
murder for spoil ...

.. as seen (or not) via Webdiary[1]


Submitted by Craig Rowley on April 2, 2008 - 7:24pm.

... blame the victims, eh Dylan?

Richard: A warning. Craig's link is to many horrific pictures of dead, wounded and crippled. If you are of a sensitive nature I would suggest not going there. Craig, I would have preferred such a warning myself Next time you want to go for shock value, a little more sensitivity please.

2 a.m. Update: I've just gotten out of bed to remove the link... couldn't sleep with it there.

Tonkin talks about shock value - of a few pictures.

But what about the shock value of the 5+ year "Shockin' Whore" treatment inflicted on the 25mio people of Iraq by the (criminal!) US (plus CoW), or the 60+ year treatment inflicted on the neighbours of the (illegal!) state of Israel by the grisly mis-named IDF (not defence so much as offence)?

Tonkin censors the link to 'protect' the CWA 'debating' club.

Good on yer, matey.


The Dylan mentioned is a known I/J/Z-plex apologist/agitator.


Then, the Morrella-troll chimes in, the latest in his/her/its futile attempts to defend the indefensible.

Absent Craig's photos, here is a link of my own:

«A Third American War Crime in the Making
By Paul Craig Roberts

And Admiral William "there will be no attack on Iran on my watch" Fallon has been removed as US chief of Central Command, thus clearing the way for Cheney’s planned attack on Iran.
Two massive failures by the American media, the Democratic Party, and the American people have paved the way for Cheney’s long planned attack on Iran. ...

If an American president can start a war exactly as Adolf Hitler did with pure lies and not be held accountable, he can get away with anything. And Bush and his evil regime have. ...»


Of course the US is indefensible, they have switched just about their entire economy onto a war footing since 1945. In fact, one could say that they never took any peace dividend at all, they just went/continued military-mad. In the absence of any 'enemy' (presuming that the Cold War was necessary - it may have been created largely by US actions, starting with the (vile!) A-bombing of innocents, say) - they have 'capitalised' (Haw!) on 9/11 (whatever its (questionable!) origins), have 'chosen' (aka largely manufactured) Islam-o-fascism as their 'stalking horse.'

But see the title of this piece.

We know what the US is up to.

I say it again: murder for oil!



[1] Webdiary - Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent

Oh, really? 'Prey' tell... Haw! Again. Still.


Anonymous said...

G'day Phil,

And "Paul Morrella" makes an unsubstantiated accusation against Craig which is published without comment. I consider this unacceptable generally, let alone where the material in question has been removed . Tonkin should either ask "Morrella" to retract his accusation or remove his post.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil,

Here's something else they won't like - Philippe Sands in the May issue of Vanity Fair on the US use of torture.


"The abuse, rising to the level of torture, of those captured and detained in the war on terror is a defining feature of the presidency of George W. Bush. Its military beginnings, however, lie not in Abu Ghraib, as is commonly thought, or in the “rendition” of prisoners to other countries for questioning, but in the treatment of the very first prisoners at Guantánamo. Starting in late 2002 a detainee bearing the number 063 was tortured over a period of more than seven weeks. In his story lies the answer to a crucial question: How was the decision made to let the U.S. military start using coercive interrogations at Guantánamo?

The Bush administration has always taken refuge behind a “trickle up” explanation: that is, the decision was generated by military commanders and interrogators on the ground. This explanation is false. The origins lie in actions taken at the very highest levels of the administration—by some of the most senior personal advisers to the president, the vice president, and the secretary of defense. At the heart of the matter stand several political appointees—lawyers—who, it can be argued, broke their ethical codes of conduct and took themselves into a zone of international criminality, where formal investigation is now a very real option. This is the story of how the torture at Guantánamo began, and how it spread."

Would have been handy to have had that for my Gitmo thread. Of which much more will be said.

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Bob,

...looking at the Morrella-troll post, I see his/her/its "nothing more than a propaganda stunt; and you are the tool" and this [s/he/it considers the US use of napalm and phosphorus] "(... to be a war crime) to the shame of the [so called] Americans involved (many refused)," (amongst other rubbish.)

I'm supposing that the accusation you referred to is the "propaganda stunt; and you are the tool" bit.

Given that propaganda is by definition lies, looks like Webdiary has indeed published a post from Morrella accusing Craig of lying. Interesting. And then calling Craig a tool of propaganda.

What sort'a 'tool' might Morrella mean?

As far as I can see, Craig is doing nothing other than pointing out facts, aka the truth.

Facts are facts, like the illegal invasion of Iraq by the US (plus CoW) is a fact, that the US is now carrying out a brutal occupation of Iraq is a fact...

Seems like WD and Morrella have a case to answer.

Also which Americans have owned up to shame for napalm and phosphorus?

Then, why "[so called] Americans?" Could it be that those bombing the shit out'a the place, shooting, slaughtering innocent collateral oil-owners, generally plundering Iraq are only disguised as Americans?"

Also, exactly which Americans have refused to murder for oil?

Referring to your comments on US torture in Guantánamo and in Abu Ghraib (and who knows where else), Bob, is this an example of the reality that they (the pug-ugly, criminal US Empire) now creates?

regards, Friedham.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil,

On the matter of "Morrella's" accusation - yes, the propaganda and tool bit. My point about it is how can his accusation be, on his own words, "judged on its merits or lack there of" if the material in question has been removed? This point seems to have escaped the person who published the post.

There is also the mareked lack of evidence from "Morrella" to back his other claims. Nothing unusual in that. "Morrella" is a proven liar and has been called an ignoramus. There is a wealth of evidence available to support that view. Yet he is given a lot of leeway in what he is permitted to post.

As to the reality that has been created, sad to say it is true. And the rot starts at the top.

Anonymous said...

The deletion of photographs that show the horrific reality of war is childish. It would of course be appropriate in a kindergarten or primary school.

It seems that Iran might blow-up soon. Rudd, instead of falling all over the Americans, should've been waving a strongly admonishing finger.

Australia should distance itself from the hegemonic U.S. as fast as it can.


Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David G,

...thanks for showing-up, and yes, Australia should distance itself from the US. But it may not be so easy, thanks (but "No, thanks!") to Howard, we are now 'married' to the US via a very nasty, so-called FTA.

And we don't know what sort'a 'undiplomatic' threats the US makes behind closed doors.

This last - threats - must be comprehensive, and may well have been made quite explicitly to Whitlam, say. Recall Perkins' "Economic Hit Man," its sequel Hiatt's "Game as Old as Empire" and companion Klein's "Disaster Capitalism."

Recall also "All Options!" coming not just from the current crooks but all three candidates.

We are in *BIG* trouble.

Getting back to the graphic war pictures, it's hair-pulling that the murdering by the US (and Israel) just goes on and on - and the sheople® continue to say *nothing*.

And its not just in Aus, UK, US that the silence is deafening, it's also France, Germany, Denmark - many countries one'd think really ort'a know better.

regards, Friedham.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil and David,

Craig has posted and Tonkin's response is interesting. "Morrella" wrote:

This is nothing more than a propaganda stunt; and you are the tool.

Tonkin wrote:

... I'd only been considering Paul's comment to mean that you were being used as a possible propaganda tool. If we edit everything with a possible double entendre?

"Possible" in response to a direct "you are"? Really stretching there. Craig's suggestion of a special dispensation is not without a basis for consideration.

Anonymous said...

In a world that has: global warming, the unfettered expansion of the hegemonic American Empire, the potential nuking of Iraq, the madness of Emperor Bush, the failure of the MSM to report the truth, the possibility of a collapse in world financial markets, the simmering Islamic-Christian battle, etc, what is the hot topic in town? Who said what to who on Web Diary!

WD, in terms of world significance, is about as important as a tear dropped into the ocean or a fart dropped in the Grand Canyon.

Please, could we concentrate on the important issues for a change?

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David G,

if you'd care to check, the preceding 3 posts here have nothing to do with WD, and all to do with (terminal?) greedastrophe® or the (venal!) MSM, this time in its (lying!) AusBC guise. My general direction, as you well know, is aggressively (as far as pacifism allows) anti-war, anti-murder, anti-theft, anti-cheating & anti-lies - all currently underway thanks (but "No, thanks!") to the US + M-W's Israel Lobby + Israel itself = Usrael.

Tonkin's or WD's credibility is of interest, since WD ventures to ban honest commenters (me, Bob), others flee (you, DL, IMcP) - whilst encouraging lying trolls like Morrella, apologist/propagandists like Parsons/Ramsey, Kissane and Pahoff (the latter actually threatened me - twice), the hyper hypocritical-hyacinth (Haw!) - the WD list of offender/accessories is looong.

WD's claim as a 'safe space' is clearly abrogated (but not for the 1st time, by any means) by RT's publication of Morrella's latest lies/nonsense.

Tonkin's "possible double entendre" is an absolute bewdy, a real ripper, as is his cack-handed apology: "if you took another meaning then it is my apology to make for publishing."

Haw, indeed! Here's me laughing at you, Tonkers!

Daniel said...

You forgot to mention Rowley on your banned list, Phil. He must've got special dispensation! Is the Pope in town?

April 6th is looking like the nuking of Iran day according to rumours. Here's hoping they're wrong.


Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David G,

with all due respect, isn't talking about CR being banned a bit of a non sequitur or moot point? I mean, as for any "special dispensation," he's obviously been 'allowed' back in, yes?

Then, wha'd'ya want me to do about the next illegal invasion by the US (and the next, etc.?) And I am aware of it, see my headline article.

In 2003 I tried "No War!" - Howard didn't listen to me then, why should Bush&Co listen now?

The 'way to go' is to convince our local representatives to actually - well, properly represent us. Let them say "No War!" - and get a result, i.e. make it stick.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil and David, as you both would be aware, U do like the work of Tom Engelhardt and today have a piece titled American Grand Delusions.

I also like to point out the lack of a sense of irony of the Bush administration and Tom has a classic:

Their President makes a habit of regularly telling other countries what they "must" do. "At the same time," he said recently, "the regimes in Iran and Syria must stop supporting violence and terror in Iraq." It's especially important to him and his officials that other nations not "interfere" in situations where, as in Iraq, they are so obviously "foreigners" and have no business; no fingers, that is, are to be caught in other people's cookie jars. Their Vice President made this point strikingly in an exchange with a TV interviewer:

"Q: So what message are you sending to Iran, and how tough are you prepared to get?

"Vice President: I think the message that the president sent clearly is that we do not want them doing what they can to try to destabilize the situation inside Iraq. We think it's very important that they keep their folks at home."

A range of other countries, all with a natural bent for "interference" or "meddling," must regularly be warned or threatened. After all, what needs to be prevented, according to a typical formulation of their President, is "foreign interference in the internal affairs of Iraq."

A good piece.
Yes, David, Iran is a possible. We cannot even rely on commonsense in re the Bush administration - the comment "we create our own reality" evidences the delusional state they are in. And G-d might want Bush to do it. Or at least Bush might think so.

Anonymous said...

Back to Webdiary - I'm thinking of those 25718 unique visitors in March, particularly those among them who are not aware that they are being conned by "Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent" and by the published ethics and guidelines.

The commotion over a link to some photographs has revealed much about Webdiary - it has been an example of the diversionary tactics of a lying troll and the acquiescence in this by WD management. "Paul Morrella has been permitted to lie and to make unsubstantiated accusations, not for the first time. I sent Fiona Reynolds a reminder in the form of these two states by "Morrella":

"This is nothing more than a propaganda stunt; and you are the tool."

"Now back to the real world: I didn't call you a "tool"

Her response was in a post:

"Paul Morrella, indeed, supports my proposition ..."

Cosying up. But then, should the wind change direction, she might stab him in the back. She has form. About which I might say more later.

Craig, Jacob and Justin have made good contributions but these get lost in the smokescreen. A deliberately constructed one aided and abetted by management. To their shame - and shameful behaviour is what they are indulging in.

But the travesty could not be complete without MacDougall again trying to prove that his ego is far more important than all those shattered bodies.

How can we hope to avoid the disasters that face us if people and organisations behave in such ways?

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Bob,

and yeah, it's a bit sad. Not only is WD no 'safe place,' but the moderators collaborate with lying trolls to publish insults of the "you are..." form. Here's what I found from a 'quick blick:'

1. Morrella's original, «This is ... a propaganda stunt; and you are the tool», aka Rowley = tool.

2. Tonkin published it (Rowley complained), and later Tonkin tried to excuse himself: «... to mean that you were being used as a possible propaganda tool.»

3. Tonkin's "possible" is Tonkin's (lying) fantasy. Further, italicising 'propaganda' only adds confusion. Tonkin has tried to lie Morrella out'a trouble (Q: Why?)

We saw that stuff yesterday; then

4. Morrella said: «... not so sure what a tool is; however, ... I'd opt for the word "dick"», now Rowley = dick.

5. Why did that get through? Sin upon sin, now Reynolds is in the bin.

That's WD, that's Tonkin, that's Reynolds. Boo! Hiss!

Perhaps David G is right (WD Eds = frivolous.)

But note also:

a) the discussion has been wholly or partially de-railed, and

b) the whole miserable charade wastes valuable time, until one twigs to the swindle. Bah!

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil,

Thanks for the "swindle" bit ... T"he Great Webdiary Swindle". And commenter shredding machine. Jacob has just said adieu (again) and Justin previously, so a couple of intelligent,reasoning commenters chewed up and spat out of the discussion - and they didn't even have to ban them. Cause for management to celebrate perhaps, at least based on their form. What of their stated desire for inclusiveness? Perhaps it only includes the dishonest and disruptive and the phobic.

A correction - on the matter of WD being accountable, perhaps they are. The question is - to whom?

Think about it.
To Jacob and Justin - I dips me lid for your efforts.