
there are lies, there are trolls ...

  .. and there are war crimes

    .. that grouping is observable

Preamble: I'm interested in justice via truth. I call this 'reflexive altruism;' I wish to be left in peace, and ask only the same from and for my neighbour. Naturally enough, this should automatically rule out any and all aggression[1]. Q: What goes wrong? A: Socialization[2], more accurately, the failure of same.

I like to consider 'binary splits,' so when I speak of 'being left in peace' I mean (1) in the physical sense; i.e. me'n my near&dears, our possessions etc., then (2) in the mental sense, i.e. my mind. My mind is also subject to a binary split, namely (1) into thoughts aka rationality (mostly, and largely 'under voluntary control') and (2) into emotions aka feelings (often reactive).

I 'package' the previous in my own attempted formalisation the chezPhil morality which includes 'do unto others,' and a corollary 'do no harm.' Some basic moral tenets are no lies, no cheating, no theft and no murder. There're others one could add, like 'love thy neighbour,' say ... but here a few hasty words: my morality is wholly independent from, even hostile to - all religion. Any similarities could be due to ancient plagiarisms, i.e. not mine; I claim 'common sense' as a sufficient source.

Then I pause; "Why this?"- "Why now?" - and the answer is because we (most sheople®) and our once jewel-like ecosphere both - are up s**t-creek, and again I fall into ennui[3]. Actually, from the choices there offered, the German Weltschmerz seems to fit best.

One other thing, in his 'robotics' musings, Asimov considered a 'positronic potential' which motivated his robots; this potential, generated in the robot 'brain' based on its observations, could be negative - to inhibit certain (harmful) actions or positive, to encourage certain (helpful) actions. He was, of course, describing an analogue of a net mental state of (normal!) humans, namely our sense of right and wrong. Only when this sense is disabled and/or corrupted is immoral behaviour possible.

End of preamble; a summary of my rationale (n. fundamental reason, logical basis. [neuter of Latin rationalis: related to *rational] [POD]).


The problem: as above, we (most sheople) and our once jewel-like ecosphere both - are up s**t-creek.

The 'usual' four points:

1. The greedastrophe®; the coming excess CO2-caused climate collapse.

2. The US regime's criminality, typified by the illegal invasion of Iraq; murder for oil.

3. The Israeli regime's criminality, typified by the illegal invasion of now largely ex-Palestine and surrounds; murder for land and water.

4. Out of control, mostly US-inspired capitalism. This is 'behind' all of (1) to (3) and more: this out of control capitalism is also ripping us (we the sheople) off.


The claim is that mostly US-inspired capitalism has triumphed over all alternatives, my counter-claim is that while this capitalism may be in the ascendency, it is actually in the process of failing - and in the worst ways; a) it's 'leading' us over the greedastrophe cliff towards a deliberate apocalypse, and at the same time b) it's 'leading' to ever more obscene inequalities. Here is an item in support of my counter-claim: The Poverty of Reaganism-Bushism by David Michael Green. One minor point that is made is that alternatives to capitalism were often if not exclusively attacked via personality attacks (like against the excesses of Stalin or Pol Pot et al.), and a point that is equally often missed is that alternatives to US-inspired capitalism exist and function well, see some European variations on social democracy.

That leads to the next claim, that 'democracy' has triumphed over all alternatives, and the reason for me using quotes around 'democracy' is my counter-claim here, that we (US, UK, Aus & Israel, say) do not have correctly functioning democracies at all. We simply do not have at least three critical requirements for a properly functioning democracy; (1) our so-called representatives do not represent us, we the sheople, as their ultimate priority (they have mostly sold-out to the 'big end of town'), (2) the vast majority of voters are not sufficiently engaged (side-tracked by TV, say) and are by no means adequately informed (see next), and (3) the full and frank discovery and dissemination of the requisite facts no longer takes place (assuming it once did), thanks but "No, thanks!" to the corrupt and venal MSM (incl. Big bits'a the AusBC & SBS; boo! Hiss!)

The above situation, i.e. the problem as described, has existed and evolved, since at least (my arbitrarily chosen starting point), the horrendous WW2 A-bombing of Japan (1945). The reason why these dual events, one at Hiroshima and the other at Nagasaki are not widely recognised as war crimes are two; a) the generation of so-called "victor's history" - another name for lies, and the dissemination of such lies as propaganda directed at the sheople by - ta ra! - the corrupt and venal MSM. The lie they try to 'sell' is that the A-bombing was to save soldiers' lives by shortening the war (an easily provable lie, some evidence given here (thanks JAS); look for July 21, 25th & 26th.) The real reasons are more likely to be a weighting of these four: (1) they could; they'd spent the dough and built the 'toys.' (2) They wanted to see the effect on a target population, in this case mostly (innocent!) civilians. (3) They wished to send Russia a signal: "See what we can - and will - do!" (4) They, the decision makers, were criminal. IF my analysis is true THEN we can call the A-bombing mass-murder for data and effect.

On a somewhat parallel track and time-frame, the modern 'nation' known as Israel was established as an armed camp on an arguably illegal basis (UN, 1947) and has been expanded fairly continuously ever since, mostly by violent means and always at the expense of the hapless legal owners of much of the land in and around the now sadly mostly ex-Palestine. I call this violent (Zionist) progress towards some wished-for "Greater Israel" murder for land and water.


The "Ah ha!" moments are two: (1) the internet arrived, and (2) GWBush&Co sent mostly US grunts into Iraq to pink-mist their way to capturing Iraq's 'patrimony,' aka murder for oil. The 1st (internet) enabled the discoveries prompted by the 2nd (B, B & H's criminality.) All - or hopefully most - is now revealed, see the problem description above. As a truth-seeker I've had my hands full now for over 5 years, a voyage of discovery I'd rather not have had to undertake, but needs must. On the way I've encountered some 'static,' namely people who, for whatever reason, fail to perceive or agree with the truths I've found and reported. Erroneous ideologues, I call 'em, and the worst of the worst are the inveterate liars - another ta ra! - the trolls.

Musing: it does seem that the liars are all on 'the other side' (well, what else?) - and worse, they lie without compunction[4]. That's as understandable as it's reprehensible, since they 'support' (= *they are*) the side (USrael) which murders for spoil. Just can't get worse than that.

Then: why lie? - Silly question; to attempt to hide or disguise their filthy, murdering misdeeds.

Fazit: we have recently seen a particular troll disgrace him/herself. Goodie. S/he clearly failed kindergarten (thanks JP), in other words, was not sufficiently socialized. As for the troll, so his/her 'keepers.' Any objection to "insufficiently socialized" could possibly be made on the grounds of outright psychopathic illness.


PS I intended at one point to extend this towards the Marx quote below. Some other time, perhaps.


[1] aggression n. 1 unprovoked attacking or attack. 2 hostile or destructive behaviour. [Latin gradior gress- walk] [POD]

[2] socialize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 mix socially. 2 make social. 3 organize on socialistic principles.  socialization n. [ibid.]

[3] ennui

(French) an ennui bred of long familiarity
BOREDOM, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, lassitude, languor, restlessness, weariness, sluggishness, enervation;
MALAISE, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, uneasiness, unease, melancholy, depression, despondency, dejection, disquiet; German Weltschmerz.
[New Oxford Thesaurus of English]

[4] compunction
noun [MASS NOUN] [usu. with NEGATIVE] a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad: they used their tanks without compunction. [POD]

[5] social —adj. 1 of society or its organization, esp. of the relations of people or classes of people. 2 living in organized communities. 3 needing companionship; gregarious. —n. social gathering, esp. of a club.  socially adv. [Latin: related to *sociable] [ibid.]

[6] socialism n. 1 political and economic theory advocating State ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. 2 social system based on this.  socialist n. & adj. socialistic adj. [French: related to *social][ibid.]

[7] communism n. 1 a social system in which most property is publicly owned and each person works for the common benefit. b political theory advocating this. 2 (usu. Communism) the form of socialist society established in Cuba, China, etc., and previously, the USSR. [French: related to *common][ibid.]

[8] Marx saw capitalists as expropriating the surplus value created by workers, and accumulating ever-increasing amounts of capital, as the workers (the proletariat) grew ever poorer.

Quote: "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

  Critique of the Gotha Programme (written 1875, but of earlier origin)

The formula of Communism, as propounded by Cabet, may be expressed thus: - ‘the duty of each is according to his faculties; his right according to his wants’.

  in North British Review (1849) vol 10"
[The Oxford Dictionary of QUOTATIONS]


Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, a bit of reading courtesy of Tomdispatch - Mike Davis on matters concerning the climate. Includes links to other sources worth following. From Tom's introduction:

For those who didn't happen to notice, perhaps because it wasn't exactly front-page news in most of the country, NASA's James Hansen, the man who first alerted Congress to the dangers of global warming 20 years ago, returned to testify before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming this week. This time around, he was essentially offering a final warning on the subject. Unless the U.S. begins to act soon, he pointed out, "it will become impractical to constrain atmospheric carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas produced in burning fossil fuels, to a level that prevents the climate system from passing tipping points that lead to disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity's control."

For the "elements of a 'perfect storm,' a global cataclysm" being assembled, he placed special blame on the "CEOs of fossil energy companies [who] know what they are doing and are aware of [the] long-term consequences of continued business as usual." He added that they should, in his opinion, "be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature… I anticipate testifying against relevant CEOs in future public trials." That's a novel thought in our nation's capital. Oh, and while he was at it, he probably should have thrown in George W., Dick C., and crew. What they haven't done (and what they've blocked from being done) over these last eight years may turn out to be their greatest crime of all. Talk about smoking guns... or is it melting ice?

Hard times ahead while some play their silly games.

Anonymous said...

G'day, Phil! In my blogging experience, which is considerable, I've found the best way to deal with trolls is to totally ignore them.

Once they occupy posts and/or comments, they've won!

Friedham I. Whont said...

agree wholeheartedly ...

  .. to totally ignoring trolls ...

    .. but sometimes there is a 'but'


In this case, a) the theme is truly important,

and b) the troll made a proper mistake - as opposed to the 'inbuilt' mistake of being a (propagandising, lying!) troll in the 1st place.

I'll get back to the troll shortly.


G'day David G, also Bob.

I was looking for a variation of:

  «If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs» with the idea of saying 'then you've probably misunderstood the situation' - but here in reverse, in reference to the long mooted US &/or Israeli attack on Iran; i.e. Q: Are we needlessly worrying?

My 'best guess' is A: Sadly no, i.e. the worry is justified, on the 'simple' principle that they wouldn't keep threatening unless they actually intend to do it. But then, as I've already said, sometimes there's a 'but,' and here it is this; Q: Are they hiding some other even uglier nefariousness behind these foul and fear-invoking threats?

Before I get to my suggested answer, this:

  «When the choice, in seeking to explain an event, is between a conspiracy and a stuff-up, go for the stuff-up every time.»

I found a corollary for that one, try this:

  «Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.»


So. The scene is now set; we have three 'problems' all linked, the A-bombing (past), the looming attack on Iran (future), and bridging them, the troll (present). What appears to me as a truth-seeker, is that all three are linked - via lies, propaganda and criminality.

Q: Do we understand the situation? A: I think so; recalling the illegal invasion of Iraq, now been morphed into a brutal occupation, each more murdering than the other, we see that the US (regime) has no qualms whatsoever in committing Nuremberg-level war crimes, nor in deploying filthy lies to try to justify/cover same.

A-bombing (repeat): They had spent the dough, they had the 'toys,' they had a plan (i.e. cold war); they wanted both the data and to send a very meaningful message to Russia. Blam! Blam! Mass-murder for data and horrendous threat-effect.

Iraq (repeat): They had the push (Israel), they had the desire, a) hegemony, b) oil and c) 'W' may well have wanted to avenge the threat against, and at the same time one-up, his father. Blam! Murder for oil.

Iran (repeat): See Iraq; the same I/J/Z-plex push, (a) & (b). To try to answer "will they or won't they," again my 'best guess' A: Also sadly, they have form. We await the "Shockin' whore" Mk2 blam - or, going by the 'leaked' war-gaming results, worse.

As to any other nefarious aim, one would need a heart of darkness to conjure one up; I can't suggest any, apart perhaps from them actively wishing for an even higher(!!?) oil-price.


The troll's mistake. In the A-bombing story, the troll as usual tried to distract the discussion; in this case with an assertion («the Emperor had to sack ...»), made before and challenged before. A *huge* mistake, because the 'before' was by C Parsons:

  «CP, in reference to the Japanese government you wrote:

They had to be sacked first And only then the surrender came.

Please provide, with substantiation, the date this happened, ...»

Given both statements and the lack of substantiation then as now, no better proof could be given; one has to wonder a) did s/he forget, or b) did s/he do it deliberately out'a hubris, say? No matter, and transition here and now to 'totally ignore.' Except, of course, for one tiny thing: CP was banned - but is allowed, even encouraged - to live on, in another guise. Ethics? What ethics? Bah!


As to any misunderstanding, stuff-up, malice or stupidity, you (dear reader) may apportion any such and to whom, as you see fit.


PS As to the A-bombing, as well as 'July 21, 25th & 26th' mentioned above, I find this to be a good summation:

(The military intelligence officer in charge of preparing intercepted Japanese cables - the MAGIC summaries - for Truman and his advisors)
"...when we didn't need to do it, and we knew we didn't need to do it, and they knew that we knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs."»

[from Gar Alperovitz/The Decision To Use the Atomic Bomb]