
where to, what to do?

 .. the continuing saga of trying to save our arses

"Choosing Sides (II): Killing Truth and Hope -- The Fatal Illusion of Opposition," Arthur Silber:

(The Silber quotes courtesy of Bob (g'day), the theme is that the dummocrats are not an opposition, merely one side of a coin.
[me: agreed, just as for Lib/Lab];)

«Given this system and its nature and complexity, it is only ignorance, a failure to understand history, politics, economics and culture, and/or repeated, habitual dishonesty and manipulation that can permit anyone to believe that a single individual could reverse these developments over more than a century, or alter them in any significant manner whatsoever.»

[Silber/Choosing Sides (II)]

(Actually referring specifically to Obama, but more widely, then:)

"Murder in the Cathedral" is a poetic drama by T. S. Eliot...

«Now is my way clear, now is the meaning plain:
Temptation shall not come in this kind again.
The last temptation is the greatest treason:
To do the right deed for the wrong reason.

[Eliot/Murder in the Cathedral]

Eliot is perhaps too poetic, Silber unnecessarily pessimistic.

The right deed for the *right* reason is to keep going; what one person may not change perhaps *many* can.

Doing nothing is no option; if one accepts that *no change* is possible, one would be succumbing to 'the last temptation' (i.e. to give up, to do nothing;) that really would be 'the greatest treason.'

Fazit: giving up means nowhere to go.

Silber is aware of other strategies (than giving up):

«...You've explained how King's approach wasn't purely about reconciliation.

It was about reconciliation. But just because it was about reconciliation doesn't mean that he wasn't confrontational. King believed in nonviolent, direct confrontation. And thus when we come marching through the town, we are trying to expose inequality and expose violence. And if you practice nonviolent confrontation, you morally shame your opponent toward moral suasion. And when you shame them toward moral suasion, it's not to defeat your opponent, but to reunite with your opponent. You're trying to make them ashamed of themselves, so they will turn from their wicked ways. These are all Gospel principles.

[Silber/Choosing Sides (I)]

Me: Gospel, perhaps, but 'belongs' to no g*d.

Perhaps, lacking 'hard' power (I don't 'do' guns, say), the only available approach: shaming - but not only, with claiming:

Boo! Hiss! No more of the same:

No war! No rip-offs! No murder for spoil!

Give us back our democracy, our once jewel-like planet!

And it may work - but probably only if enough get on it, loudly enough.

It's a might big *IF*.

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