
the sound of one hand clapping ...

 .. Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent?


Independent perhaps, but if so that'd only be one out'a four. (But what of that story, actually admitted via email, of intimidation? Ooops! Down to zero out'a four?)


The definition of a dialogue[1] implies 'more than one side.' But what if one side or other is criminal?

I don't like criminals, and I don't think they have anything (positive) to say.

I really shouldn't need to be specific about which criminals are 'in discussion' here, but if anyone has been 'out to lunch' (detested Ameri-speak; spit!) - out to lunch these past 5+ - or 60+ years, I speak of USrael, the entity formed from the US and its M/I/C-plex plus Israel and its I/J/Z-plex, 'melded' by the neoCon cabal, say, and M-W's Israel Lobby etc.. This entity demonstrates its filthy, dishonourable criminality daily by 'executing' its policies of murder for spoil; the US mass-murdering for oil in Iraq (not only; one place of many!) - and Israel mass-murdering for land and water in and around the mostly now ex-Palestine.

I found 'I, E, A & T?' in the run-up to B, B & H's illegal invasion of Iraq now turned brutal occupation, each ugliness more murdering than the other. (Vicious war crimes of Nuremberg severity.)

I beseeched "No war!" and bemoaned 'murder for oil,' all to no avail; Howard called us, we the sheople® anti-wars 'a mob' and disregarded our every entreaty.

But I stuck to 'I, E, A & T?' in the hope of finding similar souls, and making some progress - towards truth and justice, say.

I was frustrated in my attempts; various apologists, accessory/agitators and outright lying trolls impeded progress by indulging in distortions, disingenuity and outright dishonesty to provoke dissension, division & distraction in vile attempts at derailing worthwhile discussions; phew!

Extracting a single word from the preceding para, namely 'accessory[2],' we wonder how one can have a 'civilised' (aka CWA-style, jolly hockey-sticks etc.) chat with same, and in general, I won't. Talk to them, that is; they have, as I've said, nothing (good) to say. (Note that such advocates for criminality take on shades of criminality themselves.)

Imagine the frustration, then, when 'I, E, A & T?' not just tolerates the crooked side, but actively encourages, i.e. coddles(cuddles?) them.

Yuk! So who's listening to 'em? Not me. And not too many others, it now seems...

Under the principle, brought to our undivided attention by GWBush&Co (an entity of the utmost black, aka criminality), of "If y'ain't with us, yore agin' us," then 'IEA&T?' is not part of any solution, it's actually made itself part of 'the problem.' Sooo, if we are seeing its demise, we may say it's a bit'a 'natural justice,' admittedly only served on a minnow, whilst the 'big fish' are still raging 'free' - to plunder our once jewel-like planet.

While our world cries out for succour, 'IEA&T?' encourages the help-hinderers[0].

Now, who will remove the ugly blot that is USrael?



Q: How can we liberate ourselves from this ghastly criminality?

A: Well, (a) get real, (b) rein them in, and (c) vote them out.

a) Get a morality, see my attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality.

b) Demand honesty, from the MSM (AusBC!), from business and from our so-called leaders.

c) Demand honest representation (or devolve to direct citizen government - by CIRs, say.)

After all, daaarlings, it's 'only' our democratic right.



[0] the 'last standing' were not all goodies (haw!):

-----Thu, 8 May 2008 04:27:25
8 Eliot Ramsey
4 Fiona Reynolds
4 Paul Morrella
2 Kathy Farrelly
2 Richard Tonkin
1 BasilSmith
1 Craig Rowley
1 Jenny Hume
1 John Pratt
1 Scott Dunmore
-----Tue, 6 May 2008 20:52:13

[1] dialogue n. (US dialog) 1 a conversation. b this in written form. 2 discussion between people with different opinions. [Greek lego speak] [POD]

[2] accessory n. .... 3 (often foll. by to) person who abets or is privy to an (esp. illegal) act. [medieval Latin: related to *accede] [ibid.]


Anonymous said...

They made their choices, Phil. As to the demise, well, wait and see. I note there are some still being loyal whose efforts would probably be more productive elsewhere. As to trying to debate people who have no interest in conducting an intelligent discourse but rather prefer to disrupt any attempts to start one, well, obviously, that is a waste of time.

As you say "Do not feed the trolls." Yet some coddle them.

On the criminals - well, McInsane seems, according to Glenn Greenwald, to share the Crawford Caligula's views, in large part. Not healthy.

Meanwhile, in Somalia ...

Criminal, delusional ... crazy ...

Anonymous said...

G'day friends, just returning a cheerio and saying thanks for a compliment to Annie here because I no longer want to comment over there in Parson's playground.

Anonymous said...

G'day Rolls, good to see you here. I can assure you we'll try to keep this a polyester free zone.

Anonymous said...

Like the new layout, Phil. Looks a million dollars.

Keep in mind I've closed Seeking Utopia down. Running two blogs is too time consuming!

I'm a bit ambivalent about blogging at the moment. The 'time' to 'what is achieved' ratio seems a little out of whack! And dealing with world problems all the time can be debilitating.

Best regards to all!

Friedham I. Whont said...

congratulations ...

 .. looks like you got your wish:

  «WD ladies

Kathy, well at least the WD ladies are of late stopping the boys from hogging the site. There's a bit too much testosterone around here at times.

Why, in the future there may even be a WD Old Girls Association with Margo as Patron and the oldest qualifer, that's me, as President.»

[Submitted by Jenny Hume on April 26, 2008 - 10:08am]


Statistics since a certain honest poster's last comment:

-----Mon, 12 May 2008 08:02:25
19 Jenny Hume
13 Richard Tonkin
12 F Kendall
10 John Pratt
 9 Eliot Ramsey
 7 Kathy Farrelly
 5 Fiona Reynolds
 5 Scott Dunmore
 4 Alan Curran
 4 Paul Morrella
 3 Simon Dennis
 2 Ian MacDougall
 1 Angela Ryan
 1 James Sinnamon
 1 Mark Sergeant
 1 Melody Kemp
-----Wed, 7 May 2008 16 06 26

Yeah well; you were right, Bob. Declaring it stone-dead was slightly premature - but no further comment needed.

G'day David G, "ambivalent about blogging?" - Another "Yeah well;" I've said elsewhere that doing nothing is no option - for doing nothing guarantees the black-hats no opposition, virtually guaranteeing no change for the better, ever. And just how bad would that be?