
a call for urgent action ...

 .. all else is commentary (or worse; see WD, say)


It should not take a Newton or a Galileo to realise that doing nothing is not an option - except in the possible case of someone who's merely waiting for Godot.

But in case an appeal to authority is thought desirable, consider Newton's 1st & 2nd laws as describing aspects of momentum[1]; easily understood as a body at rest tends to stay at rest; it will move if shoved hard enough, and ever faster with more push. The intermediary case of a body already moving is analogous; lacking any push it will continue on unchanged.

Going back to the case of doing nothing, we see that without a push, no change is possible. But change is definitely needed - IMHO, as usual and of course; any dissenter may now leave, tschüss!

For any lingering die-hard, the 'why?' change is needed are at least three:

1. The moral environment - reflexive altruism required.

2. The business environment - stop all the rip-offs required.

3. The physical environment - greedastrophe® must be averted.

The order is arbitrary; life as we know it will become increasingly difficult - outright impossible is the fear - without a sustainable biosphere operating within our 'comfort-zone.' Resource-restrictions are becoming apparent; skyrocketing oil-prices are a good indicator, but large food-price increases, even shortages - in Western markets - are the shock of the week.

Business rip-offs are causing trouble across the world, as already obscenely rich (so-called) élites gorge themselves ever richer - creating starving multitudes with their greed - and crime.

Morally, the sheople® have been thrown to the wolves. One doesn't need a Jesus or a Gandhi[2] to recognise the universal applicability of the Golden Rule and its corollary 'do no harm' (my attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality), nor the sad fact that such morals are being honoured mainly in the breach.

The time for arguing any of this is gone; anyone seeking details may find them elsewhere, but also somewhat scattered on this website.

I have already suggested my action plan at save the planet; in a nutshell it means getting a (proper!) morality, and lobbying our representatives to properly represent us. The most important reform is to make our morality scaleable, the same rules for us sheople and our so-called rulers: no lying, cheating, theft or murder. Sounds simple and it is, really just a matter of getting active. This plan is eminently doable[3] and what's better, it's been proven to work - but sadly, not for us, we the sheople, but for a minority, and even sadder, to crooked purposes. (I refer here to the M-W reported Israel Lobby.)


Once more around the loop: immorality and criminality are rife; our once jewel-like planet is under attack by the forces of darkness. To wit, the US is murdering for oil, Israel is murdering for land and water, and the mainly these days US-inspired capitalist system is raping the planet for resources - most often without sufficient recompense, in fact nowhere near. And these forces of evil don't care a fig where they drop either their murdering bombs, shit or pollution, hence the coming excess CO2-caused greedastrophe.

The 'greed is good' school just described (greed is neither good nor desired - except by the evil perpetrators), i.e. the rippers-off and murdering thieves will not listen. Since they only understand force, a countervailing force must be called forth - over to you, dear sheople.



[1] momentum

«The question has been much debated as to what Sir Isaac Newton's contribution to the concept was. Apparently nothing, except to state more fully and with better mathematics what was already known. The first and second of Newton's Laws of Motion had already been stated by John Wallis in his 1670 work, Mechanica sive De Motu, Tractatus Geometricus: "the initial state of the body, either of rest or of motion, will persist" and "If the force is greater than the resistance, motion will result..."»


[2] Seven Blunders of the World

« .. is a list that Mahatma Gandhi gave to his grandson Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper, on their final day together, not too long before his assassination. The seven blunders are:

Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle

This list grew from Gandhi's search for the roots of violence. He called these acts of passive violence. Preventing these is the best way to prevent oneself or one's society from reaching a point of violence.

To this list, Arun Gandhi added an eighth blunder:

Rights without responsibilities»

[wiki/Seven Blunders of the World]

[3] doable
adjective informal within one's powers; feasible: none of the jobs were fun, but they were doable. [Oxford Pop-up]


Anonymous said...

Your call rings out, Phil, but who is listening?

Not those whose minds have been lobotomized by television, ersatz education, lots of booze and the false promise of eventually becoming wealthy (which accounts for most of the Westernized human race).

Looking around some of the old blogs I see that nothing much has changed. The same old, same old! Lots of banter and protests and bullshit but nothing is ever achieved except for the constant pricking and inflating of egos.

Why do we bother?

Anonymous said...

G'day David G,

"Why do we bother?"

Here are some reasons:

1. Someone has to.

2. It worked before (Vietnam[1])

3. If we don't, who else is there?

[1] from HAÎR:

What a piece of work is man
How noble in reason
How infinite in faculties
In form and moving
How express and admirable
In action how like an angel
In apprehension how like a god
The beauty of the world
The paragon of animals

I have of late
But wherefore I know not
Lost all my mirth
This goodly frame
The earth
Seems to me a sterile promontory
This most excellent canopy
The air-- look you!
This brave o'erhanging firmament
This majestical roof
Fretted with golden fire
Why it appears no other thing to me
Than a foul and pestilent congregation
Of vapors

What a piece of work is man
How noble in reason

How dare they try to end this beauty?
How dare they try to end this beauty?

Walking in space
We find the purpose of peace
The beauty of life
You can no longer hide

Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Wide wide wide!


Anonymous said...

"What a piece of work is man
How noble in reason."

Wonderful words. Shame they have so little relevance to the majority of humans!


Anonymous said...

G'day David G,

 .. «so little relevance to the majority...»


But that's the 'trick,' as you well know.

The sheople® have been distracted - but worse, continually lied to. As I've written before, our 'audio-visual input systems' accept data virtually without edit. It's easy to 'see' why, when confronted with the sudden appearance of some animal, it's vitally important to work out, in the smallest part of a pico-sec, as to whether the new factor is edible - or the other way 'round. i.e. if the apparition is good gnus or bad (a sabre-toothed tiger, say.)

It's interesting - fascinating, but in a ghastly, negative way: the 'ruling cabal,' let's say 'the big end of town,' most of whom are already rich beyond the dreams of avarice - want ever more. It's got a name: greed. They are ripping us, we the sheople off, almost everywhere. Keyword: superprofits[1].

Q: What's that gotta do with the price of fish? A: Simply this; as well as monopolising resources and the means of production, these rip-off cads control the (venal!) MSM - incl. big bits'a the AusBC & SBS. They use the MSM to conduit their pushed-paradigm propaganda. The main message used to be "Yanks good, commies bad," but then "Wham!" - Down came the wall, and a new enemy had to be found, and if not instantly available, manufactured. The rest (9/11) is, as they say, history.

Now, almost all Hollywood rubbish is based on "Good guys vs. bad," (spit!) - and so the subliminal message is insinuated into the unprotected minds of the sheople. The key message itself is sometimes quite easy to see, ref the program "24." And so the US president can - and does - sanction torture.

This process of corrupting the sheople's minds is termed unsafe TV, equally as dangerous as unsafe sex; minds (metaphorically) or you can die from it.

I leave the rest to your imagination.


But, PS: We, who can see, have a duty - to our fellow (TV-somatized) fellow sheople - we have to cry "Murder most foul![2]" from the rooftops, because that's how the grisly fat-cats now operate. And you'll hardly need f'rinstances like the US (murder for oil) and Israel (murder for land & water) - our so-called minerals' boom is based almost exclusively on resource-harvest rip-offs. Who gets the great bulk of the dough? Certainly not us, we the sheople - the actual sovereign resource owners. Sooo, just how fair is that?

Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Our eyes are open
Wide wide wide!


[1] Superprofit - in particular, this part:

  · monopolies of resources or technologies, yielding what are effectively land rents, mining rents, or technological rents.


[2] Hamlet » Act 1. Scene V

Anonymous said...

Phil, the thought has occurred to me that the bulk of Western humanity doesn't want to have their eyes opened.

They are quite happy laying in the pig swill that their masters give them.

Terrible thought, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Dispensing with any undue modesty, I'm already a looong step ahead of you. Not only is the one-eyed monster the sheople®'s nemesis, they voluntarily rush, often in unseemly haste and lemming-like, off to the nearest 'Hardly Normals,' sacrificing a good part of their disposable wealth (or going heavily into debt, more likely) to snatch the bloody things up. Then they settle down to serious, free-time dominating TV-somatization sessions. That is your pig-swill trough, an horrible waste of sheople's life-span, truly a Slough of Despond.

Long story short: it's a failure of leadership; not just 'politicians' (why should they lie, let alone get away with it, see the 935+ lies of B, B & H) but the Church (they 'sin' against their own dogmas) and (worst!) the intellectuals. Every time some public-good gets privatised, a bit of the Enlightenment goes lost. The absolute, limiting case is heath-for-profit, such corrupt systems preferentially deliver fat profits before actual care, see the US.

We know exactly why it goes wrong: greed, at every level. It's our job to point that out, and also the way out: get proper morals; apply the same laws to the so-called élites as they subject us, we the sheople to.

Then: the sheople ignore the greedastrophe at their peril.

Sooo (again): doing nothing is not an option.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil and David, here's a suggested approach from a western perspective.

.On military driven vs market driven empires.

The last paragraph:

The dismantling of the military driven empire will not occur ‘by choice’ but by imposed circumstances, including the incapacity of domestic institutions to continue to finance it. The demise of the militarist governing class will follow the collapse of their domestic economic foundations. The result could be a withered empire, or a democratic republic. When and how a new political leadership will emerge will depend on the nature of the social configurations, which undertake the reconstruction of US society.

Likelihood? Includes video.

Change is desperately need. Hard times are coming.

Anonymous said...

Let the Revolution begin, Bob. I reckon the sight of you, me and Phil on the barricades pointing our keyboards at the forces of evil would be simply awesome!


Anonymous said...

Why do you have to mock, David Gh?

If no-one does anything, it means accepting everything, from the ghastly USrael criminality to the possibly terminal greedastrophe®, without so much as a peep.

What's in that for me?

What's in it for you?

I offer you a song:

Electric Light Orchestra, Calling all honest men