
no appeal to decency works (A-bombing) ...

  .. no hope for truth and justice ...

    .. no honour among murdering thieves


Preamble: I am by profession no historian, rather I have become a 'seeker of truth (and justice)' by force of events. By the same token, neither is the 'scribe' known as Max Hastings by profession an historian, rather he was mainly a newspaper person and was also born after WW2. As for the troll calling her/himself variously 'spinifex,' 'C Parsons' and 'Eliot Ramsey,' we may judge only by what s/he writes. Finally, WD ethics: what ethics?

Purpose: IMHO, we the sheople® are being propagandised, on a massive scale. What is presented, by politicians (from both 'sides'), via the corporate MSM, in a well-integrated web of deceit, is a propaganda effort aimed at both shoring up some sort'a élite and enabling that élite to rip us off, as they continue to enrich themselves ever more obscenely beyond avarice. My intent is to illustrate aspects of these lies, with the hope that others may see and understand, then demand - as I do - justice for all.


Even 'Blind Freddy' ort'a have realised by now, that the B, B & H invasion of Iraq was not what it was initially 'promoted' as. If you think that 'promoted' is not the correct expression, then I'd remind you of one 'joke' made at the time (2002), something like one doesn't "introduce new products in August"[1]. Long story short and in clear text: they lied to us (a sample of 935 lies documented here.) I define this 'they' as not 'just' the (lying!) politicians themselves but also the (venal!) MSM (incl. big bits'a the AusBC & SBS, boo! Hiss!) So far, nothing new. But before 'moving on,' I must emphasize: the politicians - on both 'sides' - are not properly representing us (rather, they toe the 'big end of town' line), and the 4th estate, by relaying and amplifying the politicians' lies are traitors to us, we the sheople - just as both lying politicians and venal MSM are traitors to 'our' (US, UK, Aus & Israel) putative but failed democracies.

The 'joke' at [1] is headed "Why now?" and one could well ask "Why this, why now?" - Q: Why should I consider the lies currently being pushed by some ugly troll, when I usually scream totally ignore? A: Because some lies are simply too egregious to stand unchallenged. (Yes, sadly hooked. Again. Still. Looping; Q: Who/what can set me free? A: The truth, leading (eventually) to justice!)


A veritable flood of lying propaganda forms a common background to these four events of interest (as of course to far more), two from the past and two from the (possible) future:

1. The A-bombing of Japan.

2. The (illegal) invasion of Iraq.

3. The (much threatened) invasion of Iran.

4. The (possible, probable) excess-CO2 induced greedastrophe®.


The A-bombing of Japan.

Old: The topic was well treated here, "Is All Fair In Love and War?"

A curious oddity: The commenter C Parsons repeatedly alleged that the Japanese emperor had 'sacked' his cabinet. On being challenged (by Bob Wall, g'day!) - no response whatsoever was ever forthcoming.

New: The topic is now getting a re-run here, "While truth regrows its torn-off limbs."

An even greater oddity: The commenter Eliot Ramsey has taken up the C Parsons allegation of 'cabinet sacking' with a vengeance. Ramsey now gives as reference a book by one Sir Max Hastings, as if this was some sort'a be-all and end-all. Perhaps the 'flavour' of Hastings may be sampled here [2,3,4]. My comment: the flavour of Hastings is uncannily similar to that of the Parsons/Ramsey construct itself; no wonder Ramsey is pushing Hastings like mad. Keyword: unbalanced, to say the least, and NB: still no substantiation for "sacked."

To do: any WD pretence that Eliot Ramsey is not the same commenter as C Parsons must be abandoned (as I have done long ago), and WD might explain exactly why the banned Parsons is now allowed, even actively encouraged, to comment as Ramsey. Otherwise, Q: WD ethics: what ethics? A: Well, as we see; as good as none.

Conclusion on CP/ER: The deploying of at least one undeclared alias marks Parsons/Ramsey as a liar and violator of the WD commenter ethics. As such a liar, should s/he to be extended the benefit of the doubt on any matter? If so then why? I say not; once a (premeditated!) liar, always a liar. That CP/ER is a pushed-paradigm propagandist is just too obvious, even for 'Blind Freddy.' That s/he is actually encouraged by WD is scandalous.

Q: Any more lies and liars? A: More than a few. First off is an obvious lie from Truman, that Hiroshima was a military target. In both cities, the overwhelming majority of the dead were civilians. Then there was a cover-up. Lies and cover-ups; same old same old.

  "The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians."
[9Aug’45: Excerpt from public statement by President Truman]

Patently false, then:
  «Three days after publication of Mr. Burchett's shocking dispatch, Mr. Laurence had a front-page story in the Times disputing the notion that radiation sickness was killing people. His news story included this remarkable commentary: "The Japanese are still continuing their propaganda aimed at creating the impression that we won the war unfairly, and thus attempting to create sympathy for themselves and milder terms. ... Thus, at the beginning, the Japanese described 'symptoms' that did not ring true."»
[Goodman&Goodman/The Hiroshima Cover-Up]

Backing up a bit:
  «Months before the end of the war, Japan's leaders recognized that defeat was inevitable. In April 1945 a new government headed by Kantaro Suzuki took office with the mission of ending the war.»
[Mark Weber/Was Hiroshima Necessary]

Going back even further:
  «... on January 20, 1945, two days prior to his departure for the Yalta meeting with Stalin and Churchill, President Roosevelt received a 40-page memorandum from General Douglas MacArthur outlining five separate surrender overtures from high-level Japanese officials.
This memo showed that the Japanese were offering surrender terms virtually identical to the ones ultimately accepted by the Americans at the formal surrender ceremony on September 2 -- that is, complete surrender of everything but the person of the Emperor.»

[ibid.] Citation posted by Bob Wall on July 14, 2006 - 10:25am.

(Note: January 20, 1945 preceded both the battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, hardly minor matters. Yet surrender overtures already existed... hmmm?)

My comment: One might think, that the way to reduce *all* casualties, would be to stop the war as soon as possible - yes, also consistent with some sort'a 'justice,' i.e. not letting anyone get away with any nefarious goings-on - say. The Japanese were clearly seeking to surrender - but *none* of their efforts were even acknowledged, let alone explored - that we can see. The one absolute sticking-point for the Japanese, namely the preservation of the person of the Emperor, was *accentuated* by the US throughout in the negative, right up to and past the bombing - then abruptly conceded. Can we theorise as to why? To keep the war going until the bombs were ready, say?

Let me be perfectly clear: I do not dispute, even for the smallest part of a pico-sec, that the Japanese acted in extremely barbarous ways. The real questions vis-à-vis the A-bombing are two: (1) was the end of the war delayed so as to enable the deployment of the A-bombs (my answer: yes), and (2) was the A-bombing a war crime (my answer: also yes).

One more thing for now:
  «Every year during the first two weeks of August the mass news media and many politicians at the national level trot out the "patriotic" political myth that the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 caused them to surrender, and thereby saved the lives of anywhere from five hundred thousand to one million American soldiers, who did not have to invade the islands. Opinion polls over the last fifty years show that American citizens overwhelmingly (between 80 and 90%) believe this false history which, of course, makes them feel better about killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians (mostly women and children) and saving American lives to accomplish the ending of the war.»
[John V Denson/The Hiroshima Myth]

My comment: They'd have to deploy some excuse, even if 'only' to avoid mass cognitive dissonance. And so the lies are propagated, also by filthy trolls. My tip: read all the linked articles, compare to reality, decide for yourselves.


Fazit: That lying propaganda is deployed at all is a disgrace on our so-called leaders, and a damnable failing of our MSM. That apparent amateurs are 'in the game' too is perplexing; what could possibly be in it for them? One might think that combating lies everywhere they manifest would be the democratic duty of all citizens - but obviously a duty not taken up by all. Some of the worst may be the enablers, those who are presumed to be smart enough to detect bullshit, but nevertheless fail to proscribe it. Too bad.

Nothing can be done about the past, but if the lying propaganda is not exposed and effectively countered, we will not be able to avoid some real nasties like the (much threatened) invasion of Iran and 'the biggie,' the (possible, probable) excess-CO2 induced greedastrophe®.

All hands to the pump!



[1] CNN.com - Marketing Iraq: Why now? - September 12, 2002
White House chief of staff Andrew Card told The New York Times last week, ``From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August.'' ...

[2] Why we had to use the bomb on Japan
Last updated at 11:01 18 September 2007

[3] Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008
Max Hastings' analysis in a bombshell

[4] Mutinous jibe angers veterans
Frank Walker
December 2, 2007


Damian Lataan said...

Well spotted Phil, re: the Parsons/Ramsey take on some of the minutae of the chronology and history of the end of the war with the Japanese in 1945.


Anonymous said...

G'day Damian, Phil is away for a few days and has limited access to the 'net. This is a good piece - I'd made the point that a lot of material had been provided two years ago but Phil has added to it. The Hasting's review was a nice touch.

The point in question goes to a core problem at WD - that some people are allowed to lie with impunity. When I saw the recent thread develop it was a case of here we go again -as I wrote to a member of the WD management team - "the same old lies by the same old liar". But he seems to be Margo's favourite liar so, whatever other members of the team think, he gets to carry on. So much for "Be honest." WD's space is not only warped, it is totally bent.

Damian Lataan said...

G'day Bob
You're dead right. Jacob Stam has picked it up and pointed it out in a post at WD. I doubt, however, that it will make any difference to the WD management and editors ability to review Ramsey's status now that this obvious piece of fraud from him has come to light.

Such failure will, of course, reflect on their own credibility as well as the already lost credibility of Webdiary.

Anonymous said...

G'day Damian, yes, it's a case of carry on regardless, so far.

Worth reminding readers of some of the material posted way back when and now recalled by Phil, such as this from Weber:

In April and May 1945, Japan made three attempts through neutral Sweden and Portugal to bring the war to a peaceful end. On April 7, acting Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu met with Swedish ambassador Widon Bagge in Tokyo, asking him "to ascertain what peace terms the United States and Britain had in mind." But he emphasized that unconditional surrender was unacceptable, and that "the Emperor must not be touched." Bagge relayed the message to the United States, but Secretary of State Stettinius told the US Ambassador in Sweden to "show no interest or take any initiative in pursuit of the matter." Similar Japanese peace signals through Portugal, on May 7, and again through Sweden, on the 10th, proved similarly fruitless.

By mid-June, six members of Japan's Supreme War Council had secretly charged Foreign Minister Shigenori Togo with the task of approaching Soviet Russia's leaders "with a view to terminating the war if possible by September." On June 22 the Emperor called a meeting of the Supreme War Council, which included the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and the leading military figures. "We have heard enough of this determination of yours to fight to the last soldiers," said Emperor Hirohito. "We wish that you, leaders of Japan, will strive now to study the ways and the means to conclude the war. In doing so, try not to be bound by the decisions you have made in the past."

And from 16th July, 2006:

Negotiations for Russia to intercede began the forepart of May 1945 in both Tokyo and Moscow. Konoye, the intended emissary to the Soviets, stated to the Survey that while ostensibly he was to negotiate, he received direct and secret instructions from the Emperor to secure peace at any price, notwithstanding its severity ...

And this:

The mission of the Suzuki government, appointed 7 April 1945, was to make peace. An appearance of negotiating for terms less onerous than unconditional surrender was maintained in order to contain the military and bureaucratic elements still determined on a final Bushido defense, and perhaps even more importantly to obtain freedom to create peace with a minimum of personal danger and internal obstruction. It seems clear, however, that in extremis the peacemakers would have peace, and
peace on any terms. This was the gist of advice given to Hirohito by the Jushin in February, the declared conclusion of Kido in April, the underlying reason for Koiso's fall in April, the specific injunction of the Emperor to Suzuki on becoming premier which was known to all members of his cabinet ...

So for some months before Potsdam Hirohito was involved in moves to seek peace. A possibility was there to end the war without an invasion and without the bombs (the "Frankenstein monster"). As MacArthur said:

The war might have ended weeks
earlier...if the United States had agreed, as it later did anyway, to the retention of the institution of the emperor."

Compare with CPER's assertions. The Emperor was involved long before August, 1945. And this material has long been available, yet some choose to ignore it and prefer to lie. As I said, management are well aware of this. Reflect on their credibility? What credibility?