
AusBC bias (bis)

G'day Xxx!?

One thing: I am not your enemy, Xxx.

And I'm not a hater; I recently said the following to a mate.

«As for any "anti US bias and hate:"

1. We don't hate US-citizens (although we hold them *responsible* (actually, they're utterly *irresponsible*,)) and

2. We condemn crime absolutely. And the US is one, if not the biggest, of criminals.»

As for the US, so for Howard in particular and Lib/supporters in general: don't hate 'em, just what they do (when they stuff-up, which is often. Far too often. Example: invade Iraq. It's a crime, Xxx.)


Now, we talked about the AusBC, and its bias. You claim 'left,' I claim 'right,' and here we're talking about any AusBC bias (as opposed to ourselves, selbverständlich). It recently occurred to me that I could do a proof of my assertion for you, without resorting to one'a your anathemas, namely links:

1. I start with a handy quote: «On the world stage, Israel has been traditionally cast as David in a battle against Goliath. ...»

2. In actual fact, I once argued exactly that: that "Israel has been traditionally cast as David..." - i.e. poor little Israel had to defend itself against the nasty Arab Goliath. But I was wrong. At this point, you may or may not agree, but there's method 'at work' here.

3. Up until the moment of the argument described in (2), I had absorbed nearly *all* my info - Ta-Ra! - from the AusBC.

The above quote continues «... But this is too simplistic, for Israel is not without its sins, write [some Yyy & Zzz].»

Again, you may or may not agree, but on the balance of my observations, I think that Israel, as the US, are murdering for spoil. And one'a the ways they try to camouflage what they're up to (aka criminal acts), is to flood the world with (lying!) propaganda. Which the AusBC passes on, almost entirely sans comment.

My comment/argument: you, Xxx, think that the AusBC is left-biased, because occasionally they say something which aggravates you. You (and lots'a other Lib/supporters, your assertion), listen to the AusBC, you say "despite the left-bias." I say "poppycock;" the AusBC broadcasts stuff of both biases, possibly as an attempt at transparency and/or balance. The "Ah Ha!" will come if/when you understand all this. But my ultimate proof of bias and its direction is that the AusBC - and now SBS - consciously pass on the lying US/Israeli propaganda. They are public broadcasters, Xxx, and have absolutely no business lying to us - but they do, and on behalf of criminals.

QED (again), and over to you.

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