
how dare they?

.. the utter, eff'n hypocrites!

«Iraq envoy rejects funding anger
From correspondents in Washington May 12, 2008

IRAQ'S ambassador to the United States has insisted his government is doing more to pay its own way as angry Democrats in Congress push to cut US funding for reconstruction.


Democrats said that with Iraq profiting from booming oil prices, its government is letting billions of dollars sit idle in US bank accounts as Washington spends up to $US12 billion ($12.72 billion) a month in the country.

The Senate's armed services committee has proposed banning US funds for all large-scale projects in Iraq costing above $US2 million ($2.12 million), demanding Baghdad assume a larger share of reconstruction costs.

The committee's Democratic chairman, Carl Levin, said on May 1 that it "is unconscionable, it is inexcusable, it makes no common sense" for Iraq's government not to be spending more of its own funds.



Someone - might'a been Powell, before or after he prostituted himself; but who cares who or when? - acquainted GWBush&Co with the so-called 'Pottery Barn rule:' "You break it, you own it."[1]

Whether GWBush&Co heard it is not known, but if so "They didn't listen," they nevertheless inflicted "Shockin' Whore" on Iraq; 1st as illegal invasion and now turned brutal occupation, each more (criminally!) murdering than the other.

If my admittedly poor recall serves me at all well, I thought that an invader is obliged to repair any damage. And yet here we are, the other political 'side' from GWBush&Co, the 'side' recently chosen over the Bush side, ostensibly to stop the war, not 'just' not stopping the war, but demanding that Iraq pay to fix what B, B & H broke?

Perhaps now you can see, dear reader, why I just wrote: "In the US, UK, Aus & Israel, no matter who is elected, basically the same policies will be followed; Ta Ra! - namely, any number of variations of murder for spoil."


PS Q: Whose eff'n oil is it, anyway? A: As for any natural resource, it belongs to we, the sheople® - that's you'n I, not to any government to give away to any corrupt resource-harvester for a mere pittance - as is done increasingly across our once jewel-like planet. The voracious maw of (mostly US, some UK then others) rip-off capitalism has it highest (actually lowest) expression in Iraq, thanks (but "No, thanks!") to neoCon ideology, as implemented by Bremer. One of the charming end-results of this whole sordid - and ghastly process (i.e. "Shockin' Whore," aka murder for oil.)


[1] Rule that isn't its rule upsets Pottery Barn:

«Supposedly Powell warned Bush that if he sent U.S. troops to Iraq, "you're going to be owning this place." That was based on what Powell and his deputy Richard Armitage called "the Pottery Barn rule" of "you break it, you own it."»

[Published April 20, 2004]


Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, if there was any justice the states which illegally invaded Iraq would pay reparations. And that can be back dated to the illegal targeting of civilian infrastructure from Gulf War I on.

Anonymous said...

G'day Bob,

...that's a bit tough, ain't it? Surely the Yanks were somehow 'covered' for their turfing the preposterously aggressive Saddam out'a Kuwait? And the "Highway of Death," if that were all subject to reparations, then the pilots, say, who napalmed the (retreating!) convoys, the bulldozer drivers who buried some'a the (50k?) routed Iraqi soldiers - many of whom experienced at least the initial part of their fate, i.e. were buried alive, surely those 'grunts' and 'fly-boys,' they'd be guilty of war crimes, just as well as those (dishonourable?) types who sat in DC or wherever, telegraphing the (murder-specifying) orders?

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, if the legal processes were applied equally and stringently, and punishment dealt out where appropriate - including to those who give the orders - then there might just be less enthusiasm for war. Now, if the Crawford Caligula faced justice for his crimes then he might not be able to retire to his ranch at the end of his term. He might think about Paraguay, instead. Perhaps if B, B & H shared a cell for the rest of their natural ... oh, what a thought.

Anonymous said...

G'day Bob,

...now you mention Paraguay.

I'm thinking that not too much passes you by, but did you see this:

«No wonder he [i.e. GWBush] wants to do what Klaus Barbie, Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann did, and hole up in Paraguay.

Only trouble is, Paraguay may not be such a safe haven for long.

Last month, a former Roman Catholic Bishop with leftist, populist tendencies, Fernando Lugo, surprised almost everyone in Paraguay, and no doubt President Bush, by winning the national presidential election, ousting the Colorado Party for the first time in 61 years. There is talk that among other things, Lugo is thinking of returning Paraguay to the community of nations, by signing some of those extradition agreements.

If he does that Bush may be stuck having to hide behind his rump squad of Secret Service agents down at the Crawford Ranch, hoping they can keep the process servers from Brattleboro and Marlboro, VT, with their war crimes arrest warrants, at bay.»


Anonymous said...

No, Phil, not much passes me by, and I was hoping that item would not have passed you by.

If only Sr Lugo does sign those agreements. Would close down one avenue of escape.