
history teaches ...

 .. .. .. .. .. (morbid silence)


I grew up as a so-called baby-boomer, in a period I'd characterise as a 'post-WW2 peace-dividend' attempt at normalcy.

Of course the peace didn't last (assuming peace existed at all, recall the 'Cold War'). My consciousness was raised by the spectre of possibly being conscripted as cannon-fodder for the Yanks' claimed war to prevent the yellow (going red) peril of Commies coming at us via Vietnam. The Vietnam War ended with the defeat of the US in 1975[1].

But even before the Vietnam imbroglio, (history teaches; I could hardly'a noticed), we had a Malayan Emergency[2,3] and the Korean War[4]. After their Vietnam failure, the US switched a lot'a its attention to South America; we (in our wide-brown Aus) had a period of relative calm, largely - and sadly - at a lot'a South Americans' expense. Any 'calm before the storm' was broken by incidents in '91 (Kuwait[5]), then in the FYRs[6] and such continued through the 90s, but all pretences were finally shattered by "Shockin' Whore" aka murder for oil[7] beginning in Mar'03.

As a constant blood-bath background, we can only watch with horror as the cruelly misnamed IDF (it's actually 'offence') continues to commit genocide in and around ex-Palestine[8]. I say that 'we can only watch with horror' because there's apparently no way of stopping Israel murdering for land & water.


Some time in the early 70s I had an argument with my then-girlfriend; my stance was that Israel was in a "David v. Goliath" struggle against the nasty surrounding Arabs.

Then after that, as mentioned, I enjoyed a relatively peaceful interregnum, as I continued to develop my career, formed a family and built the family home am Bergle.

The interregnum was only relatively peaceful, as it was punctuated by events like the "Highway of Death(Kuwait to Basra)" horror, and watching as 'NATO' (aka US thugs plus coerced accomplices) bombed the s**t out'a bits'a the FYRs.

Then in the run-up to "Shockin' Whore", the US thugs plus the next band of coerced accomplices, aka coalition of the killing's illegal invasion of Iraq (now turned brutal occupation) we, the anti-wars cried "No War!" and "Leave it to Blix!" Nevertheless and despite our best efforts (and inaction from the UN), that war started on 19Mar'03 and continues, according to the ICH site as of today, with the Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In U.S. War On Iraq "1,191,216" and the Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 3,993.

Whether these numbers are right or wrong and if so then by how much hardly matters. What we can see, if we look with wide-open eyes, is a filthy and hideous slaughter, yet another genocide, in this case to enable oil-theft.


All of the above has a point, and the point is this: "I WAS WRONG!"

I was wrong in the 1st place about Israel.

I was wrong in the 2nd place in having any faith in the UN.

I was wrong in the 3rd place in having ever assumed any worthwhile purpose behind US military adventures; the "Shockin' Whore" episode and aftermath demonstrating, for all the world to see, the criminal intent of the US 'élites' and the murdering methods of their military, each more dishonourable than the other.

That the UN is corrupt is proven by Israel, which claims the UN as its source of legitimacy - but then ignores any and all UN resolutions which it "doesn't like," the number of such ignored resolutions being many and varied. Then, there're the resolutions vetoed by the US.

That the UN is ineffective is similarly proven by Israel, which has for 60+ long years carried out a genocide against the legitimate former owner/residents of the land that they (illegally!) occupy.

That the UN is both corrupt and ineffective is proven (yet again) by the US and its actions vis-à-vis Iraq, thanks (but "No, thanks!") to GWBush&Co.

As far as 'history teaches' goes, we can see that *nothing* has been learnt, except possibly by the US, who/which, we can see, apparently set out to do better than Hitler by repeating fewer of his mistakes - but doing essentially the same filthy stuff; mass-murdering for spoil.

Nobody starts a war, unless a) they think they can win, and b) they think it's worth it.

Q: How does the US win the wars it starts?

A: By increasing its resource rip-offs.

Q: How does Israel win its wars?

A: By increasing its territory.

Q: Who loses these wars?

A: The innocent wronged, plundered and murdered collaterals.

Finally, in the lead up to and following "Shockin' Whore", I saw what I'd missed before, that absolutely wicked happenings had been going on all along, essentially in plain sight - but hidden by massive, revolting and lying propaganda, sourced in Washington when not Hollywood and/or Madison Ave., and brought to us courtesy of a (venal!) MSM.

Silly me; I had assumed that what I got as 'news' was the truth. How devastating - how naïve.


Now I recently asked myself "How could I get it so wrong?"

And the answer came to me in an astoundingly bright flash: I get most'a my info from the AusBC, and lately also from SBS.

The AusBC and SBS are conduits for lying propaganda.

So Q: Are the AusBC and SBS biased?

A: Yes, and against the truth.

Shoot the messengers!



[1] [Vietnam War]

[2] [Malayan Emergency]

[3] [Jungle warfare]

[4] [Korean War]

[5] [Gulf War]

[6] [Yugoslav wars]

[7] [Iraq]

[8] 'Typically' Israeli?

«The Irgun was the armed expression of the nascent ideology of Revisionist Zionism founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky. He expressed this ideology as "every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs and the British; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state". Initially, a central part of their efforts included attacks against Palestinian Arabs, but it increasingly shifted to attacks against the British. Some of the better-known and more infamous attacks by Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (perpetrated together with the Stern Gang) on 9 April 1948. In the West, Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by The New York Times newspaper, and by the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry. Irgun attacks prompted a formal declaration from the World Zionist Congress in 1946, which strongly condemned "the shedding of innocent blood as a means of political warfare".

Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party. Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.»


PS Note: See some Zionists 'strongly condemned "the shedding of innocent blood as a means of political warfare".' Well then, why don't they stop? Q: Just why does USrael murder for spoil? A: Because they can get away with it. And Q: Whose (bloody!) fault is that? A: The electors in these (and other; UK & Aus say) so-called democracies. People (I like to say sheople®), who don't - or won't - wake up and listen, and having heard, move effectively to stop the killing.

Once and for all: NO MORE WAR!


Anonymous said...

Human nature and indoctrination = endless war!

The only way to change the cycle is to modify human nature (get rid of some of the nasties) and stop the indoctrination.

Doing both of these things are comparable to me pushing the moon into a different orbit!

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David G,

I tend to disagree, and here's why: a 3rd disconnect (surprised?)

I'll probably do a full post on this, but the problem is really only one of scaling.

Altruism in unrelated groups can work, but only when there's a 'feedback' mechanism whereby people who try to abuse the system by free-loading, say, are a) detected and b) sanctioned.

Perhaps you can see where this is going: there is no (working) feedback mechanism, at either the corporate or state (i.e. government) level. (This assumes our democracies are dysfunctional, my claim.)

Corporations are 'allowed' to transgress morals, claiming 'share-holder interest,' and governments transgress under various 'covers,' like "strategic interest," "geopolitics" or "sovereignty" - not to mention corruption.

This ties in with Galbraith's "countervailing power," you could try looking here: A Galbraithian Lens on Globalization for a discussion vis-à-vis the economy, and I've suggested a way with politics: i.e. pressure your representatives!

Looking at your "The only way to change the cycle is to modify human nature (get rid of some of the nasties) and stop the indoctrination," the 1st is impossible (in the short term, like over individual lifetimes), but the 2nd is possible, and that's where we bloggers can make a difference, by 'short-circuiting' the (venal!) MSM.

What is required is enough people calling for reform, and this is what's sooo wrong 'over there,' apologists, propagandists and trolls are not just welcome, they're preferred. My advice: don't go there.

Anonymous said...

A couple of points, Phil: first of all they are not our representatives. They, in the main, represent themselves.

Secondly, I believe that if humans could see how good the world might be if we humans had some of the rough edges knocked off our nature genetically, that most people would opt for some modifications! I would be at the head of the queue.

And I won't be going 'there' anytime soon. The site is too incestuous and the 'management' (with one exception) is too 'flighty'! It's a shame but then, if it had been less flawed, I might not have started up my own blog!

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day David G,

As for 'the other place,' enough said.

GM (genetic modification) may one day be a valid tool but it is far too early for us to contemplate, even in the limited way they are applying it now. They just can't wait - but we all should shy away from 'playing g*d' before we know what were *really* doing. That's not to be a Luddite, BTW, I do trust in (most) science, when it's properly done.

But: the trend in human genetics is 'arse-about,' so-called modern medicine is allowing more 'diversity' than 'nature' intended. A bad trend.

Then to our representatives. Sure, they are currently not being very 'democratic.' That's another of our tasks, we the bloggers. I saw some 'believers' on the TV news. They said that Easter was their 'hope.' Pardon the French, but what idiots. Having said that, what hope do we (realistically) have? Brains over greed is my hope.

Anonymous said...

Greed will trump brains every time, Phil! Sorry.