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The current 'pushed paradigm' is possibly (some think most probably) leading the world towards a climate catastrophe (aka greedastrophe®). As if that wasn't enough, certain militaristic states are causing chaos up to and including mass-murder for spoil. Social justice would require an end to this militarism with its associated confiscatory resource practices and subsequent squandering, substituting a fair share of those resources for all. For our own good 'the system' needs massive reform.
Jacob linked to some 'blog humour' a few weeks back - did you see it?
G'day Dylan,
Subtitle: blogging to the death
I just read a small item in newscientist, titled "Internet addiction is a psychiatric disorder."
The article was in reference to games:
«If you regularly fall into bed bleary-eyed after a night of online gaming, you may be suffering from a psychiatric disorder.»
Compulsive blogging of the webdiary type may be a similar affliction - I wouldn't know; I'm no Dr. - but this sounds familiar:
«The condition is characterised by excessive use of the internet, anger or depression if computer access is lost, poor achievement and social isolation.»
It'd probably be no surprise to hear that I see it differently, also from this:
Craig w said...
«..., I have been guilty of the pigeon bit at times. ... sufficiently annoying that I just have to comment.»
This is not my original: "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one." But I don't blog merely to excrete something from on high. I started blogging as a hobby looong ago - but things changed when the Evil Empire started threatening Iraq with "Shockin' Whore!"
I switched from casual blogger to seeker of truth, and through truth, justice. I know you are from 'the dark side,' Dylan, you'n your fellow travellers - and here I include not just the lying trolls or outright propagandists but the more casual apologists - you all cause me great sadness. It's not my failure that makes me sad, but yours collectively, that such a group of supposedly intelligent people can't - or won't - see the mortal danger that the criminal USrael *is*.
Luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.
Can it really be, that you damn yourself to Hell, Anonymous? Looks like it to me. Haw!
It looks like you're sick, Anonymous - y'orta seek help.
Funny that so many of you righties screech "Hater!"
While we of the (alleged) left implore "No war!"
A tiny bit revealing, n'est pas?
Perhaps "You are what you think?"
1. GWBush&Co lied the US plus cowardly coerced CoW (mainly Blair & Howard) off to an illegal invasion, now turned brutal occupation; murder for oil. See the 935 lies, say. Of course there were more, like Howard's human shredding machine, and Blair's 45 minutes.
2. The obscenely-named IDF (actually, ID-offence) has been slaughtering the former legal owner/occupiers in and around (sadly ex-) Palestine these 60+ years whilst Israel and the (venal!) MSM keeps yapping about a clearly non-existent 'peace-process.' Haw! - What lies, what incompetence - all the while murdering for land & water - what criminality.
Saying one thing and doing another is hypocrisy; invading a country is termed - by these very same 'Merkins - as the supreme crime, encompassing all others.
These are *facts*. See 'em with your own eyes, no need for your "unsubstantiated baseless accusations" - you need your head read.
I know very well, Ms Anonymous, that a) you will not listen (aka you are deeply prejudiced) and b) you will never vary your rigid stance (aka you are hopelessly bigoted) - no matter how 'naïsely' I may address you (love doesn't butter the pumpkin!)
Sooo, why'n'cha just pizorf? Get summit' *useful* to do!
«LEVITICUS 19:32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy g*d:»
Boring, troll - now bugger-off.
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