
Merkel & Sarkozy fiddle ...

 .. while the planet burns: thanks (but "No, thanks!") to the US.

  subtitle: Merkel & Sarkozy learnt nothing from WW2.


"Don't try to fix what ain't broke!"

True conservatives preserve what's good and works, and dump what ain't good and don't work.

And so it was wrong of Howard (only one among many such wrongs), to construct opposition to an Or-stray'n republic, because the detested English monarchy is less use than a chocolate teapot (aka ain't good), and doesn't do a fing[1] for us (aka doesn't work.)

Moving on. The 30-year reign, of "Greed is good!" (it ain't) has also been shown not to work. Time for true conservatives to dump that as well.

Look around, at the state of the 'States. Shockin'. (As distinct from "Shockin' Whore," what B, B & H did to Iraq - now a brutal occupation equally as murdering as the illegal invasion itself.)

Getting back on track. The 'experiments' of Military Keynesianism, privatisation, globalisation and wholesale export of jobs, coupled to rip-off resource 'harvesting,' more "Greed is good!" (it ain't) and deregulation (and etc.s) - all these things have worked - in a totally negative way - to almost kill a once-mighty nation/economy. If nothing is done then the 'almost' is likely to be replaced by certainty.

Just as Howard didn't listen when we beseeched "No war!" so the politicians 'leading' the US don't listen. GWBush&Co understand only force - when their only weapon is the miliary hammer, then all problems look like nails. And so the US military breeds war. The contenders all scream "All options!" at Iran, threatening a nukular Armageddon.

There appears to be no way of the US getting itself out of its Sloughs of Despond, aka the quagmires that are Afghanistan and Iraq. As if that wasn't bad enough, the US daily threatens Iran with obliteration.


Well, it's gotta be stopped.

No, not by a revolution - the sheople® are just too TV-somatized.

A world-wide boycott, called by non-Anglo/Judaic leaders.

Not even needed to engage the dozing sheople.

Just get up in the UN and condemn...

condemn... condemn... condemn... condemn...

Over to you, Merkel & Sarkozy. And Putin (Medvedev), Hu Jintao - & Ahmadinejad.



[1] fing = contraction of 'eff-ing thing.' Contrast with SFA.

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