on - severly trammelled (aka crippled), reminding us of a "Holy Grail" sketch. Morrella, MacDougall/Hume, Pahoff and Parsons/Ramsey etc. rule the roost, and the disciples wash their feet. Sooo, I'm agreeing with Bob; webdiary has become part of the problem.


Philosophising: everyone thinks that what they do is either correct or if not correct then somehow justified. Children quickly learn the difference between right and wrong, to distinguish truth from lies. Depending on the nature of the nurture, children have more or less choice as to whether they will grow up to be honest - or not, and if not then usually pathological.

The world (our bit anyway; the Anglo-sphere, US/Israel, UK & Aus) is in the grip of (often criminal) vested interests, two of whose 'finest' achievements are 1) the illegal invasion of Iraq now turned brutal occupation (murder for oil), and 2) the open, cancerous grotesque which is 'modern' Israel (murder for land and water.)

Many of the honest posters have been ejected from or just left webdiary; it's not to say that the whole of what remains is on or from the dark side, but you get the general drift. I had to laugh at this:

«Talk is cheap. Expressing a contrary opinion in a friendly, gracious and non provocative way does not involve any guts.»

Webdiary summed up sooo well, by some 'dumb blonde!' For some, jolly hockey-sticks CWA-style chattering and nattering is an end in itself, and so ends webdiary. Further, not only do the webdiary disciples have no guts, they have no discernable morals either.

Action is what's needed, but in the words of the 60s, webdiary just ain't where it's at.


PS The original idea behind my title was "Shuffling the tits off the Queen," followed closely by "Shuffling the deck-chairs on the Titanic." Both are applicable to webdiary. I like binary choices: the forces of evil favour the status quo, I don't. If you, dear reader, are happy with that status quo, then webdiary might be for you, i.e. that's where one can go for ever more of the same.

On the other hand, I think (drastic!) action is needed to save our once jewel-like planet - sonst geht uns echt dreckich!


[1] shuffle —v. (-ling) 1 (also absol.) drag (the feet) in walking etc. 2 (also absol.) rearrange or intermingle (esp. cards or papers). 3 a prevaricate, be evasive. b keep shifting one's position. —n. 1 act of shuffling; shuffling walk or movement. 2 change of relative positions. 3 shuffling dance.  shuffle off remove, get rid of. [Low German][POD]

 (..and as sometimes happens, 'dictionary roulette delivers again:)

shufti n. (pl. -s) colloq. look, glimpse. [Arabic saffa try to see] [ibid.]

[2] shuffle off this mortal coil

(idiomatic) To die.
to divest ones self of their mortal body.


«What dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause»

[wiki/William Shakespeare, Hamlet]

[3] Daniel 2:33-45 used to indicate a weakness or a hidden flaw in the character of a greatly admired or respected person:

«Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image ... his feet part of iron and part of clay. ... And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.»



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Msg to the buzzy-most Anonymous-fly:

P'zorf! Get something *useful!* to do.

Anonymous said...

Phil , just to let you know i have great respect and admire your passion and seeking of truth and courage to trammel the muck out there that promote hate and genocide.As far as seeking the real Politik world, in fact to the point of which I think you have found a lot of it all.Have you read any of Peter Myers work, a Canberra guy on a similar wavelength. look him up I reckon youll be interested.

101 world view without blinkers eh?

Anonymous said...

G'day Anonymous,

and thanks for the kind words.

As far as seeking the real Politik world[1], I try to work scientifically, as opposed to ideologically/emotionally, although the injustices I see/discover invoke great emotion -1st outrage, then deep sadness, say.

I quickly found Peter Myers:

Ooops! His home-page back-ground colour is pink(!!?)

From that homepage:

«The Left faction opposes the current War against Israel's enemies, but pretends that it is about oil (instead of religion).»

I have an acquaintance who would say "This is one of those things that make you go 'Hmmm.'"

Although my cris de cœur include "No murder for oil!", I do know about some other factors; the Zionist drive for a "Greater Israel" being perhaps of rival weight to the Oh, so obvious (and totally undeniable) oil-theft motive - but I see Zionism more as 'simple' greed, as opposed to religious (also undeniably present). Of course, very little is simple, and the greed apparent in the operations of USrael goes far beyond 'simple' avarice.

One of the reasons given to 'justify' the A-bombing of (non-military, i.e. 'collateral') Japanese was the cost (they (the usurpers posing as 'democratic' leaders) calculated that the sheople® would ill acquiesce to them having spent so much dough - then not deploying the bombs). There's almost always a hint of truth behind otherwise lying propaganda; one sub-text of the illegal invasion of Iraq is "We're looking after your SUV/4WD fuel!" (See it here[2].) And although yes, there is vast anti-Muslim propaganda as well, I think that's almost exclusively for (stupid!) 'rednecks.' ('Scuse the French - but on the principle of "No sense, no feeling," one cannot insult the stupid enough.)

Sufficient evidence has been presented elsewhere to rank oil-theft as one of the 'highest' motives (actually of course, basest), but one need look no further than the oil-law that the US is trying to force upon its puppet govt. in Iraq to get the real sense of what the US is in Iraq for. The eventual theft can neither be (successfully) denied nor concealed. (One wonders what dope the neoCons are on.)

Sooo, I'm a Realpolitik 'student,' and expect to be ever thus.

You say "ciao," I say Widerluege. And thanks again.


[1] realpolitik
noun [MASS NOUN] a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from German Realpolitik ‘practical politics’. [Oxford Pop-up]

[2] CNN (vis SBS) October 7, 2007; Iraq's oil:

«"ROBERTSON: The stakes are high. Failure here would impact world oil markets with inevitable repercussions for the global economy."

Nic Robertson, CNN, on the al Basra oil terminal in the Persian Gulf.»


Comment: Under the motto "Hell hath no fury..." one may imagine my outrage on discovering that big bits'a the AusBC and SBS transmit such lying propaganda as 'news.' Boo! Hiss! (Actually, such perpetrators belong in gaol.)