
Q: Just how bad is GWBush?

 A: Utterly despicable - but a bit'a luck for us, we the sheople®.


"Wot??!" - "Lucky for us?" - "Are you mad?"

Well, 'mad' as in angry: yes, but as in 'off my trolley:' no.

A lot'a, lot'a people laugh(ed) at GWBush, his crude Texas-yokel style, tending to - when not actual - incomprehensibility. My word: pig-higorant.

It's a near-fatal error, though, to 'blame' everything on GWBush; although it's claimed that the US president is "the world's most powerful person," he is 'only' a cog in the vast machine that is Amerika. A cog close to the top perhaps, but nevertheless, still a cog.

"Won’t Get Fooled Again![1]" - Oh, yeah?

There's a lot'a, lot'a controversy about Bush#43; his initial 'election,' the very real possibility that '9/11' was a false-flag op and all the stumbles and fumbles.

Although personally inept, Bush was/is (nominal) leader of a team, the team which is the US m/i-plex[2] - whose actual leadership is found in the Pentagon and among the 'Captains' of Industry (and Finance, etc).

The point here: it is hardly credible, to the point of vanishingly tiny probability, that Bush would ever have been 'allowed' to do anything not in full accordance with the (wicked!) wishes of the whole US m/i-plex.

And the inescapable conclusion from the previous sentence is, that they are all, from the highest head-cook to the lowest bottle-washer - and including all boosters (venal MSM) and apologists (WD's filthy pro-USrael trolls, say, as accessories) - they are all equally guilty, as would be charged à la Nuremberg: "To initiate a war of aggression ... contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

So far, none'a the above is too controversial in nature, so what's with this "We should be so lucky?"

We-e-ell, apart from all'a the vicious lies deployed (False Pretenses: «President Bush, for example, made 232 false statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and another 28 false statements about Iraq's links to Al Qaeda. Secretary of State Powell had the second-highest total in the two-year period, with 244 false statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 10 about Iraq's links to Al Qaeda. Rumsfeld and Fleischer each made 109 false statements, followed by Wolfowitz (with 85), Rice (with 56)[my emphasis], Cheney (with 48), and McClellan (with 14).»), the utter nakedness of the aggression and the wicked magnitude of the crimes were all too much: this time, the sheople actually noticed - an' that, despite the floods of propaganda, thanks (but "No, thanks!") to the venal MSM, including big bits'a the AusBC & SBS. Boo! Hiss!

And so, this particular member of the sheople-class, and others like me all around our once jewel-like planet, posed the following question:

"Hello-o!!? How long has all'a this shitty stuff been going on?"

And the "Shock! Horror!" answer is: a long bloody time, mate!

Too long; far too long.

And so that's why we're lucky; imperial over-reach plus hubris, liberally spiced with GWBush's ineptitude finally drew the attention of the sheople to what a dastardly, criminal 'creation' Amerika really is, always was and ever will be - unless stopped.

(If anyone is still looking for 'proof,' they clearly haven't appreciated that no-one (in their right mind) lies their way into murdering 100s of 1000s, probably over 1mio Iraqis, with 2mio extra fled and 2mio internally displaced - 'just' to steal oil. But that is exactly what Amerika set out to do. Too obvious, too criminal - and finally, a step too bloody far.)

A list of (often mass-) murdering, always criminal misdeeds has been published in William Blum's "Killing Hope". I'm a great fan of Blum and his documentation of the vile US atrocities; here's a roughly equivalent online list. (Whether complete or not, it really is a lot, and it all started long ago. Should that link not work (I like citing the apk site where I originally found it), try indopedia or whatreallyhappened).

And so, we all have'ta do our best to stop 'em, the wannabe hegemon which is the US m/i-plex, plus its illegal sprog Israel, together à la M-W: USrael, and their vast crimes - the foul, fouler, foulest - murdering for spoil.


PS It won't stop when GWBush goes; whether Dummocrat or Repugnican, the next US president will follow basically the same path, with a strike on Iran, say, a next order of business - if it doesn't get done by 'Mad George' himself. See [1]. That's why the entire juggernaut has to be stopped.

PPS As a general rule, I pay scant attention to the Murdoch rags, but a particularly stinky dog-turd (thanks) came to my notice today, found in theAus: «The odds are against a US strike on Iran under any circumstances, and I would say the odds are even against an Israeli strike. But either or both are much more likely if it looks like Obama will win.»

My comment: utter bullshit. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to enumerate just how many lies, how much ugly filth, Sheridan spews out, in just the one article.

When a certain link becomes available, a slightly different view vis-à-vis a possible attack on Iran will be posted here.


[1] Prophetic last words:

«Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss»
[The Who/Won't Get Fooled Again]

[2] the US m/i-plex:

«A military-industrial complex (MIC) is composed of a nation's armed forces, its suppliers of weapons systems, supplies and services, and its civil government.

The term "MIC" is most often used in reference to the United States, where it gained popularity after its use in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It is sometimes used more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money and resources among individuals as well as institutions of the defense contractors, The Pentagon, and the Congress and Executive branch. This sector is intrinsically prone to Principal-agent problem, moral hazard, and rent seeking. Cases of political corruption have also surfaced with regularity. A similar thesis was originally expressed by Daniel Guérin in his book of 1936, Fascism and Big Business, about the fascist government support to heavy industry.»

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