
stark, raving mad ...

 .. invoking utter despair


The US of A is "The land of the free," no?

"Truth, Justice and the American Way!" - Right?

More of "Free:" free markets, and level playing fields.


But if you don't 'play the game' their way, they will kill you.


Today, 6May'08 is 2,429 days 'down the track' from the equally infamous and enigmatic 'trigger event' known as "9/11." Sooo, what's been achieved?

1. Some Afghani-sand was re-arranged, and the so-called legitimate government of Afghanistan, i.e. the Taliban (themselves not of good reputation), were routed and the country given over to a puppet regime. The fighting continues, invaders against locals. Apart from revenge (a temporary resident, namely one OBL, was thought to have been implicated in 9/11), there was a small matter of the US wishing to build a pipeline across Afghanistan, refer to the carpet of gold/bombs story.

2. Saddam Hussein, by accounts a cruel tyrant/despot (but sometime 'ours') has been executed - under the auspices of another puppet regime, itself a war crime. A minor detail, considering that the operation, "Shockin' Whore," was an illegal invasion now turned brutal occupation, each more criminally murdering than the other. The carnage is terrible - and also continues.

3. The nominal 'justifications' given by B, B & H revolved mainly around lies - 935 of which have been conveniently collected. Their central theme was WMDs, none of which existed - and they all knew that beforehand.

4. The true intentions are more realistically deemed to have been oil-theft (even if 'only' control over) and aiding Israel's quest for a "Greater Israel," all else being commentary (risible democratisation, say. The old saw: you don't free people by killing them.)

5. The true natures of the US, with 'junior side-kick' Israel are now perfectly clear to all who wish to see - and take the trouble to look.

6. As if all the above wasn't enough, both the incumbent US president and presidential hopefuls all threaten Iran with "All options!" - meant is a nukular Armageddon.


All the above, i.e. 1-6, run under the rubric of the so-called "Global War on Terrorism," aka GWoT, but who are the real terrorists?

Suicide terrorism is often alleged to be part-and-parcel of the so-called Islamo-fascist desire to impose a caliphate (including onto us, we of the Anglo/Judaic world.) All I can say, is that if you believe that - well, shame on you. See the reading list #10.

Or perhaps better, see someone's actual suicide-threat**.

Fazit: Unrealised expectations can lead to enormous pain, and so it is with Usrael, the entity formed from the US and its M/I/C-plex plus Israel and its I/J/Z-plex, 'melded' by the neoCon cabal, say, and M-W's Israel Lobby etc., and this entity is the worst criminal/terrorist the world has ever seen, and is ever likely to see. We the sheople® expected to get a peace-dividend after WW2. Didn't happen, instead we got the cold war, the very 1st act of which was the (war crime!) A-bombing of Japan. It is thought by many that the A-bombing was aimed as a signal at Russia - and so the cold war was created. Then, when The Wall came down, we again expected a peace-dividend. Again it didn't happen, we ended up with 9/11 (terrorist or black, false-flag op?) then with Afghanistan as warm-up, the rape of Iraq with Iran possibly next. The behaviour of USrael is not honest - not at all; the exact opposite. The world situation is now worse than at any time 1939-45, almost indescribably worse.

The US has approximately 5% of the world's population, Israel a vanishingly small %. The so-called élite controlling Usrael is thought to be less than 1% of that 5%. Both 'sides' of US politics are as good as indistinguishable, and Israel has never had a government without an (ex?)Irgun, aka Zionist/terrorist component. The US murders for oil in Iraq, Israel murders for land and water in all directions outwards from Israel, itself though by many to be an illegal state.

In addition to immoral & illegal wars, so-called globalised capitalism, mostly US with a UK component, rips-off world resources, paying scant and drastically insufficient recompense to the sovereign resource-owners. Criminality rules - and the excess-CO2 caused climate change, aka the greedastrophe® bears ever more down upon us.

Those who could possibly save us continue on their greedy, destructive - and mass-murdering theft ways.


Most of the world 'stands by,' apparently doing nothing.

Where are the other world leaders on this?

Where are the religions, the Churches?

Where are the honest sheople?


**PS the most ghastly suicide-threat of all time?

«...I interrupted her to say: "Prime Minister, I want to be sure I understand what you’re saying... You are saying that if ever Israel was in danger of being defeated on the battlefield, it would be prepared to take the region and the whole world down with it?"

...Golda replied, without the shortest of pauses for reflection, and in the gravel voice that could charm or intimidate American Presidents according to need, "Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying."»

[Alan Hart/Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews]

[Me, note:] Not so much a threat, more like a promise.

...NYT: «"We had better believe her."»


[Me:] If that's all true - and, of course, I've no doubts whatsoever on that score, then that makes Israel THE BIGGEST, MOST DANGEROUS SUICIDE-BOMBER threat of *all* time.

Which rather destroys Israel's (and Lobby's) snooty insouciance, I would'a thunk. Plus a whole lot'a other ramifications...


Reading list:

1. "A century of War," Anglo-American oil politics, William Engdahl.

2. "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," the inside story of how America turned from a respected republic into a feared empire, John Perkins.

3. "The Shock Doctrine," the rise of disaster capitalism, Naomi Klein.

4. "A Game as old as Empire," the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption, edited by Steven Hiatt.

5. "Hegemony or Survival," America's quest for global domination - and the catastrophic consequences that will follow, Noam Chomsky.

6. "Rogue State," a guide to the world's only superpower, William Blum.

7. "Killing Hope," US military and CIA interventions since WW2, William Blum.

8. "The Great unravelling," the truth about crony capitalism, Paul Krugman.

9. "Stupid White Men," and other sorry excuses, Michael Moore.

10. "Dying to Win," the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, Robert Pape.

11. "Don't think of an Elephant," know your values and frame the debate, George Lakoff.

12. "The God Delusion," the irrationality of belief and the grievous harm it has inflicted, Richard Dawkins.

13. "Heat," how we can stop the planet burning, George Monbiot.

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