
I'm smarter than you are ...

 .. and I have this big - errr, stick, to prove it

   .. subtitle: but if you think you're smarter, then prove it: spot the error.


All show, and no 'go.'

One thing, and one thing only, can we thank GWBush for.

And that is, that he is just sooo stupid, that his stuff-up was no ordinary stuff-up; he let perhaps the world's *biggest* secret right out'a its bag. WYSIWYG.

Some people say that the US 'led' war against Iraq, 'enabled' by the US (+ UK, Aus) regimes' telling of at least 935 well-documented lies, 'enabled' by the complicity of a venal and traitorous corporate MSM (with BBC, AusBC & SBS et al. 'hanging on'), carried out despite the lack of a definitive UNSC resolution, and in the face of massive world-wide anti-war sentiment (the ignoring of which resulting in the eventual, ultimate disillusionment then however reluctant acquiescence of a great many of the US' + world's 'sheople®,') - that the US 'led' war against Iraq was a stuff-up, here referring to its *execution*. IMHO that's simply not the case, although corruption, war profiteering, mismanagement and outright incompetence undoubtedly are all present, even overwhelmingly so.

But no; the *real* stuff-up, also in Afghanistan, was the US&Co 'going in' at all. The illegal invasion of Iraq, now been morphed into a brutal occupation, each more criminally murdering that the other, did an important thing to me, and presumably to many other similarly concerned citizens all around the world. Sooo, just what is it, that GWBush's utterly stupefying idiocy did to me?

Why, it made me open my eyes, that's what.


There I was, just minding my own business (career, cars, fun, family, home), being perhaps a typical Ocker, one of the great Aussie unwashed, in short: a 'fully paid-up' member of the sheople. One could have said (although I didn't - and don't:) "Der, I didn't think!"

Whereas I never didn't think outright, one big thing that I didn't think was that many of the world's so-called leaders were not leaders so much as liars, and what they lied about were important things - like life and (arbitrary, criminally caused) death.

Another rather unpleasant surprise (massive understatement!) - was finding out - after being rudely jolted - that Israel was, is not - and never was the putative innocent, hardly done-by "David" being confronted, even surrounded by hostile and worse (Arab/Muslim) "Goliaths." The gruesome reality is quite different - in fact the exact opposite; Israel is and always was the aggressor, killing Palestinians and surrounding peoples (aka murdering) for land and water, in the (criminal) pursuit of some erring ideologue Zionists' dream of a "Greater Israel."

In a roughly parallel process, I also discovered that the world's economy, dominated as it is by the US&Co, is also largely a criminal enterprise, that is to say it is capitalism gone mad, with the 'buy low - sell high' scheme, always suspect, now taken to such obscene levels by out'a control neoliberal ideology, say, aka the Washington consensus, or the Chicago School, in short deregulation, globalisation, privatisation etc.; supposedly free - but mostly not - largely corrupt and/or captive markets also gone mad (think: oil price), that the perpetrators are now grinding down (could be called penalising - just for being alive), impoverishing so-called normal people - 'we, the sheople,' in contrast to 'them, the rippers-off and rulers' - impoverishing to the point approaching penury if not starvation for the bulk of the world's population, all with the feared excess-CO2 caused collapse of our once jewel-like planet's ecosphere looming.

Well may we say: "The end is nigh!"

But it doesn't help just being alarmist, we need a diagnosis and subsequent solution.

We need to know exactly the how and the why, and what to do to fix things.

Have you, dear reader, worked out the question posed by my title?


Fazit: "A flaw?" "The flaw?" - yes.

Re-stating: everyone thinks they're *right* - as in correct.

It's a corollary of 'cognitive dissonance[1];' sheople® (as opposed to 'thinking people') mostly tend to take the 'path of least resistance' (mad if ya don't), most end up in the rather dismal rut of so-called normal existence, but for a 'select few' it goes wrong. The effect probably begins in the (pre-)school yard, when a few 'hard cases' (aka psychopaths[2]) work out that it's easier to grab whatever from some 3rd, instead of actually working for it.

Ta, ra! Enter, the bully. A person who thinks that force can substitute for talent or brains or both.

That is "the flaw" - behind the miserable actions of both the US and Israel.

Like everyone else, they think they're *right* - as in correct.

But of course, they are wrong. So wrong, that not some merely trivial force is being applied, but murdering military (dishonourable!) force up to the level of genocide - for that is what's being done, to the hapless Palestinians, to Afghanis, to Iraqis. And in the wider world, by US-inspired capitalism gone mad, to us, we the sheople. The only difference is the mechanisms employed; in and around Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq it's direct, dishonourable military violence, for the rest of us it's slow deprivation and impoverishment.

Both the US and Israeli regimes, melded into a single monstrous entity I refer to as USrael, think themselves somehow exceptional - they think - and go so far as to say - that they are exceptional; i.e. somehow smarter than the rest.

BUT: They can't make it stick - without their big sticks, aka murdering violence and/or theft.

Let's face it, daaarlings - that's not smart, they are exceptional alright, but not as they claim; their exception is in being criminally, murderingly stupid.

It may not be a "small man's (?) problem", but it certainly is a "small minds problem." It's psychopathic.

No normal person needs to lie or steal. No thief, on the other hand, can get away his or her theft - for long if ever - without lying about it. That, then, is the mark of the psychopaths; i.e. lying, cheating and stealing. Finally, killing. Look around Israel, Afghanistan and Iraq, Q: What do you see? A: Lying thieving murderers at work.

A so-called open and shut case: QED.

Note: The psychopaths will never voluntarily stop, and certainly not when politely asked - since they only understand force, so a countervailing force is required. Incidentally, as the recent regime change in Aus shows, Lab is as good as indistinguishable from Lib, just as Dummocrats are from Repugs 'over there.'


Long story short: we the sheople cannot hope to violently resist, they would just start killing any who tried. No, we have to work - through the only mechanism peacefully available to us: i.e. the ballot box. We have to vote our problems out, and that means *both* the Lib/Lab ugly twins; put 'em both last - in your chosen order, natch - on every ballot. If 50%+1 of the voters everywhere did so, we'd be on our way out'a the disgusting dead-end we're in.

Well, it's a theory.



[1] cognitive dissonance
noun [MASS NOUN] Psychology the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.

[2] psychopath
noun a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.
psychopathic adjective
psychopathically adverb

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