
dealing with criminals (Bravo webdiary!)

Subtitle: adversaries, opponents, enemies?

Pre-emption: for those only curious as to why "Bravo webdiary!" you could check my 8:00 PM comments over at Damian's.

Preamble: I never expected to use the word enemy. Although I had heard the expression "All's fair in love and war," I had a rosy view of love - but because I also had heard "True love never runs smooth," I expected to have to work a bit. And not just BTW, as "Money can't buy me love," I haven't suffered too much for the lack of a large fortune. As for war, I thought that it had been banished (by the UN, say) after WW2, except for the (supposedly(!!?)) brave Israelis battling for what was (allegedly(!!?)) rightly theirs.

Wrong, of course; not about love ("Everything in that garden is rosy;" well mostly, and speaking for myself (who else?)) - but I was wrong about war. Toadally® wrong. Not only is the UN corrupt (more correctly corrupted; there's a vast difference), but war never went away, and as for Israel, almost nothing is rightly theirs.

How does anything of this have anything to do with webdiary? Well, webdiary is a place supposedly safe for the 'wo/men in the street' to discuss anything they choose, and since I see the survival of wo/mankind as an absolute priority, webdiary was the place I chose to argue for our once jewel-like planet's environmental survival. Wrong again; not about my priorities, but about "safety."

No place is "safe" if you get tossed out, when your single "failing" may be merely the intolerance of fools. I'll take this up again in a moment, but complete one bit of logic here: war/survival. As all should know by now, the biggest threat to our survival is the CO2-induced climate catastrophe, the threat of which becomes ever more surer as 'business as usual' burns ever more carbon, and the biggest driver of this 'business as usual' being the rapacious appetites of the US (5% world's pop. but 25% of resource consumption/squandering), followed closely by the rest of the 6.8bio (topping-out at around 9bio, perhaps) sheople® in their stampede to catch up - or at least watch it all (Hollywood perversions sold by Madison Ave) on wide flat-screen TVs everywhere.

The ('Great Satan') US had the choice after WW2, to enjoy a peace dividend. They chose instead to go to (permanent(!!?)) war - to ensure their toadally unfair, obscene fat-cat 'share.' Proto-Israelis had less choice; they, forerunners of the modern I/J/Z-plex, were dedicated to stealing a 'homeland' by force - instead of buying one, like all the rest of us. That is no sort'a 'business,' it's simply, outright criminal.

The US makes war for at least three reasons, 1) to steal resources, 2) because they can and 3) because it's 'good business.' For reason (3), they need enemies, and should there occur a lack, they manufacture one or more. The Israelis are their own worst enemies; they just can't stop killing/stealing for land and water, following US reason (1). More on enemies below.

So we have the current crisis; the US armed to the teeth and murdering at will to rip-off spoil wherever it wants, with partner in crime Israel doing the same to the (previous) legal owners of (ex-) Palestine and their neighbours, trying to steal as much land & water as they can. And the reason USrael gets away with any/all of this is that as well as dreams - or rather as a continuous sub-text to dreams, Hollywood & Madison Ave via - and with active assist from - the venal MSM (i.e. main-stream media: TV, radio & print but mostly TV including big bits'a the AusBC & SBS), this multi-media armada impresses filthy lies aka propaganda onto the poor, only dimly-aware sheople.

We can partly summarise this world-picture by saying that various extreme criminals are obscuring their crimes of mass-murdering theft by deploying a vast web of lies, and we can easily verify this picture by 'turning the sound off,' i.e. looking to see what is really going on (illegal invasion of Iraq, say, turned to equally brutal occupation, premised on oil-theft; the 60+ year murder-spree by the I/J/Z-plex in ex-Palestine), and then seeing how this is reported via the corrupt MSM. Not what anyone would call a pretty picture. When what they say (noble claims) differs from what they do (criminal acts) then cognitive dissonance may arise in observers; the perpetrators are said to be hypocrites.

This, then, is our situation, a world being driven towards ruin by out'a control power-élites[1], who attempt to 'support' their actions by spinning lies only marginally less vicious than their actual modus operandi of mass-murdering theft.

We come then - Ta Ra! - finally, to the question on everyone's lips: how to deal with such criminals and in particular, their boosters and apologists?

It seems to me that we need a moral revival, but *not* of any religious sort, in fact the exact opposite. I have tried to write down my own secular version; see my formalisation the chezPhil morality. It's not too hard without being simplistic; the 'basic' crimes being lying, cheating, theft and murder. Without getting 'hung up' on any religious questions, I propose, as a necessary 1st step towards eliminating crime, the recognition of lies wherever they occur. It means examination of all inputs, analysis then notification, with reversion to truth as the natural goal. If the AusBC or SBS broadcasts propaganda (and they do(!!?)), contact them and object. Strenuously. After all, its our dough they exist on.


Philosophical interlude: In the application of the chezPhil pedagogy, "Get something (useful) to do!" plays a prominent and active part. This highlights the difference between a pastime and a profession; a pastime may be considered to be a (more or less structured) way to while away the hours (waiting for Godot, say), while a profession is most often applied to getting something (useful) done. Therefore note, that whereas (idle) complaining is one of the great English pastimes, constructive complaining as a prelude to developing practical fixes is a more proper, aka professional approach. Then, recalling Lakoff's ("Don't think of an elephant") framing, note that "Conspiracy theorist" is a (framing) concept conceived in right-wing think-tanks and deployed by thoroughly nasty NeoCon types as some sort'a condemnation, but that my report of the world run by criminal power-élites is a directly observable, fact-based description of an actual conspiracy - as opposed to any sort'a theoretical construct.


Just in time to support my call for secularism, here is a report just in:

«The results showed that it doesn't matter what you believe in, but if you believe in something, have faith in something, it means you're more likely to forgive ...»

[Forgiveness has God on its side]

But why forgiveness? Don't we favour "Prevention is better than cure?"

Clearly, justice delayed is justice denied, and religion 'passes on' the responsibility to another (non-existent(!!?)) power, in another (after death(!!?)) time. What utter poppycock!

And just in time to support my description of an actual conspiracy, here is another report just in:

«It is already clear that a vote for McCain is a vote for a permanent American imperial presence in the Middle East. (In the short term, it is a vote for war with Iran.) ...»

[David Bromwich/Next Year in Iraq]

It's not to be avoided by voting Dems, of course; almost without exception, each candidate screeches "All options on the table!" louder that the next, from whichever 'side.'


Returning, then to "Bravo webdiary!"

I have a topic here, called "imbecilic interference." What to do? As we have seen, in a previously documented encounter, WD lent its support to the imbecile, leading to my eventual exit. That particular imbecile is still there, but freshly, another (even longer term) imbecile has been suspended for 5 weeks, thus the "Bravo!"

I have another topic here, called "accessory." Of course, it's not my concept, but it states that anyone lending support to a criminal (act) makes him/herself criminal as well, by association. It's usually phrased as "accessory before/during/after some (criminal) act."

Now webdiary sets out to provide a 'safe haven' for diverse opinions. That maybe so, but what of 'opinion' which contradicts observable fact? What of 'opinion' which detours or derails discussions, distracting in general? What of trolls?

The particular imbecilic interferers, one of whom is now suspended, the other still raging, are very decidedly trolls. By trolling on the 'side' of the status quo, they are trolling on the 'side' of criminals. By their actions, they make themselves accessories before/during/after criminal acts.

What webdiary status, then, when webdiary tolerates, even favours, such criminal-accessory trolls?


Wha'da 'bout more on enemies? Lies and liars are enemy #1. If the sheople were enabled to see the truth, and followed up with effective calls for justice, criminality and war may well become impossible.

It's a mighty big IF.


[1] This popular expression, i.e. power-élites, is a perversion of the meaning, for there is nothing at all 'élite' about criminals.

élite n. 1 (prec. by the) the best (of a group). 2 select group or class. 3 a size of letters in typewriting (12 per inch). [French: related to *elect] [POD]

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