
seeking utopia

 Subtitle: serendipity?

  (and 'sorry' doesn't help much, but had to be said...)


G'day Dan... - err, David,

On May 24, 2006 - 9:23am 'someone' wrote:

«... there's a great disconnect here vis-à-vis Aboriginal people, seems to me; an' years long too - far too many years. It's just not good, parking the Aboriginal people in some settlement somewhere out the back'a Whoop-whoop (y'don't call Whoop-whoop Whoop) - without giving them something useful & meaningful to do, in their own terms of reference. Has all that been tried? And they still get roaring drunk & beat their wives up? Sniff petrol till they fall off the twig? I mean, like, die? If all else fails, then they ort'a get a drug that makes them happy & harmless...»

I've also had the thought, that 'something useful & meaningful to do' might be to return our wide-brown's original owners to something approaching their natural state; give them jobs as park carers, for example. They could wander their area of responsibility, caring for the environment - just as they did, way back then.

Well, seems that something like that has actually happened:

«Professor Ian Anderson from the University of Melbourne says the results strongly suggest that self-determination leads to improved health conditions.
"The fact that the community is decentralised, they've got good primary health care services," he said.
"They are able to have a good diet, they can hunt and they're getting good physical activity and they can have a degree of control over their affairs, so this is I guess really a good news story about things that can be different within communities."»

[AusBC/Utopia finds key to Indigenous health]

The Indigenes in Utopia live much the same life-style as in 'the good old days'- i.e. hunter-gathering, plus (a smidgen of) modern health care. And it works for them - in a big way, with half-decent life-expectancies, and less grog, one assumes. Bloody good show!



Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed your break, Phil. Liked this post. Just shows what can be achieved when people with good hearts and positive minds get together.

If only some of the other pressing problems in the world could be similarly solved.

But then, not solving problems makes lots of money for some folk!


Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David,

yeah well; 'making' money is one thing, stealing (or swindling) it quite another (as in Iraq, illegal invasion turned brutal occupation: murder for oil). I notice you didn't say 'earning,' which is what most of us, we the sheople® are stuck with.

But riddle me this: when our eco-system goes down the tubes (CO2-caused greedastrophe®), how are the (criminal!) so-called élites gunna survive?

I mean, apart from the climate getting f**ked (very hard to grow food), they'll have no-one to be their slaves...