
Out, damned spot!

"Out, damn'd spot" is a prime example of "Instant Bard," tailor-made for ironic jokes and marketing schemes. But the "spot" isn't a coffee stain, it's blood. [found on the 'net]

Lady Macbeth:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

Ian MacBloodyDougall:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

(Lady M's spot was blood orright, MacDougall's spot is bloody oil.)

«I assumed that the Bush Administration would act to advance its own and its American supporters' long-term best interests, and would plan the occupation as least as well as it did the invasion.»

And I assumed from the beginning, that it was gunna be a criminal slaughter: "Shockin' Whore!" - aka murder for oil.

Ray McGovern:
«one of President George W. Bush’s most telling "signing statements." Underneath the recent Defense Authorization Act, he wrote that he did not feel bound by the law’s explicit prohibition against using the funding:

"(1) To establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq," or

"(2) To exercise United States control of the oil resources of Iraq."»

Comment: it just doesn't get any more blatant than that.

We the anti-wars knew *exactly* what was gunna happen.



 «He that is not with me is against me, Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23
 (But in Mark (9:40) and Luke (9:50) he says,
 "He that is not against me is for me.")»
[found on the 'net]

You could make some sort'a case, that MacD has a guilty conscience (Ooops! Does he have any such, guilty or whatever?) - but he sets out to try to make his opponents (anti-wars) feel bad - by MacD asserting that being anti-war equates to supporting Saddam?

«if your choice was to oppose Bush, it was automatically to support Saddam»

One explanation is that he's as thick as two planks...

Another is he's barking (bloody) mad.

Craig Rowley:
«[MacDougall's oppose/support assertion] is not sound logic.
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.»

Well countered, Craig.


If MacD can accuse: "oppose Bush = support Saddam,"

then equally valid is: "support Bush = support slaughter."

Ian MacBloodyDougall: mass-murder for oil theft supporter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil,

MacDougall has a bad case of Hitchens' disease as well as an ego that demands that he was right all along. This is a person who wrote of Colin Powell's "powerful presentation to the UN yet anyone who had been objectively following the issue could have seen the faults in that presentation. And we know what Powell thinks of it now. But now, as I have written previously, with all that has happened and all that we know, is of little interest to MacDougall.

Even the before, was to be used selectively. You wrote that the anti-wars knew what would happen, indeed, we have seen the recall of commentary from the early '90s as to why the Gulf War was ended when it was. And other warnings. But after all these years and all the death and destruction some people seem to have failed to notice.

There is one very big omission when people write of states acting to advance their interests, in this case referring to launching a war and occupation. That, of course, is the l;ack of legal authority to do so. Much as the UN is maligned, the UN Charter is the codification of international law - people should reflect on why this is so - and the Charter allows for limited use of force. A major problem with the UN is the Security Council, ie., the veto given to the permanent members. These were the states which would be the world's policemen, but what if the cops are criminals? There's the rub.

Another symptom of the disease is to seek recourse to the views of neocons for support. This is dubious to sday the least as the best ine can say about neocon material is that it is questionable. A better characterisation is that it is the product of lying, delusional socipaths. If that is not enough, MacDougall has even referred to Hitchens. There seems no end to the desperation to prove himself right.

Now for a little reading matter of this is worthwhile:


As is this:
