
'definitive' Einstein ...

 .. what you see is what you get

  subtitle: fact vs. fiction, and vicious bullies


Possible US slogan:

"Truth, Justice and the American Way!"

Possible Israeli slogan:

"Gimme! It's ours, some g*d said so! We are 'David...'"

(Yep, David alright, as in King David Hotel, or this, Remember the King David Hotel. Yeah, sure it's Galloway; so what? We search for the shining truth, no matter where it is, or who points it out. Take it up with The Guardian.)


Preamble: We now know, thanks mainly to the internet, with a vicious impetus from the gruesome actions of GWBush&Co (thanks, but "No, thanks!" to B, B & H), namely their "Shockin' Whore" illegal invasion of Iraq, now turned brutal occupation, each more murdering than the other - we now know that all is not what 'they' (the baddies) try to make it seem. I repeat certain bits both for emphasis and 'not forgetting,' the latter being one of the intents of the criminals. By not mentioning the bad bits, 'they' hope we will forget; we must not. What should be crystal-clear by now, to all but the most comatose of the TV-somatized sheople®, is that we are being lied to, by vicious, theft-by-murder villains most vile.


More preamble: From 'Bringing up Baby:' "Be a good [boy/girl]!"


This is interesting, because?

Well, because of the massive assumption, which is that the poor little sprog knows what's right'n what's not. Q: How does s/he know? A: Because the parents ('primary carer(s)') have carefully educated the child, that's how. Then: Oh, really? It's easy to specify a workable morality; here's my attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality (based on reflexive altruism, aka "The Golden Rule" which has a history well in excess of 2000 years...) - it then becomes a question of the learning ability of the students, the success of the educators, and - sadly - the apparently unavoidable few who fail to teach (shame!) - or worse, fail to learn, either from a lack of ability (idiots?) - or, now worst: enter, the psychopaths. Now, the kindergarten becomes a microcosm[1]. What we see played out there hardly varies from the world of the so-called grown-ups.

What goes well is the vast majority who do learn to get along with their peers (termed well socialised) - and the nasty little 'flies in the ointment,' the few immoral/amoral psychopaths, the liars, cheats, thieves and bullies - who then proceed to cause mayhem.

One major difference between our kindergarten microcosm and the big, wide world is that in the latter, the immoral/amoral psychopaths, the liars, cheats, thieves and bullies turn to murder, and the mayhem they cause extends to genocide. See the sadly now mostly ex-Palestine, see Afghanistan, see Iraq.

Another major difference is that in the kindergarten, adults are in control; in the big, wide world the psychopaths, now masquerading as so-called leaders, or as some sort'a so-called élites, have declared themselves outside the law, outside all acceptable morality, having seized power - from us, we the sheople, the true sovereigns in a properly functioning democracy, these psychopath bullies rule at the point of both a lie and gun.


Intermezzo: Motto vs. slogan[4,5].

Another US slogan:

"In g*d we trust! (All others pay cash.)"

This brings up 'fact vs. fiction,' aka truth vs. lies.

Contrast that one may live by a motto vs. another may deploy a slogan to deceive.

It is a fact that most people, the vast majority, decent to a fault(!!?) - know the difference between right and wrong. Specifically, it is wrong to lie, cheat, steal - or murder. Including myself in this decent group, the law-recognising and law-abiding sheople, I can relay my mottos: "No lies!" "No crime!" "No war!"

We the sheople recognise that we need police, to restrain (as far as possible, and assuming that our police do not go corrupt) - to restrain any criminal psychopaths.

On the other hand are the so-called 'leaders' who deploy slogans, aka lies: "We will disarm him!"

Such so-called 'leaders' ignore some/all law and recognise no police.

A slogan above introduced religion, aka 'belief in some g*d.' Being 'supernatural' by definition, religion is not based on any fact at all; more in the next bit.

But before we get to that next bit, riddle me this: why does USrael, the entity formed from the US and its M/I/C-plex, plus Israel and its I/J/Z-plex, 'melded' together by the neoCon cabal, say, and M-W's Israel Lobby etc., have to murder for spoil?

Why can't they, as all others, pay cash?


Example 1: no g*d from Einstein[6]

Religion - and here I address the three so-called Abrahmic variations; Oh, how ironic: Christianity, Islam & Judaism. Each is a belief system revolving around some putative g*d, and each has an associated morality. The number-one commandment must be some variation of "Thou shalt not kill!"

The ironies abound, imagine GWBush claiming religion - and then sending the US off to slaughter untold numbers of Iraqis, lots'a them being Muslims. As a belief system - in an imaginary concept - religion has no place in the 'real' world, hence the desired total separation of religion and State.

My totally g*dless 0th commandment: "Mind your own business; leave other people alone and above all, do no harm!"


Example 2: lying propaganda from NYT/Friedman[7]

The cited article is sooo bad, one is tempted to classify it as parody.

The 4th Estate's function is to inform, without fear or favour. Pushing lying propaganda totally violates this 'responsibility,' all those who do so are traitors - to us, we the sheople.


The nub; long story not so short: people tell lies[2] in a futile attempt to try to disguise some malfeasance. (Warning: believing such lies may be dangerous to your health or worse, dangerous to the health of our once-jewel-like planet.) Since there are almost no 'harmless' malfeasances, it is wrong to perpetrate a harmful malfeasance, and lying about it only extends the crime[3]. Note the definition; some crimes may be as arbitrary as some (ass-like!!?) law may define, but some crimes are 'naturally' evil, i.e. in contravention of all acceptable morality.

It is these latter form of crimes, namely pure evil, being perpetrated in the above-mentioned places, i.e. in and around ex-Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq. And the 'rumble' is, that Iran may very well be next.


How utterly ghastly - it's just not good enough. We most stop the criminality.

We, the sheople must reclaim our democratic rights.


PS (Reprised) How? Just how can we save our once jewel-like planet?

a) Get a morality, see my attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality.

b) Demand honesty, from the MSM (AusBC!), from business and from our so-called leaders.

c) Demand honest representation (or devolve to direct citizen government - by CIRs, say.)

After all, daaarlings, it's 'only' our democratic right.



[1] microcosm n. (often foll. by of) miniature representation, e.g. mankind or a community seen as a small-scale model of the universe; epitome.  microcosmic adj. [from *micro-, *cosmos] [POD]

[2] lie2 —n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. —v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [ibid.]

[3] crime n. 1 a offence punishable by law. b illegal acts (resorted to crime). 2 evil act (crime against humanity). 3 colloq. shameful act. [Latin crimen] [ibid.]

[4] motto n. (pl. -es) 1 maxim adopted as a rule of conduct. 2 phrase or sentence accompanying a coat of arms. 3 appropriate inscription. 4 joke, maxim, etc. in a paper cracker. [Italian: related to *mot] [ibid.]

[5] slogan n. 1 catchy phrase used in advertising etc. 2 party cry; watchword. [Gaelic, = war cry] [ibid.]

[6] Belief in God childish, Jews not chosen people: Einstein
Posted May 14, 2008 07:00:00

«As a Jew himself, Einstein said he had a great affinity with Jewish people but said they "have no different quality for me than all other people."

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

"No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this," he wrote in the letter written on January 3, 1954 to the philosopher Eric Gutkind, cited by The Guardian newspaper.»


[7] The New Cold War
By Thomas L. Friedman
The right question for the next U.S. president isn't whether we talk or don't talk with Iran. It's whether we have leverage or don't have leverage.

«For now, Team America is losing on just about every front. How come? The short answer is that Iran is smart and ruthless, America is dumb and weak, and the Sunni Arab world is feckless and divided. Any other questions?»


My comment, 1: Tosh, otherwise known as bullshit. All the US is losing(lost!) is credibility, those in the know always knew that the US had no honour left to lose. As for ruthless, America is number one, and the only dumb ones are those who don't see USrael for the utterly wicked criminals that they are.

My comment, 2: IMHO, Friedman is a liar and propagandist; I recognised other such as he in the run-up to "Shockin' Whore", specifically one Judith Miller and the 'home-grown' Tony Parkinson and many (far too many; zero required) of RN/breakfast's presenters, from Peter Thompson 'back then' to Fran Kelly now. There is simply no excuse for any of these foul, lying propagandists.


Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, as Israelis have been celebrating 60 years ... of ethnic cleansing, illegal occupation and crimes too numerous to mention, Palestinians in Israel tried to commemorate what the anniversary means to them, tried being the operative word.

An Israeli on questions, and how to avoid asking them.

Nearby, there has been a bit of turmoil in Lebanon. Of course there is the MSM version of who did what and why ... but following are several articles on the matter. It is a complex situation but if there is one thing that can be said -it is that the usual suspects might well have been up to their usual games.

Sami Moubayed

M K Bhadrakumar

<Franklin Lamb

Bush and Olmert agree on the need for tangible action on Iran ... Is that like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer agreeing?

Paul Craig Roberts has a different view.

Always welcome - Keith Olbermann on Bush's sacrifice. Videos and transcript.

OK - a taster:

President Bush has resorted anew to the sleaziest fear-mongering and mass manipulation of an administration and public life dedicated to realizing the lowest of our expectations. And he has now applied these poisons to the 2008 presidential election, on behalf of the party at whose center he and John McCain lurk.

Mr. Bush has predicted that the election of a Democratic president could "eventually lead to another attack on the United States." This ludicrous, infuriating, holier-than-thou and most importantly bone-headedly wrong statement came during a May 13 interview with Politico.com and online users of Yahoo.

The question was phrased as follows: "If we were to pull out of Iraq next year, what's the worst that could happen, what's the doomsday scenario?"

The president replied: "Doomsday scenario of course is that extremists throughout the Middle East would be emboldened, which would eventually lead to another attack on the United States. The biggest issue we face is, it's bigger than Iraq, it's this ideological struggle against cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives."

Mr. Bush, at long last, has it not dawned on you that the America you have now created, includes "cold-blooded killers who will kill people to achieve their political objectives?" They are those in — or formerly in — your employ, who may yet be charged some day with war crimes.

Through your haze of self-congratulation and self-pity, do you still have no earthly clue that this nation has laid waste to Iraq to achieve your political objectives? "This ideological struggle," Mr. Bush, is taking place within this country.

It is a struggle between Americans who cherish freedom, ours and everybody else's, and Americans like you, sir, to whom freedom is just a brand name, just like "Patriot Act" is a brand name or "Protect America" is a brand name.

But wait, there's more: You also said "Iraq is the place where al-Qaida and other extremists have made their stand and they will be defeated." They made no "stand" in Iraq, sir, you allowed them to assemble there!

No lie too big - or small - to tell for the Crawford Caligula.

And Chris Floyd with some bits and pieces .. the Rummy lunch item is a hoot.

There, some weekend reading. Or shall we call it a review of the criminals latest efforts and proof that justice is not always served?

Anonymous said...

Ah, Phil, who are the two mystery people who show on your team? When will they contribute?

When are you going to visit some other blogs and make comments on them as well as link with them so that you begin to build a list of supporters? Your Goggle Ranking relates to the links you show as well as the number of comments you get.

A notorious but fairly unimportant blog that we know of appears to me to be floundering badly. It is frequently boring and predictable and incestuous. People leave then re-appear with amazing rapidity.

It's a shame but with 70 plus million blogs in the world if you don't give people what they want or move with the times they go elsewhere.

Keep smiling!

P.S. Don't take anything too seriously lest it drag you down.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, more on the MSM, this from Glenn Greenwald on what the Washington Post will publish.

In one of the most repellent columns one will ever read, syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker defended Fry's claim that Obama is something other than "a full-blooded American." Advancing an argument that Atrios guest blogger aimai aptly described as "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!," Parker said "we now have a patriot divide" in America that "has nothing to do with a flag lapel pin . . . or even military service." Instead:

It's about blood equity, heritage and commitment to hard-won American values. And roots.

Some run deeper than others and therein lies the truth of Josh Fry's political sense. In a country that is rapidly changing demographically -- and where new neighbors may have arrived last year, not last century -- there is a very real sense that once-upon-a-time America is getting lost in the dash to diversity.

We love to boast that we are a nation of immigrants — and we are. But there's a different sense of America among those who trace their bloodlines back through generations of sacrifice.

Reprehensible stuff and not what one would expect a responsible and influential newspaper to be publishing.

Back to the corrupt, criminal delusional sociopaths running the US, here is a fired up piece on what to do.

A man makes a stand.

A US Army soldier who served as a military journalist in Afghanistan, Japan, Europe and the Philippines announced Thursday his intent to refuse orders to deploy to Iraq.

"As an Army journalist whose job it was to collect and filter service members' stories, I heard many stomach-churning testimonies of the horrors of the crimes taking place in Iraq," said Sergeant Matthis Chiroux, 24, in an announcement under the rotunda of the House of Representative's Cannon Office Building.

"For fear of retaliation from the military, I failed to report these crimes, but never again will I allow fear to silence me. Never again will I fail to stand," he said.

Chiroux said he's aware he will likely face prosecution for refusing the deployment, but said, "I choose to remain in the United States to defend myself from charges brought by the Army if they are willing to pursue them. I refuse to participate in the occupation of Iraq."

David, who are those masked men? Life has its mysteries. No mystery, it seems, on who that other place is trying to please. They allow someone to spout racist, genocidal bile and now have published a piece on UN reform by known liar and Zionist (neocon?) propagandist Dylan Kissane. Kissane had a previous thread there, way back, but so many people shot holes in his "arguments" (poorly disguised bs & propaganda) that he pissed off and was rarely seen there for a long while, ie., while there were any people who could and would shoot him down. It didn't take much. But now they publish him - says much about how low they are willing to stoop. And not a Sgt Chiroux amongst them.

Now for DK and the spewer of bile, a piece on Israel.

And on the Usrael bs propaganda campaign against Iran, Gordon Prather on the IAEA and NPT.

Not that some are interested in getting to the truth of the matter. And who is worse - the liars or those who should know better but who enable them?