
WD ethics vs. Paul Morrella

Submitted on September 2, 2007 - 2:19pm.

 Subtitle: the Paul Morrella cipher is a deliberate, premeditated fraud.


I have concluded that Paul Morrella is not 'Paul Morrella' at all, but is a fake-ID creature by Jay White.


1. My post 'one way or another - Parsons et al.'
... on May 13, 2007 - 5:17pm.


«... Jay exited because he too, claimed to have been 'censored;' although management at the time informed him that the level of abuse in his posts (attempting to 'explain' his disapproval of Perkins' "Hit Man" thesis) was unacceptable. (Why? That is, why couldn't Jay post his explanation in non-abusive terms? Why not, indeed.»

2. Not all things are always as they may seem
... by Paul Morrella on May 20, 2007 - 9:09am.

Note the time-difference; 7 days.

Morrella denied 'murder for oil' by 'simple' assertion, but never provided sufficient (if any) evidence to substantiate his claim(s). So the tone was set.

Quote from Morrella's 1st post:

« ... and I paraphrase: "the time for arguing the theft of Iraq's oil is over". Certainly, it is not over, if every person must accept this is as the unquestioned truth.»

Quote from Morrella's 2nd post:

«... you ask me to "exclude oil theft" as a motivation. It is not possible for me to comply with this request; at this time.»

Note the immediate cop-out.


Intermezzo: Yes, I have an axe to grind. PM attacked from the very 1st post, later even admitting to premeditation and gave reasons. I could possibly have handled all that - but my defence efforts were hindered by direct interventions from WD, especially MK.

«Paul Morrella: "No, the current cycle began, when you so rudely attempted to pick on people, whose only crime was to express their freedom, and write something you did not agree 100% with. That the 'facts' used where less than obvious (mostly just plain wrong), only showed you up, for the bully you are."»

No further comment on this except to highlight that it clearly reveals the intention to attack the person.


3. Skip a few days of many other unsubstantiated assertions, slander by innuendo and other such niceties - involving several other posters; i.e. Bob Wall (gone absent), Ian McPherson (gone absent), Craig Rowley et al.

«David R: Remorseless ridicule of people's ideas is allowed ... While we're on the subject, Margo has this to add: "I am satisfied that Paul Morella is Paul Morella. There will be no further discussion of this matter on Webdiary. Any attempts to do so will be deleted." She has also ruled that any comments casting doubt on the identity of other Webdiarists will not be published.»

The statement that PM=PM can no longer stand, for my evidence that JW=PM see Appendix.


Comment: By deploying the 'Paul Morrella' fake-ID, Jay White has perpetrated a fraud[3] on WD, certainly on the WD audience and possibly also on the WD management. (See 'David R' statement above, implicating both Margo Kingston and David Roffey.)


I expect a timely remedy[4] both for and against this foul fraud.


PS The proof offered is only a part of what could be discussed. Reactions from referees include some incredulity; it is thought that JW has had/is getting help. (Team Jay, anyone? Hello, GE?) The fact that the troll prefers unsubstantiated assertions to presenting any sort'a proof and the propounding of naked opinion on a take-it-or-leave-it basis are both redolent of the HH-refo modus operandi, where JW now whiles away most of his blogging-hours. Then the recent absence of PM from WD coincides with a similar absence of JW from HH's. PM's 'returning' post, 'The Collapse That Never Was' fits well to JW's known proclivity for stocks and share trading. Note that the latest go-around, this time with Craig Rowley, has Craig complaining about endless PM clichés. And so it goes, but I really couldn't give a rat's about chasing this troll around anymore.

As before; this troll contributes as good as nothing to debate, far more to its hindrance.

PPS By rights, this story could go to some independent arbitrator - MEAA, perhaps, since WD Editorial Policy skites about the Media Alliance Code of Ethics for Journalists. On the other hand, "ethical journalists" is an oxymoron, given the near 60 years of dis-information we have been served up - by the AusBC, say - and that's just in my lifetime.



[1] deceit n. 1 deception, esp. by concealing the truth. 2 dishonest trick. [Latin capio take] [POD]

deceitful adj. using deceit.  deceitfully adv. deceitfulness n. [ibid.]

deceive v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [ibid.]

[2] dastardly adj. cowardly, despicable.  dastardliness n. [origin uncertain] [ibid.]

[3] fraud n. 1 criminal deception. 2 dishonest artifice or trick. 3 person or thing that is not what it claims to be. [Latin fraus fraud-] [ibid.]

[4] remedy noun (pl. -ies)
1 a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury: herbal remedies for aches and pains.
n a means of counteracting or eliminating something undesirable: shopping became a remedy for personal problems.
n a means of legal reparation: compensation is available as a remedy against governmental institutions. [Oxford Pop-up]


Appendix; some evidence:

Case A: the erroneous use of "had of" in place of the correct "had've."


1. Details Craig?
Submitted by Paul Morrella on September 1, 2007 - 5:45am.

« ... and had of acted accordingly, ...»

2. I Agree Gareth
Submitted by Paul Morrella on August 29, 2007 - 11:32am.

«I will though say that if one had of started accepting ...»

3. Hi Scott
Submitted by Paul Morrella on June 30, 2007 - 8:29pm.

«If you had of as a child, applied for a Rolls Royce, ...»


4. The ICC is neither here nor there in this instance
Submitted by Jay White on March 1, 2007 - 4:09am.

«However, if Milosevic had of survived and ...»

5. wrong on so many levels
Submitted by Jay White on February 23, 2007 - 3:01am.

«Imagine if the US had of been successful in giving the Shah these weapons?»

6. It seems the Iranian economy is whatever you want it to be
Submitted by Jay White on February 7, 2007 - 2:23am.

«... I would have questioned the result was if Kerry had of won.»


Case B: the erroneous use of "ones" in place of the correct "one's."


1. They Always Fall Back On The "Morals"
Submitted by Paul Morrella on July 28, 2007 - 8:16am.

«Rather than pretend to ones self, ...»

2. Destroying Economic Growth Destroys The Poor
Submitted by Paul Morrella on July 3, 2007 - 1:49pm.

«It is the fear of losing ones place ...»


3. Bit of this and that along with world domination
Submitted by Jay White on March 8, 2007 - 6:19am.

«And by guarding ones interest does not mean to steal.»

4. The only US born "black flag" operation carried guitars
Submitted by Jay White on December 19, 2006 - 2:13pm.

«... no other option outside of changing ones entire outlook.»


Case C: the erroneous use of "quiet" in place of the correct "quite."


1. I Too Like Disappointing
Submitted by Paul Morrella on August 10, 2007 - 12:22am.

«Quiet similar in fact, to the current Iranian leadership.»

2. Part 2
Submitted by Paul Morrella on July 31, 2007 - 6:00pm.

«and I have never quiet understood it.»


3. Lobbying will always be with us
Submitted by Jay White on March 6, 2007 - 12:23pm.

«The thing is most lobby groups are quiet legitimate ...»

4. Projection is common propaganda
Submitted by Jay White on February 2, 2007 - 9:26am.

«And is now quiet fondly remembered.»


Facit: One case on its own, not much at all - but multiples over all three? So much coincidence is neither possible nor credible - IMHO, as usual and of course. But all the same, QED.


Anonymous said...

OOOHHHH! Cat got your tongue Friedham I. Whent?
Na , just a big dummy spit I reckon!

Please Phil Kendall,

Put simply, so you can understand it.

Anonymous said...

The old boy must be in bed. Hasn't removed my comment yet!
Heh heh heh heh heh...

S'pose it'll be more of the same


Friedham old mate, just between you and me, that Phil, is a real dill!