
a call for urgent action ...

 .. all else is commentary (or worse; see WD, say)


It should not take a Newton or a Galileo to realise that doing nothing is not an option - except in the possible case of someone who's merely waiting for Godot.

But in case an appeal to authority is thought desirable, consider Newton's 1st & 2nd laws as describing aspects of momentum[1]; easily understood as a body at rest tends to stay at rest; it will move if shoved hard enough, and ever faster with more push. The intermediary case of a body already moving is analogous; lacking any push it will continue on unchanged.

Going back to the case of doing nothing, we see that without a push, no change is possible. But change is definitely needed - IMHO, as usual and of course; any dissenter may now leave, tschüss!

For any lingering die-hard, the 'why?' change is needed are at least three:

1. The moral environment - reflexive altruism required.

2. The business environment - stop all the rip-offs required.

3. The physical environment - greedastrophe® must be averted.

The order is arbitrary; life as we know it will become increasingly difficult - outright impossible is the fear - without a sustainable biosphere operating within our 'comfort-zone.' Resource-restrictions are becoming apparent; skyrocketing oil-prices are a good indicator, but large food-price increases, even shortages - in Western markets - are the shock of the week.

Business rip-offs are causing trouble across the world, as already obscenely rich (so-called) élites gorge themselves ever richer - creating starving multitudes with their greed - and crime.

Morally, the sheople® have been thrown to the wolves. One doesn't need a Jesus or a Gandhi[2] to recognise the universal applicability of the Golden Rule and its corollary 'do no harm' (my attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality), nor the sad fact that such morals are being honoured mainly in the breach.

The time for arguing any of this is gone; anyone seeking details may find them elsewhere, but also somewhat scattered on this website.

I have already suggested my action plan at save the planet; in a nutshell it means getting a (proper!) morality, and lobbying our representatives to properly represent us. The most important reform is to make our morality scaleable, the same rules for us sheople and our so-called rulers: no lying, cheating, theft or murder. Sounds simple and it is, really just a matter of getting active. This plan is eminently doable[3] and what's better, it's been proven to work - but sadly, not for us, we the sheople, but for a minority, and even sadder, to crooked purposes. (I refer here to the M-W reported Israel Lobby.)


Once more around the loop: immorality and criminality are rife; our once jewel-like planet is under attack by the forces of darkness. To wit, the US is murdering for oil, Israel is murdering for land and water, and the mainly these days US-inspired capitalist system is raping the planet for resources - most often without sufficient recompense, in fact nowhere near. And these forces of evil don't care a fig where they drop either their murdering bombs, shit or pollution, hence the coming excess CO2-caused greedastrophe.

The 'greed is good' school just described (greed is neither good nor desired - except by the evil perpetrators), i.e. the rippers-off and murdering thieves will not listen. Since they only understand force, a countervailing force must be called forth - over to you, dear sheople.



[1] momentum

«The question has been much debated as to what Sir Isaac Newton's contribution to the concept was. Apparently nothing, except to state more fully and with better mathematics what was already known. The first and second of Newton's Laws of Motion had already been stated by John Wallis in his 1670 work, Mechanica sive De Motu, Tractatus Geometricus: "the initial state of the body, either of rest or of motion, will persist" and "If the force is greater than the resistance, motion will result..."»


[2] Seven Blunders of the World

« .. is a list that Mahatma Gandhi gave to his grandson Arun Gandhi, written on a piece of paper, on their final day together, not too long before his assassination. The seven blunders are:

Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle

This list grew from Gandhi's search for the roots of violence. He called these acts of passive violence. Preventing these is the best way to prevent oneself or one's society from reaching a point of violence.

To this list, Arun Gandhi added an eighth blunder:

Rights without responsibilities»

[wiki/Seven Blunders of the World]

[3] doable
adjective informal within one's powers; feasible: none of the jobs were fun, but they were doable. [Oxford Pop-up]


last ray of Iraqi hope ...

 .. all but extinguished?

  - or obliterated, thanks Hillary.

«Obama to set timetable for Baghdad
From correspondents in Washington April 28, 2008
DEMOCRATIC Senator Barack Obama warned overnight that if he is elected president he will set a performance timetable for the Iraqi government and not sit aside "while they dither".
"What I will not do is to continue to let the Iraqi government off the hook and allow them to put our foreign policy on ice, while they dither about making decisions about how they're going to cooperate with each other".»

[theAus/Breaking News]

My decode: "set a performance timetable" refers to exercising a conqueror's (assumed = by murdering force) right to kick their quisling puppet around, "dither about making decisions about how they're going to cooperate" means that the kick is aimed at the Iraqis passing the 'the oil-law,' which (ostensibly) has to do with revenue sharing on the way to (futilely hoped-for?) reconciliation, but in reality has to do with parcelling out PSAs (so-called 'production sharing agreements'), which are the actual 'nuts and bolts' by which the oil-theft intention (Obama's "our foreign policy") is to be enabled.

In summary, the US expects the Iraqis to 'voluntarily' (with US guns at Iraqi heads) kiss their 'patrimony' goodbye.


Long story short: Obama wants the oil too; i.e. he wants to be a murdering oil-thief.

I reckon that's 3 out'a 3 now, and 'game over' - as they say in despised Ameri-speak (spit!) No surprise, perhaps; but riddle me this, Q: why does the rest of the world roll over for the Yanks? A: Most probably, because the US threatens to nuke anyone who doesn't. Including us in Aus, perhaps, but we 'escape' because we're already giving 'em all they want, specifically land for bases and the great bulk of our resources. We the sheople® are 'allowed' only wages plus 30% after (disgustingly generous?) pre-tax concessions from our vast resources boom; the rest is swallowed up by the insatiably ravenous gaping maw of neoliberal, mainly US rip-off capitalism.

Oh, well; look on the bright side: at least the Yanks aren't killing us Aussies (directly, but wha'da 'bout the greedastrophe®, eh?).

Addendum: the penny drops!

Of course, Obama has to say that, otherwise he'd be unelectable. But not because the sheople wouldn't vote for him, Oh, no - rather, the US M/I/C-plex would ensure Obama's unelectability. Neat, eh? - And so much for the much vaunted US 'democracy.' Boo! Hiss!


hapless, helpless ...

.. or just feckless[1]? All three?


One can use words like the above on various 'targets.'

What started this particular round was an article cited by Bob Wall (g'day) in a comment on my 'You must be Joe King!' - Sy Hersh on the bombing of a Syrian facility by Israel last year.

The story is once again in the news[2,3] - but by someone's choice; my suspicion is: it's a psyop. (What else, and add the usual qualifiers: filthy, lying etc.)

The title of the Hersh article is "An Act Of War." Which is correct, an aggressive act of war by Israel (possibly, most probably, with US assistance) against Syria.

The first thing to note about 'aggressive acts of war' is that they should be punished by hanging all perpetrators by the neck until dead. And yes, that means GWBush&CO, along with any poodles and lap-dogs. Note also that the US armed forces, aka the Pentagon, are not innocent order-followers, they are in it right up to their dishonourable necks. Actually, lower lips: "Don't make a wave!"

The next thing to note about 'aggressive acts of war' is that they are forbidden by the UN charter. Q: Where's the UN on this? A: Missing in action. (As Bob also points out someone from the UN did complain, about possible 'destruction of evidence.') Back to the 'mainline' UN, it was said by some smart-arse in the run-up to Iraq (illegal invasion thereof): "The UN is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike." (Possibly paraphrased, or as a chocolate teapot.) Q: Why is this? A: Because the UN has been corrupted - mainly by USrael.

As I said in my 'You must be Joe King,' USrael is the combined entity formed from the US and its M/I/C-plex plus Israel and its I/J/Z-plex, 'melded' by the neoCon cabal, say, and M-W's Israel Lobby etc., and is the worst criminal/terrorist entity the world has ever seen, and is ever likely to see.

The individual components of USrael have been more or less (criminally!) rampaging across the world since before, from and after a) the (illegal!) A-bombing of Japan and b) the (illegal!) establishment of Israel. One says 'illegal' vis-à-vis the A-bombing since a) it simply was not necessary (despite any such claim) and b) the 'targets' were overwhelmingly civilian. Again as still, the (ugly) 'collaterals.' 'Ugly,' because were talking about mass-murdering largely innocent civilians, and 'illegal' vis-à-vis Israel because the UN cannot simultaneously be a) the source of legality and b) corrupted by directly, repeatedly contravening its authority - as Israel does, both. 60 years long, with no end in sight.

In case it needs another mention, both the US and Israel are conducting wars of aggression, the US in Iraq (murder for oil) and Israel against the former legal owner/occupiers of (now sadly mostly ex-)Palestine, murder for land and water. In case it needs yet another, separate mention, the reason why all this has largely been disguised is that the 'news' we get via the venal MSM is polluted, heavily polluted, by propaganda. (What else, and add the usual qualifiers: filthy, lying etc.)


Q: Does any of this matter? A: IMHO, yes. US claims to be 'the land of the free (etc)' and Israel claims to be 'the only ME democracy.' Both are, effectively, lies, when one considers that even if their elections were 'fair and free' (demonstrably not, see discussion elsewhere with special attention to venal MSM), no matter who gets elected, the wars of aggression do and will continue. (Unless we finally stop them, that is.)

Then, many other 'indicators' have moved 'into the red:'

1. The most obvious/contentious is the oil-price, Murdoch 'promised' us that invading Iraq would keep the oil-price low, this claim is itself remarkable as it's the same form of argument that Howard used vis-à-vis interest rates. The oil-price has gone from mid- to high-20s in 2002/3 to well over $100 now. Both claims were/are hubristic, as were "slam-dunk" and "cake-walk," etc. What was not hubristic but rather outright criminal was "Shockin' Whore," a truly precedent-setting infamy.

2. House-prices (across the Anglo-world) have doubled, if not redoubled since the mid-90s, say.

3. Food prices are now sky-rocketing, grains etc. Japan has run out'a butter(!), and in NZ the price for some dairy is up 50%(!) Last night on AusBC TV news, they showed film of food riots.

4. Oil continues to be burnt as if there's no tomorrow (keep it up, there won't be.)

5. Ditto coal.

6. Ice is melting. The Arctic sea is now navigable, Antarctic ice-shelfs are disintegrating, most glaciers are in retreat.

All this screams at me: "No more of the same!" We need a new plan; we need urgent and effective action. Yet, when I try to point this out (at some other place, say) I'm assaulted by nay-sayers whose basic premise must be "No change needed. Just stay tuned to your TV-soma, relaxed and comfortable."

Oh, yeah; relaxed and comfortable, while our once jewel-like planet burns up - or down, or wherever (the hell!) the excess CO2-caused greedastrophe® is dragging us.


PS To the antidestinationists: I only hope some agent (your (mythical!) g*d[4], say) will help you, save you; you're obviously too stupid to help yourselves.


[1] feckless adj. 1 feeble, ineffective. 2 unthinking, irresponsible. [Scots feck from effeck var. of *effect] [POD]

[2] Also cited by Bob: Cheney camp 'behind Syrian reactor claim'

[3] AusBC justin: N Korea helped Syria build bombed reactor: US

[4] myth n. 1 traditional story usu. involving supernatural or imaginary persons and embodying popular ideas on natural or social phenomena etc. 2 such narratives collectively. 3 widely held but false notion. 4 fictitious person, thing, or idea. 5 allegory (Platonic myth).  mythical adj. mythically adv. [Greek muthos] [POD]

mythology n. (pl. -ies) 1 body of myths. 2 the study of myths.  mythological adj. mythologize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing). [Greek: related to *myth] [ibid.]

As is often the case, a bit'a 'dictionary roulette:'

myxomatosis n. viral disease of rabbits. [Greek muxa mucus] [ibid.]

Comment: As in a pox on criminals everywhere - and add the usual qualifiers: filthy, lying etc.


and, in the end, the love you take -

 is ee-e-equal to the love you make[1].


One thing is 'for sure;' you can't take it with you. (Think of all the 'dead' stuff you must leave behind, like your humongous wide-flat panel TV. Eff'n bloody useless.) And more to the point, any evil is *not* buried with your bones, but will live on.

I'm talking to the 'black-hats' in WD. Rue the day, daaarlings!

[1] "The End"

«... is the penultimate song to appear on the album Abbey Road by The Beatles. Composed by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon/McCartney), it was the last song recorded collectively by all four Beatles, and is the final song of the medley that dominates side 2 of the LP version of the album.»

[wiki/The End (The Beatles song)]


You must be Joe King!

 Subtitle: I never joke about my work...


This is, as some say, zum Brüllen:

«The United States says crime groups operating as "mobsters without borders" have gained significant footholds in global markets and provide logistical support to terrorists.»


I mean, things like 'the pot and the kettle,' 'the blind leading the blind[1]' etc. all pale into utter insignificance, just no sense of irony at all.

You'd have to laugh - except for one tiny, little detail: the combined entity formed from the US and its M/I/C-plex plus Israel and its I/J/Z-plex[2], 'melded' by the neoCon cabal, say, and M-W's Israel Lobby etc., altogether USrael, is the worst criminal/terrorist entity the world has ever seen, and is ever likely to see.



[1] "Uninformed and incompetent people leading others who are similarly incapable." ...probably inherited from the Upanishads - the sacred Hindu treatises, written 800-200 BC. From Katha Upanishad we have:

«Abiding in the midst of ignorance, thinking themselves wise and learned, fools go aimlessly hither and thither, like blind led by the blind.»

[The Phrase Finder]

[2] Extending Eisenhower's warning;

M/I/C-plex = military/industrial/Congress, plus the venal MSM.

I/J/Z-plex = Israeli/Jewish/Zionist, a truly evil constellation.

Epilogue: the world is teetering on the precipice, with the excess CO2 caused greedastrophe® drawing ever nearer. The criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv, plus the associated multinational resource rippers-off are plundering the world as never before (aka murder for spoil.)

Who or what, short of the ultimate calamity, can or will stop them?


nowhere near paranoid enough ...

 .. but foolish in the extreme, to boot

«My nine year old daughter has a friend who passes along lots of chain stuff, games to play, etc, with extollations [sic] to send to everyone on your list. I opened a couple, so the best I could do was explain what I thought was going on to her little ladyship and teach her not to pass things on. Am I being paranoid?»

[An obvious internet naif[1]]

For any- and everyone: By definition, there are new viruses being created all the time. Ergo, also by definition, not all viruses will be detected, no matter how good you may think your anti-virus/net-nanny set up may be.

The obvious conclusion is that anyone opening a couple puts their PC into grave danger.

Our rule is open nothing, not even from friends, without proper checking (I have my own ways), and, most importantly open nothing, ever from unknowns. An unknown, in this case, includes any child/teenager.

The behaviour of the naif is termed unsafe internet, and is equally as dangerous as unsafe sex, PC's or you can die from it.



[1] naif
adjective naive or ingenuous.
noun a naive or ingenuous person.
ORIGIN from French naïf. [Oxford Pop-up]


message to x:

I have never called you personally an oil thief.

But if I had the evidence, I would not hesitate for the tiniest part of a pico-sec to do so.

However, you did get some things right; I would also not shy away from the terms liar, fraud, propagandist and/or charlatan when applied to you. If the shoe fits, matey.

What you undeniably are is an oil theft denier, and I do not hesitate to allow, in fact I would actively encourage, the comparison to holocaust denier, for the illegal invasion of Iraq etc is exactly equivalent, and 'run' by the same order of criminals; further, and also not just BTW, the illegal etc. now turned brutal occupation has become an equivalent genocide.

Having got me going, you can have some more, here comes the second barrel (haw!): BLAM! Defenders of criminals make themselves criminals - of the same order, and that means equally guilty - by the accessory mechanism. GWBush&Co deserve exactly the same treatment as handed out at Nuremberg. Think about where that might get an oil theft denier. Even more: many people - quite cruelly, but nevertheless, blamed then, and blame to this day, the 'ordinary German people' for the Nazis' horrendous misdeeds. You could possibly contemplate, Mr x, what the enlightened world's population now think of the 'ordinary Yank.'

shuffling ...

.. off this mortal coil[1,2]

Subtitle: justice and the 'final solution'


Let us prey: In the beginning, g*d (aka Margo) gave us webdiary. Well, of course, that's not exactly correct, since it was an SMH experiment that higgledy-piggledy grew - for a while. Then the SMH sent it into the wilderness, where it devoured large parts of Margo's fortune and sanity both, was somehow 'rescued' by Alcorn and is now run by the remaining disciples Reynolds, Roffey & Tonkin - all, by any measure, with feet of clay[3]. (Haw!)


Musing: In the beginning, g*d gave us good vs. evil. Well, of course, that's not exactly correct either, since a) there is and can never be any proof of the existence of any g*d; my intuition says: "What utter BS!" - but worse, b) if we have free will (We do, yes we do!) - it is then, our choice, as to which we choose.

The first 'final solution:' irrespective of any g*d (I say not,) each of us has just the one 'earthly' life; it behoves us to use it wisely and well.

Warning: Justice delayed is justice denied.


Long story short: for whatever reason, webdiary has fallen victim to, been taken over by, forces of evil (slight hyperbole). The last valiant knight fights bravely on - severly trammelled (aka crippled), reminding us of a "Holy Grail" sketch. Morrella, MacDougall/Hume, Pahoff and Parsons/Ramsey etc. rule the roost, and the disciples wash their feet. Sooo, I'm agreeing with Bob; webdiary has become part of the problem.


Philosophising: everyone thinks that what they do is either correct or if not correct then somehow justified. Children quickly learn the difference between right and wrong, to distinguish truth from lies. Depending on the nature of the nurture, children have more or less choice as to whether they will grow up to be honest - or not, and if not then usually pathological.

The world (our bit anyway; the Anglo-sphere, US/Israel, UK & Aus) is in the grip of (often criminal) vested interests, two of whose 'finest' achievements are 1) the illegal invasion of Iraq now turned brutal occupation (murder for oil), and 2) the open, cancerous grotesque which is 'modern' Israel (murder for land and water.)

Many of the honest posters have been ejected from or just left webdiary; it's not to say that the whole of what remains is on or from the dark side, but you get the general drift. I had to laugh at this:

«Talk is cheap. Expressing a contrary opinion in a friendly, gracious and non provocative way does not involve any guts.»

Webdiary summed up sooo well, by some 'dumb blonde!' For some, jolly hockey-sticks CWA-style chattering and nattering is an end in itself, and so ends webdiary. Further, not only do the webdiary disciples have no guts, they have no discernable morals either.

Action is what's needed, but in the words of the 60s, webdiary just ain't where it's at.


PS The original idea behind my title was "Shuffling the tits off the Queen," followed closely by "Shuffling the deck-chairs on the Titanic." Both are applicable to webdiary. I like binary choices: the forces of evil favour the status quo, I don't. If you, dear reader, are happy with that status quo, then webdiary might be for you, i.e. that's where one can go for ever more of the same.

On the other hand, I think (drastic!) action is needed to save our once jewel-like planet - sonst geht uns echt dreckich!


[1] shuffle —v. (-ling) 1 (also absol.) drag (the feet) in walking etc. 2 (also absol.) rearrange or intermingle (esp. cards or papers). 3 a prevaricate, be evasive. b keep shifting one's position. —n. 1 act of shuffling; shuffling walk or movement. 2 change of relative positions. 3 shuffling dance.  shuffle off remove, get rid of. [Low German][POD]

 (..and as sometimes happens, 'dictionary roulette delivers again:)

shufti n. (pl. -s) colloq. look, glimpse. [Arabic saffa try to see] [ibid.]

[2] shuffle off this mortal coil

(idiomatic) To die.
to divest ones self of their mortal body.


«What dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause»

[wiki/William Shakespeare, Hamlet]

[3] Daniel 2:33-45 used to indicate a weakness or a hidden flaw in the character of a greatly admired or respected person:

«Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image ... his feet part of iron and part of clay. ... And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.»



lies, damned lies ...

 .. and the AusBC.

  Subtitle: Dare we hope to make a difference?


1st of all, a word: conspiracy[1].

Clarification: the following is no conspiracy theory; it's simply a perfect illustration of 'what you see is what you get' (WYSIWYG). In Lakoff-framing terms, mentioning 'conspiracy' could conjure up the 'tin-foil helmet' meme - a truly ghastly neocon contrivance - but I defy such framing; I'm actually above it. I term myself a 'seeker of truth,' and one of the tasks associated with truth-seeking is to expose (filthy, lying) propaganda wherever it is found.

Many of us will have heard the term "Victor's History," and even the more chilling "Victor's Justice."

Q: How fair is either?

A: Not.

But not 'just' not, rather disastrously so.


The primary impulse behind this "lies, damned lies" post was the "Saving America!" article by David G on his dangerouscreation site, and more specifically a comment on that thread by atheo:

«The neocons have been behind most of the critical political changes in american foreign policy since the early 1970s and yet, politically, they remained completely invisible for almost thirty years. For instance, the jewish lobby in america, and the "state" of israel, were responsible for pushing america and britain into the first gulf war. With the exception of patrick buchanan’s remarks about the jewish amen corner, no commentator discussed the neocons’ role in triggering this war or the subsequent sanctions against iraq. However, america’s invasion of iraq in 2003 has brought about a significant political change. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of commentators criticizing the likudnik traitors at the heart of the bush administration who initiated america’s invasion of iraq.»

[atheo on David G's "Saving America!"]

I followed up atheo's "buchanan’s remarks about the jewish amen corner" and found this:

«Ever since August 2, Israel and what Pat Buchanan has brilliantly called its extensive "amen corner" in the United States, has been beating the drums for immediate and total destruction of Iraq, for the toppling of Saddam Hussein, for destruction of Iraqi military capacity, and even for a "MacArthur Regency" to occupy Iraq quasi-permanently. Pat Buchanan has distinguished himself, from the beginning, as the most prominent and persistent critic of the war on Iraq, and as the spokesman for a return to Old Right isolationism now that the Cold War against the Soviet Union and international communism has ended. Hence, it is no accident that the ADL picked the occasion of Buchanan's hard-hitting critiques of the war hawks to unleash its dossier, to issue and widely circulate a press release smearing Buchanan as anti-Semitic, which was then used as fodder for an extraordinarily extensive press campaign against Buchanan.»


 (note the date, this war on Iraq was the 1st, i.e. Gulf War I) ... and I also found this:

«Kyuma was correct about one thing. The bombings did end the war. But that’s only because the United States wanted the war to end that way, partly so they could see how well the bomb worked, but principally to put the Soviet Union on notice that after the war, if the Russkis put up too much resistance to American imperialistic ambitions, this was a sample of what they could expect. Kyuma could just as correctly have said: "I understand that if the United States had accepted Japan’s peace overtures the war could have ended without the use of the atomic bomb." As opposed to the American nationalists’ version of history, this version is well documented and established.»

[William Blum/Neocons, Theocons, Demcons, Excons, and Future Cons]

 .. which in turn cited this:

«The United States Strategic Bombing Survey of 1946 concluded:
It seems clear that, even without the atomic bombing attacks, air supremacy over Japan could have exerted sufficient pressure to bring about unconditional surrender and obviate the need for invasion. Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.{26}»

[William Blum/Hiroshima: Last military act of World War II or first act of the Cold War?]

This is what started me on the road to "Victor's Justice." I then turned this up:

«The practice of Victor's Justice (hanging the losers for the same types of "war crimes" as committed by the winners) is closely related to the concept of Victor's History, a carefully crafted version of the past based on lies, omissions and other destruction of the historical record, whether by outright destruction of physical evidence or the destruction or intimidation of unwanted witnesses who would contradict Victor's History.»

[Smith/"Victor's Justice" and "Victor's History": Old Traditions..]

 .. and via Smith finally (for now) this:

«"While all other Sciences have advanced, that of Government is at a stand; little better understood; little better practiced now than 3 or 4 thousand years ago... No sooner has one party discovered or invented an amelioration of the condition of man or the order of society, than the opposite party belies it, misconstrues it, misrepresents it, ridicules it, insults it, and persecutes it. Records are destroyed. Histories are annihilated or interpolated or prohibited sometimes by democratic assemblies and sometimes by mobs... If you ask my opinion, who has committed all the havoc? I will answer you candidly; ecclesiastical and imperial despotism has done it, to conceal their frauds.

"Why are the histories of all nations, more ancient than the Christian Era, lost. Who destroyed the Alexandrian Library? I believe that Christian Priests, Jewish Rabbies, Grecian Sages and Roman Emperors has as great a hand in it as Turks and Mahomitans[2].»

[Steve Farrell, 22Apr'05 quotes John Adams]

John Adams shows us, amongst other things, that Islamo-bashing has a history.


So, long story short: we are lied to. Not just 'little whites,' but whoppers. To the extent that the murder of countless innocent citizens, over time millions of ordinary people - just like you'n I - people guilty of no crime, none at all except possibly for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, is denied to be otherwise from what it actually is, namely murder; bloody murder: criminal murder.


1. As atheo pointed out, a neocon/Zionist cabal was a 'prime-mover' behind the US of A's illegal invasion of Iraq now turned brutal occupation (murder for oil), and atheo went on to mention "likudnik traitors." (As an aside, and hardly coincidence, why did Alcorn begin the WD-campaign to oust me?)

2. As the Pat Buchanan's "amen corner" reference attests, these likudnik traitors have long been sticking their (filthy, lying) oar in. In actual fact and in hindsight of course, likudnik traitors, aka M-W's "The Israel Lobby" have been insinuating their lies since and before the (illegal!) foundation of 'modern Israel.' Note: definitely illegal; Israel claims UN parentage, however Israel not only ignores but violates UN law, and these violations on a massive scale: murder for land and water. Can't have it both ways, hence 'illegitimate sprog.'

3. As the Blum quote shows, US lying and murdering extend from the grisly A-bombing, but other material from Blum (and others yet again) shows an even longer history and right down to this day, see Blum's "Killing Hope," "Rogue State" etc.

4. Smith draws our attention to "Victor's Hypocrisy,"

5. and Smith's quoting of John Adams shows that denying and manipulating history, aka lying, goes back to the ancient Greeks and probably beyond.

It's no surprise that criminal murderers would lie in attempting to disguise their ghastly crimes. What does come as a surprise is when one finds out about these lies - 50 or 60 years down the track in respect to the A-bombings and formation of Israel, say, and the subsequent murdering for spoil that goes on continuously around the now sadly mostly ex-Palestine, and around US troops almost everywhere, almost every-when, and realise also, that the perpetrators' lies have been 'channelled' by such icons as Miller at the NYT, and - gasp! Shock! Horror! - by our very own AusBC. I once defended Israel - on the basis of info largely if not wholly transmitted to me via the AusBC. How wrong I was, and how wrong the AusBC. Lying bastards, and QED.

Miller at the NYT and the AusBC are supposed professionals, seen to be lying in the course of their business. When they retail lies they are violating their remit, it makes them lying traitors. (And these lies contribute to the failure of our democracies.) But what of the amateurs, the Morrellas and MacDougalls, the Pahoffs and Parsons/Ramsey? On the simplest test of "The greatest good for the most people," the depredations of the US (murder for oil) and Zionists (murder for land and water) fail utterly. In summary and again: WYSIWYG, we can see how many suffer (lots'n lots) for the benefit of a tiny (mostly already obscenely rich) few. Sooo, while we can see the direct cui bono, the question arises as to what's in it for the amateurs? Are they merely erring ideologues, or do they get their cut from the murdering thieves?

Irrespective of the answer to "What's in it for them?" and coming full-circle, we see how a Zionist/neocon cabal is at the current heart of the corruption infecting the US & Israel + Lobby = USrael. It was the 'genius' of GWBush and his hubris (not neglecting the liars Blair and Howard), plus the serendipity of the internet, that gave us truth-seekers the opportunity to peek behind the (venal!) MSM's veil, to discover the lies deployed (see the 935 for a sample), these lies deployed in a shameful attempt to disguise the heinous rot that is at the basis of USrael's criminal and totally dishonourable murder for spoil. I say, as a representative sheople®, "Not in my name!"

Fazit: Having seen the scale of the lies, can we stop them - i.e. the lies as well as the liars, and the murders that they try to disguise - and bring the perpetrators to justice? If the answer is "No," then - daaarlings, where lies any hope?


PS Exactly why do we (the sheople) tolerate crime at all? We have our police, and know full well that 'crime does not pay' (much, if at all. Some crims do get away, sadly.) In general this system works - until and unless the police themselves fall into corruption. We can go so far as to say that criminals are also psychopaths[4]. Yet our so-called 'leaders,' down through all the ages, have not just tolerated crime, they often perpetrate it. Yeah; just as in B, B & H's murder for oil and Israel's murder for land and water. When attempts are made to police the leaders (the UN, say) then the leaders sooner rather than later corrupt the very police sent to control them. This leads immediately to a discussion of the good vs. evil supposed 'twins:'

«Truly, there are two primal Spirits, twins renowned to be in conflict. In thought and word, in act they are two: the better and the bad. And those who act well have chosen rightly between these two, not so the evildoers.»
[The Gathas, Yasna 30.3]

How delicious the origin: c.628–c.551 bc Zoroastrian, aka Iranian!

But then contemplate that no religion has succeeded in trammelling all our so-called leaders' criminal impulses, impulses which all too often result in criminal, thieving and murdering acts. See Iraq, 1892 (Curzon) via 1919 (Churchill), via 2003 (Bush) to present (what democracy?) - see ex-Palestine, 1947 to present (what peace process?)


[1] conspiracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2 conspiring. [Latin: related to *conspire] [POD]

conspiracy of silence n. agreement to say nothing. [ibid.]

conspirator n. person who takes part in a conspiracy.  conspiratorial adj. [ibid.]

conspire v. (-ring) 1 combine secretly for an unlawful or harmful act. 2 (of events) seem to be working together. [Latin spiro breathe] [ibid.]

[2] Muhammadan n. & adj. (also Mohammedan) = *Muslim. [Muhammad, name of a prophet] [ibid.]

Muhammad1 (also Mohammed) (c.570–632), Arab prophet and founder of Islam.

In c.610 in Mecca he received the first of a series of revelations which, as the Koran, became the doctrinal and legislative basis of Islam. In the face of opposition to his preaching he and his small group of supporters were forced to flee to Medina in 622 (the Hegira). Muhammad led his followers into a series of battles against the Meccans. In 630 Mecca capitulated, and by his death Muhammad had united most of Arabia.


..., having successfully united tribal factions of the Hejaz region into a force that would expand the frontiers of Islam. He was buried in Medina. Islam is now the professed faith of some 1,000 million people.


[3] heinous adj. utterly odious or wicked. [French haïr hate] [POD]

[4] psychopath n. 1 mentally deranged person, esp. showing abnormal or violent social behaviour. 2 mentally or emotionally unstable person.  psychopathic adj. [ibid.]


cybernoughts ...

.. the filthy flies in our new freedom-ointment!


We don't 'do' conspiracies; what we do is we open our eyes and we look. What we see - in Iraq, say, or in the now sadly, mostly ex-Palestine, is foreign invaders; in the case of Iraq via the "Shockin' Whore!" illegal invasion now morphed into a brutal, murdering occupation, or in the case of ex-Palestine, a sneaky-trick dispossession (so-called UN-mandated), 'supported' by, also from before, during and after down to this very day, murdering state terrorism (thanks but "No, thanks!" to the IDF, better IOF where O=offence), also a nasty, murdering form of brutal occupation. In an attempt to conceal these crimes - and many similar others, see resource rip-offs almost everywhere, "Economic Hit Man" & "Shock Doctrine," say - we are swamped with lies. The 'responsible' (actually, of course, irresponsible) politicians, usually mostly the puppets of the again misnamed, so-called 'ruling élites' (élite is not a good term for criminals), we see a 'smoke-screen' of lies, a pastiche of misleading bumpf, all of which I refer to as the pushed-paradigm; propaganda by any other name. All'a this bumpf comes gushing out'a the most prevalent source: the traitorous (flat-panel/wide-screen) TVs we import, not just voluntarily but almost obsessively, right into our own homes. And this programming/'news' propaganda-pastiche is conveyed to us from the Harvard Business School (for sharks), Madison Ave. and Hollywood by the (corrupt, venal!) MSM. Even the 'news' itself is often outright lies.

Since we got the internet we can largely bypass the venal MSM, and we have been doing so - in blogs just like this, say. But there's a filthy fly landed in our new freedom-ointment! Let us have look then, at cybernoughts.

We, the serious (honest!) bloggers have the task, of counteracting - well, wrong word: exposing - them, these wicked flies, the 'blog charlatans' for what they are, namely cybernoughts[1]. These include sundry liars such as outright trolls, along with pushed-paradigm apologists and/or propagandists, those whose only desires seem to be to provoke dissension, division & distraction in vile attempts at derailing worthwhile discussions, i.e. those set on preventing sorely needed progress, my collective term for whom is 'antidestinationists' - Phew! - Well, that's who we have to confront - again the wrong word: prevail over.

The countervailing powers we deploy are two: point out the truth, in contrast to the cybernoughts' lies, red herrings, non sequiturs or whatever else they deploy to destroy productive dialogs, and otherwise totally ignore them.



[1] cybernought, from cyber[2] + nought[3].

a form of internet-troll whose œuvre is otherwise meaningless rubbish, as in consisting of little more than rehashing the lying propaganda, aka the pushed-paradigm transmitted from crooked politicians (the vast majority), or on behalf of same via, and even augmented by, the (venal!) MSM.

It is thought the intention of cybernoughts coincides with what we see, i.e. their efforts hindering discussions towards rescuing our once jewel-like planet from the ghastly grip of greed, say.

[2] cyber, as in cybernetics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) science of communications and control systems in machines and living things.  cybernetic adj. [Greek kubernetes steersman] [POD]

[3] nought n. 1 digit 0; cipher. 2 poet. or archaic nothing. [Old English: related to *not, *aught] [ibid.]

Note: *not* -naut, as in nautical adj. of sailors or navigation. [Greek nautes sailor] [ibid.]

NFP - Ooops! Hi, guys; 2 Qs:

Subtitle: two funny questions to WD (updated.)


1. Why are *you* reading this? I'm supposed to be banned (and I prefer it that way), so what happened?

2. Whoever is fooling around with the WD formatting has managed to cripple a) the &order= parameter and b) the &from= parameter.

I usually read threads 'oldest 1st,' from where I last read. This lets me read comments in their 'natural' order, i.e. down the page - just like in all the squillions of books in the real world. Reading 'newest 1st' is, well, arse-backwards (only IMHO, as usual and of course.) Further, by starting from where I previously stopped, I don't download rubbish I've already read - that helps me stay within my broadband limit.

BUT, WORSE: all the links I've ever coded into my WD comments (and any elsewheres) depend on the &order= and &from= parameters. It means that those links will *NO LONGER WORK*.

Comment: WD fiddles, while the world burns - down or up, or wherever (the Hell!) the greedastrophe® is dragging us.

PS Please excuse: we don't say "Hi guys;" Ameri-speak, spit!


Out, damned spot!

"Out, damn'd spot" is a prime example of "Instant Bard," tailor-made for ironic jokes and marketing schemes. But the "spot" isn't a coffee stain, it's blood. [found on the 'net]

Lady Macbeth:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

Ian MacBloodyDougall:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

(Lady M's spot was blood orright, MacDougall's spot is bloody oil.)

«I assumed that the Bush Administration would act to advance its own and its American supporters' long-term best interests, and would plan the occupation as least as well as it did the invasion.»

And I assumed from the beginning, that it was gunna be a criminal slaughter: "Shockin' Whore!" - aka murder for oil.

Ray McGovern:
«one of President George W. Bush’s most telling "signing statements." Underneath the recent Defense Authorization Act, he wrote that he did not feel bound by the law’s explicit prohibition against using the funding:

"(1) To establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq," or

"(2) To exercise United States control of the oil resources of Iraq."»

Comment: it just doesn't get any more blatant than that.

We the anti-wars knew *exactly* what was gunna happen.



 «He that is not with me is against me, Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23
 (But in Mark (9:40) and Luke (9:50) he says,
 "He that is not against me is for me.")»
[found on the 'net]

You could make some sort'a case, that MacD has a guilty conscience (Ooops! Does he have any such, guilty or whatever?) - but he sets out to try to make his opponents (anti-wars) feel bad - by MacD asserting that being anti-war equates to supporting Saddam?

«if your choice was to oppose Bush, it was automatically to support Saddam»

One explanation is that he's as thick as two planks...

Another is he's barking (bloody) mad.

Craig Rowley:
«[MacDougall's oppose/support assertion] is not sound logic.
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.»

Well countered, Craig.


If MacD can accuse: "oppose Bush = support Saddam,"

then equally valid is: "support Bush = support slaughter."

Ian MacBloodyDougall: mass-murder for oil theft supporter.

the good old days


save the planet!

G'day jo,

I will try to answer your Q: "how are we ... going to change the world;" but it's a BIG topic so I'll just do a quick outline here and follow it up on my blog - if thought necessary, and as time permits.

Asimov outlined his 'three laws of robotics,' then had to come back and add his 0th[1]. Following that example (and programmers often begin at zero), here is the outline:

0. Zero. Null. Nothing. Just for the idiots (those whom we do not shrink from insulting), get this: doing nothing is not an option. Also as part of 'null,' yes, jo, we are alone - there is no 'other' to appeal to; we (humans) have to do it all 'alone.' And that implies the next part of 'zero,' dump all religion. Which means, specifically, not telling any lies to the 'littlies,' aka no g*d stories anymore, contrary to the wishes of another idiot, a self-confessed children's-minds-abuser.

1. Get a proper morality. See my attempted formalisation, the chezPhil morality, which is based on reflexive altruism and includes the Golden Rule "Do unto others ..." and a corollary, "Do no harm." Contrary to the ravings of yet another idiot, the Golden Rule can be traced back at least to around 400BC[2], meaning anyone after that should have attributed the usage, not claiming it for him/her/itself. A 'small' point here, and that is that altruism works in small groups but (usually) breaks down in larger groups - absent proper sanction mechanisms[3,4,5]. This is a doubly fundamental flaw; one: that sanctions are needed at all (cf. police), and two: that sanction mechanisms for our so-called leaders have been ignored or disabled - more the latter, I'd say (cf. UN), and deliberately. Which leads directly to the next item:

2. Make the morality 'scalable,' I do not assess all humans as hopelessly corrupt. The wo/man in the street would probably wholeheartedly agree with my proposed morality (show me a single valid objection); the problem comes when so-called leaders free themselves from normal morality and embark on crime, and here I mean two 'streams,' the business community (strongest example the mining/oil rip-offs), and the political community as linked into the M/I-plex, strongest (actually weakest) examples being the illegal invasion of Iraq (now a 5+ year brutal occupation; murder for oil), and the criminal IDF's deadly 60+ year spree, murdering for land & water.

In our so-called (defective! Dysfunctional!) democracies we have only a single lever (attached to our so-called representatives): these representatives must be called to account, to respect our common morality (see (1)), and to properly represent us, we the people - and not represent any M/I-plex, not the I/J/Z-plex, nor developers, nor any other such sheople®-enemies.

If/when we reform our representatives, they will get to work - honestly - on defeating our number-2 enemy, aka the greedastrophe®. (This assumes that our number-1 enemy is the corruption of our so-called leaders.) To round this off, the normal morality must be scaled; the same rules for all, from the normal sheople all the way to the so-called rulers, aka our leaders.

The 'last word' on democracy is the sheople alone are sovereign, not any putative 'representative.'

3. If we get here - and we must, or perish under the corrupt 'business as usual' scenario leading directly to our currently anticipated greedastrophe demise - we can then at leisure reform our democracies, to replace the current 'representatives rip-off' with a better system, namely fully open debate and a fully engaged electorate operating via single-issue referendums.

A final note on this last, namely single-issue referendums: in 'debate' in the past, opponents - basically, more idiots, aka supporters of the (corrupt!) status quo, have claimed that referendums may be vulnerable to abuse by some minority or other. Note that this is 'special pleading' - just as support for USrael (the combination of the US and its M/I-plex, Israel and its I/J/Z-plex all melded via M-W's Lobby) is 'special pleading,' so get this: supporting corruption is itself corrupt; no more of the same!

Our current world is quite obviously 'off the tracks,' and a major negative influence enabling this dastardly state of affairs is the flood of (lying!) propaganda supporting the above-mentioned corruption, this propaganda delivered via the (venal!) MSM. See (1) again; the peoples' morality I suggest says "No lies, no cheating, no theft and no murder." Jo, you mentioned a species "that love more than they hate," we the sheople are not haters - we (generally) don't hate people, rather what we do hate is some people's criminal acts; it's the criminal psychopaths ripping us off that's the really big problem, and once again: doing nothing is not an option!



[1] the "Zeroth Law", which is:

«a robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.»

Comment: What's valid for robots ort'a be doubly so for allegedly sentient so-called leaders.

[2] The circa 400BC formulation:

«Do not do to others that which angers you when they do it to you.»

[Isocrates, Speeches and Letters]

[3] Fair punishment supports human altruism
19:00 12 March 2003
James Randerson

[4] Why altruism paid off for our ancestors
19:00 07 December 2006
Richard Fisher

[5] Dangerous games: selfishness v altruism on climate change
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

«So the ... message is: if it's clear that the risk is high, people will work together to reach a common goal. But if it's in the balance (ie, if there's a perceived 50-50 chance of dangerous climate change), then selfishness takes over.»


Comment: Who is manipulating perceptions? Why? Cui bono? What's the real chance of a terminal CO2-caused greedastrophe? What's the penalty of getting it wrong, cf. the precautionary principle?

Once more and finally: doing nothing is not an option!



a conspiracy theory

 Subtitle: theory vs. practice[1]


[This article in response to another here.]

The theory that we are interested in here is a "Theory of Everything" (aka ToE), where 'everything' is the people-space of our once jewel-like planet. This people-space is differentiated into complementary components, the conjured psycho-environment part (theory), to be contrasted with the real-world part (practise).

I call the psycho-environment[2] the pushed-paradigm, which is 'relayed' to us via the (venal!) MSM, whose major presence is now via the one-eyed monster ubiquitous among so-called 'developed-world' households - I refer of course to 'broadcast' TV (now 'optionally' augmented by wide- and/or flat-panel screens, 5.1ch surround sound + DVDs etc.) That TV has become dominant/desirable and why is another story, but it suffices here to say: "Wow! Look at the pretty pictures!"

The reason why I qualify the MSM (Main-Stream Media) as 'venal' is because they, as an aberration, as a violation of their remit and since long ago now, corruptly transmit lies, going so far as to augment same, within their so-called 'news' broadcasts. These lies are in turn the various bits of propaganda employed in an attempt to disguise some very nasty real-world happenings - such as the illegal invasion of Iraq, now a 5+ year brutal occupation (aka murder for oil), and the 60+ year, almost continuous attacks on the former legitimate owner/occupiers in and around (sadly now mostly ex-) Palestine (aka murder for land and/or water). That the attempted disguise is exposed (to/by some) is thanks mostly to the internet, whereby the venal MSM may be bypassed.

This propaganda-disguise pushed-paradigm consists of retailing, amongst other vicious lies like the known beforehand to be false allegations surrounding Saddam's (non-existent!) WMDs, the (phantom!) vision of the 'democratic' US as the (g*d-chosen!) leader of the free-world, professedly interested only in "Truth, Justice & the American Way," and Israel as the only 'democracy' in the Middle-East; a David battling the Goliath Arab and/or Islamic (aka heathen!) hordes, these rotten heathen hordes having allegedly usurped the (g*d-promised!) so-called holy-lands and further, these alleged usurpers incidentally having pitched their tents on the very sands under which g*d placed lots of the US of A's oil. Democratic and democracy are put in quotes above, because the concerned so-called democracies, as the UK's, Aus' and others, are more sham than proper.

Now, in the run-up to the illegal invasion of Iraq (charmingly referred to as "Shockin' Whore") perpetrated by the US plus the rest of the criminal and/or coerced CoW; mainly UK + Aus and a miserable handful of other quisling countries, I, among many others, found the webdiary forum useful to discuss/deplore such horrid goings-on. It was, back in those days, a life-saver - metaphorically only of course; nothing either we as wediarists, or we the sheople® almost everywhere said (e.g. "Leave it to Blix!" or "No War!") - made any visible impact: the genocide in Iraq was started, and it has not stopped. Indeed, one of the current candidates for the US presidency (all of whom shriek the filthy "All options!" threats at Iran), one of those candidates has said that the US could occupy Iraq for 100 years.


That the US and Israel are engaged in criminal acts, namely war on mostly innocents in order to steal resources, has been documented by myself and many others far better qualified to do so. That there is a virulent lobby tying the US and Israel together was famously pointed out by M-W; I term the combination so formed as USrael, the wannabe hegemon parent/retarded illegitimate sprog partners-in-crime. The pushed-paradigm cloak of lies is prepared variously in Madison Ave., the Harvard Business School (for sharks) and Hollywood. Plus, of course, and as prime originators, the US Whitehouse, Congress, Pentagon, CIA and other agencies.


Things started going wrong (for me) in webdiary when in response to an almost chance-remark, I received what I regard as an undeserved - even unhinged - rebuke from one Hamish Alcorn.

To my this: "Most of the neoCon cabal are either actual Israelis (i.e. Jewish, but we try not to use such words) or sympathisers." Alcorn as moderator(!) wrote: "you have a race-based theory of domination, and to me it appears not just as a conspiracy theory, but a really silly one."

Blow me down with a feather.

My terminal exit - permanent banning - came after a series of exchanges with a lying troll, aka Paul Morrella (thought to be an apparition/construct associated with some HH-denizens, any perceived opacity intended.)

All appeals by me for support or reasonableness from webdiary management went unsatisfactorily answered, if they answered at all (inscrutable sphinxes? Possibly, as distinct from sphincters.) I allowed myself to get agitated (poor strategy.)

In addition to trolls - another is the C Parsons/Eliot Ramsey 'creation' (disputed noms de plume being another curious webdiary peccadillo), there are other serial offenders of the apologist/accessory, paradigm-pusher class - and then, outright pro-Zionists.

In contrast to the previous (from the As to pro-Zs, aka 'black-hats'), there are other posters of different, i.e. the honest variety (aka 'white hats'), some of whom being referred to as 'the left' by the hyper-hyena-hypocrite[3] who has other-where self-coded herself as hyacinth, some white hats have left or been banned, the latest such banning being that of Bob Wall.

Bob (G'day!) is one of if not the best, both in truth-research and deconstruction of the offerings of the black-hats. (The best reason why some black-hats might wish him nobbled.)

Synthesizing: Bob (as other white-hats) fights for truth, against the black-hats' pushed-paradigm supporting efforts, often outright lies. That the white hats are under attack is only natural, the black-hats being ascendant, cf. the on-going (illegal!) wars, murder for spoil. That the murdering thieves concerned are mostly of USrael, the darkest component of which being Zionist, and when the WD black-hat murder-supporters are aided and abetted by WD management itself, as currently appears to be, the circumstances may or may not be coincidence, but one could be led to the thought that perhaps WD may have 'fallen' - under some evil spell, that is. (And IF fallen, THEN pushed - or jumped?)


Therefore perfectly understandable, Bob's "Have representations been made to [WD] management from people who could be termed from the right, or more specifically, pro-Zionist?"

And just in case you, dear reader, think I'm making any of this up, you could try looking here.

It was Alcorn who first alleged race-based conspiracy, amongst his other indiscretions. Alcorn (aka the dialectic dilettante) went silent for a while.

Fazit: I claim that if one deploys WYSIWYG, if one looks closely enough, if one detects the lies, if one sees through the deployed propaganda screen, a screen designed to obscure some nasty underlying realities, then what one can see is truly crook, namely murder for spoil, and that by and on behalf of USrael. If that is so, dear reader, if you see what I see, you may decide who is running what conspiracy.



[1] The distance between theory and practice is always so much smaller in theory than in practice. [Found on the net.]

[2] Contrast the following two entries:

psychology n. (pl. -ies) 1 the study of the human mind. 2 treatise on or theory of this. 3 a mental characteristics etc. of a person or group. b mental aspects of an activity, situation, etc. (psychology of crime).  psychologist n. [POD]

psychopath n. 1 mentally deranged person, esp. showing abnormal or violent social behaviour. 2 mentally or emotionally unstable person.  psychopathic adj. [ibid.]

[3] a typical hy-hy-hy quote: «... the constant anti US slanging that goes on here by the predominantly left ...»


murder for spoil ...

.. as seen (or not) via Webdiary[1]


Submitted by Craig Rowley on April 2, 2008 - 7:24pm.

... blame the victims, eh Dylan?

Richard: A warning. Craig's link is to many horrific pictures of dead, wounded and crippled. If you are of a sensitive nature I would suggest not going there. Craig, I would have preferred such a warning myself Next time you want to go for shock value, a little more sensitivity please.

2 a.m. Update: I've just gotten out of bed to remove the link... couldn't sleep with it there.

Tonkin talks about shock value - of a few pictures.

But what about the shock value of the 5+ year "Shockin' Whore" treatment inflicted on the 25mio people of Iraq by the (criminal!) US (plus CoW), or the 60+ year treatment inflicted on the neighbours of the (illegal!) state of Israel by the grisly mis-named IDF (not defence so much as offence)?

Tonkin censors the link to 'protect' the CWA 'debating' club.

Good on yer, matey.


The Dylan mentioned is a known I/J/Z-plex apologist/agitator.


Then, the Morrella-troll chimes in, the latest in his/her/its futile attempts to defend the indefensible.

Absent Craig's photos, here is a link of my own:

«A Third American War Crime in the Making
By Paul Craig Roberts

And Admiral William "there will be no attack on Iran on my watch" Fallon has been removed as US chief of Central Command, thus clearing the way for Cheney’s planned attack on Iran.
Two massive failures by the American media, the Democratic Party, and the American people have paved the way for Cheney’s long planned attack on Iran. ...

If an American president can start a war exactly as Adolf Hitler did with pure lies and not be held accountable, he can get away with anything. And Bush and his evil regime have. ...»


Of course the US is indefensible, they have switched just about their entire economy onto a war footing since 1945. In fact, one could say that they never took any peace dividend at all, they just went/continued military-mad. In the absence of any 'enemy' (presuming that the Cold War was necessary - it may have been created largely by US actions, starting with the (vile!) A-bombing of innocents, say) - they have 'capitalised' (Haw!) on 9/11 (whatever its (questionable!) origins), have 'chosen' (aka largely manufactured) Islam-o-fascism as their 'stalking horse.'

But see the title of this piece.

We know what the US is up to.

I say it again: murder for oil!



[1] Webdiary - Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent

Oh, really? 'Prey' tell... Haw! Again. Still.


AusBC bias (bis)

G'day Xxx!?

One thing: I am not your enemy, Xxx.

And I'm not a hater; I recently said the following to a mate.

«As for any "anti US bias and hate:"

1. We don't hate US-citizens (although we hold them *responsible* (actually, they're utterly *irresponsible*,)) and

2. We condemn crime absolutely. And the US is one, if not the biggest, of criminals.»

As for the US, so for Howard in particular and Lib/supporters in general: don't hate 'em, just what they do (when they stuff-up, which is often. Far too often. Example: invade Iraq. It's a crime, Xxx.)


Now, we talked about the AusBC, and its bias. You claim 'left,' I claim 'right,' and here we're talking about any AusBC bias (as opposed to ourselves, selbverständlich). It recently occurred to me that I could do a proof of my assertion for you, without resorting to one'a your anathemas, namely links:

1. I start with a handy quote: «On the world stage, Israel has been traditionally cast as David in a battle against Goliath. ...»

2. In actual fact, I once argued exactly that: that "Israel has been traditionally cast as David..." - i.e. poor little Israel had to defend itself against the nasty Arab Goliath. But I was wrong. At this point, you may or may not agree, but there's method 'at work' here.

3. Up until the moment of the argument described in (2), I had absorbed nearly *all* my info - Ta-Ra! - from the AusBC.

The above quote continues «... But this is too simplistic, for Israel is not without its sins, write [some Yyy & Zzz].»

Again, you may or may not agree, but on the balance of my observations, I think that Israel, as the US, are murdering for spoil. And one'a the ways they try to camouflage what they're up to (aka criminal acts), is to flood the world with (lying!) propaganda. Which the AusBC passes on, almost entirely sans comment.

My comment/argument: you, Xxx, think that the AusBC is left-biased, because occasionally they say something which aggravates you. You (and lots'a other Lib/supporters, your assertion), listen to the AusBC, you say "despite the left-bias." I say "poppycock;" the AusBC broadcasts stuff of both biases, possibly as an attempt at transparency and/or balance. The "Ah Ha!" will come if/when you understand all this. But my ultimate proof of bias and its direction is that the AusBC - and now SBS - consciously pass on the lying US/Israeli propaganda. They are public broadcasters, Xxx, and have absolutely no business lying to us - but they do, and on behalf of criminals.

QED (again), and over to you.

greedastrophe, extended

greedastrophe®; greed[1] + catastrophe[2].

Greed is not, never was, nor ever will be - any 'good.'

A greedy person who eats too much food may become ill/obese.

A greedy person who seeks/has more wealth than they may (reasonably) use is said to be rich beyond avarice.

In an infinitely resourced world with equal access, no damage may accrue from greed (except possibly to the greedy themselves, cf. obesity.)

But our once jewel-like planet is resource-limited.

A greedastrophe occurs whenever greed causes a catastrophe.

These greedastrophes may be seen all around us, look at almost any form of resource 'harvesting;' mining/oil (grossly inadequate compensation[3], land/scenery degradation), farming (soil degradation, water over-extraction), forestry (habitat destruction, soil-erosion, scenery degradation), fishing (over-extraction, possible extinction). Some resource harvesting (mining/oil) automatically leads to resource depletion, some 'renewable' harvesting (farming, forestry, fishing) could be sustainable but often isn't.

Catastrophes ensue when any resource collapses, such as by damage or depletion. It is thought that in-ground reserves of coal & iron are sufficiently massive for (we, here and now!) not to have to worry about, but they are finite & so eventually exhaustible. Oil reserves are thought (by some) to be in terminal decline. Many experts assess ocean fishing to be threatening to pass, if not actually having passed, the sustainability point. Forestry is almost everywhere a disaster.

A peculiar catastrophe is occurring in the US, mirrored somewhat in Israel, whereby the so-called élites are running the country on an horribly immoral basis. (And some would say 'illegal,' but illegal is basically only a definition thing - especially with the UN having been corrupted - largely by US + the M-W Lobby + Israel = Usrael.) What sort'a immoral basis, I hear someone ask? Well, try 'murder for spoil.' As in the illegal invasion of Iraq by GWBush&Co, now turned brutal occupation; murder for oil. And likewise invasion/occupation by Israel of the now largely ex-Palestine; murder for land & water. All sorts of US entities - read: corporations & their hangers-on, defense (= offence(!)), oil - are getting filthy-rich from these various 'murder for spoil' operations; what's that if not avarice in action?

Then, there's the US tax and social policies, on the one hand benefiting the (already filthy) rich, on the other leaving squillions in the lurch - miserable health care, declining education & reducing other services. IMHO that's not just a greedastrophe but a total disgrace as well. The so-called democratically elected government of the so-called richest nation on Earth can't/won't honor their responsibilities. Such tax and social policies may go beyond greed to criminal negligence.

Finally, a very special resource (= unique!), namely our once jewel-like planet's ecosphere is thought (by many) to be in immediate & immense danger from CO2 accumulation, caused primarily by the burning of (carbon-based) fossil fuels plus deforestation - and perhaps even cows' farts, et cetera(!??) If (when!!?) this catastrophe occurs, it may well be the ultimate one, and since the forces 'driving' us towards this catastrophe, hindering/restraining almost all efforts to avoid this catastrophe are the (venal!) so-called élites (driven, observably, primarily by greed...) well, that'd be it:

  the 'perfect,' or ultimate greedastrophe.


PS How will the so-called élites survive?


[1] greed n. excessive desire, esp. for food or wealth. [from *greedy] [POD]

greedy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having or showing greed. 2 (foll. by for, or to + infin.) very eager.  greedily adv. greediness n. [Old English] [ibid.]

[2] catastrophe n. 1 great and usu. sudden disaster. 2 denouement of a drama.  catastrophic adj. catastrophically adv. [Greek strepho turn] [ibid.]

[3] The 'sovereign' owners of any resource are, in order, the owner of the land (farming, 'private' forestry), the people of the country (mining/oil, 'public' forestry, local ocean fishing), or the world's population as a whole (open ocean fishing), all only indicatively.

On the 'fair exchange is no robbery' principle, any harvester should be on a 'cost plus fair profit' basis (i.e. the bulk of the benefit going to the 'sovereign' owners), as opposed to the 'what the market will bear' basis (with the bulk of the benefit going to some nebulous shareholders, after obscene CEO payouts, that is), which is *exactly* the case with most mining/oil - as in Aus, say. We, the sheople, are lucky to get the company tax-rate (30%) of any 'taxable' profit (i.e. after all expenses, however profligate). This is usually a piddlingly small amount in comparison, and amounts to a massive rip-off. When it comes to oil, some countries have managed to nationalise their oil resources (Iran, say; Iraq before 2003) and benefit proportionally better than other oil-possessing regions not so nationalised. But on top of the oil-producers' 'take' come further massive (rip-off) profits, cf. the record 'earnings' of the US oil-majors.

Equity and justice *demand* fair revenue sharing, *reject* all rip-offs. But rip-offs are not one-offs, they seem to be an essential part of the "Harvard Business School (for sharks)," mainly US corporations' modus operandi. These filthy rip-offs must be stopped, just as the ultimate greedastrophe itself must be stopped.



noun, greed + catastrophe.

1. General, where greed on the part of one party causes a catastrophe to some other party. Example: some resource harvester (mining, forestry, fishing) rips-off the putative resource owners without adequate compensation, usually with wider negative effects such as pollution (mining, forestry) and/or resource depletion (all, but especially fishing; no fish no eat.)

2. Specific, where the catastrophe referred to is the possible - going most probable - negative effect on our environment, thought to result from ever-increasing CO2 build-up in the atmosphere, this CO2 build-up in turn being one result of fossil-fuel burning, mature forest clearing etc.

This catastrophe is also referred to as climate change, aka global warming, aka greenhouse-effect.

The term greedastrophe indicates the prime cause of, and major hindrance to effective action against, this CO2 build-up, much feared by compassionate realists - and much dismissed by pushed-paradigm apologists, spruikers and/or lying (criminal!) propagandists.

Note: greed is *not* good; never was and certainly not now. Wo/mankind has made great progress - by cooperating; now our very world is threatened by the greedy acts of a dastardly few. The name of the game is not 'rip-off your neighbour,' but enlightened altruism; do no harm.

The greedastrophe may be the greatest crisis ever to be faced, and if not avoided, may be our last crisis.

Avoiding the greedastrophe will require we the people to deploy countervailing power against (venal!) vested interests. In our so-called democracies (US, UK, Aus & Israel, say) the only lever we possess is our so-called representatives, they must now change to *properly* representing us.

The greedastrophe is *everyone's* business: gotta stop it!

greedastrophe; greed, climate catastrophe, existential threat, proper representation.