
AusBC bias ...

 .. again? - no, still


Please consider the following:

Medicare surcharge to cost $1.7b: audit

Posted May 18, 2008 09:03:00

Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says he does not accept figures commissioned by the private health industry, which show changes to the Medicare surcharge levy will cost state governments $1.7 billion.



You can see a part-copy of the news article itself below[3].

Note what is said, and the way it's said, specifically:

In the justin headline: «... to cost $1.7b: audit»

In the article headline: «... 'to cost states $1.7b'»

(Note the word audit dropped and the addition of single quotes.)

In the article body: «The private health industry says it commissioned a report from accountants ...»

An audit[1] (scrutiny of accounts, i.e. of some existing record) is different from this so-called 'report,' which is in fact somebody's estimate, but the words audit and report have been deployed interchangeably.

In both: will cost.

As opposed, say, to may cost - if the estimate were to be correct.


In these days of 'the quick sound-bite,' where nearly everyone is rushed and few have the time or inclination to follow-up on the full story, sometimes all that is absorbed is the headline. Which in this case (as in far too many others), gives quite a misleading impression. The conjunction of 'audit' and 'will cost' give a false sense of fact - where what is actually in play is a (somewhat dubious? Self-serving?) estimate.


So. Is this deliberate malfeasance, 'simple' carelessness, utter ignorance - or worse?

(Tip: the AusBC is a so-called professional organization, paid for using public funds, i.e. our dough, where 'our' is defined as ours, we the sheople®'s.)


PS I'm really fed-up with being lied to, not just by politicians via the MSM, but also by the MSM itself, of which the AusBC is a shameful part - and qualifies both the MSM and the AusBC to be referred to as venal[2]. It's not that I think that the AusBC actually takes bribes, but by departing from the truth, by giving advantage to black-hats, they are a) misusing our dough and b) misinforming the sheople. IMHO, traitorous behaviour: boo! Hiss!



[1] audit —n. official scrutiny of accounts. —v. (-t-) conduct an audit of. [POD]

[2] venal adj. corrupt; able to be bribed; involving bribery.  venality n. venally adv. [Latin venum thing for sale] [ibid.]

[3] Medicare changes 'to cost states $1.7b'
Posted May 18, 2008 09:03:00

«Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says he does not accept figures commissioned by the private health industry, which show changes to the Medicare surcharge levy will cost state governments $1.7 billion.
The private health industry says it commissioned a report from accountants ...»


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