
peace & justice via truth

Subtitle: lies, hate & hypocrisy


I hardly need to name names; those who have acted against me know who they are, and 'tattling' would bring little improvement. Sadly, it's unlikely that anything short of a revolution will bring significant improvement anyway, so I don't feel too bad about my own so-far futile - but well-meant - efforts. But one never knows; perhaps success is just around some corner, and perseverance may soon be rewarded. (Carpe diem! - thanks, Harvie.)

The actions of B, B & H brought me a new word: enemy. In the beginning, they (B, B & H) set out - so they Oh, so piously asserted - to liberate the tyrant-oppressed Iraqi people (sounded somewhat OK and sucked a lot in), but as the illegal invasion was morphed into a brutal occupation (a state of total domination being required to ensure the eventual theft/control of Iraq's oil), so the target-liberatees were being killed in ever increasing numbers, and rather than being accused of killing the objects of their own (but only feigned) good intentions, the people being pink-mist murdered were relabelled: enemies.

Since I champion peace & justice via truth, those opposing me must share one or more of pushing lies, hate & hypocrisy; so in an analogous way, the people acting against me have picked up the same taint: enemies.

They do this to themselves; I just wonder why. (Tip: What's in it for them?)

To support any form of injustice is immoral, aka a failure to distinguish between right and wrong. There is a single principle of morality, namely the "Golden Rule - Do unto others..." That, along with the "Silver Rule - Do no harm," are based on reflexive altruism, i.e. what's good for one's self is good for all. To claim this morality as the property of some religion is nothing short of bizarre. (Take that, one!)


PS My runs are 'on the board;' for example looking in my submit-archive, I count 8 "no killing," 43 "stop the killing," 59 "Blix" and 98 "no war" then finally 372 "murder for oil." In addition and NB: I have not contaminated any child-mind with lies, nor inculcated the fear of death/g*d into any such innocent and highly vulnerable person. (Take that, two!)

It is the US of A leading the immoral charge, with the Israel lobby pushing; these two combined give USrael. Then the current UK and Aus regimes are in it too; all together giving the wannabe hegemon, its illegal sprog and poodle with dag, all in greater or lesser degree (mass)murdering for spoil. These are the worst and most criminal of thugs.

We can actually see it happening on a daily basis; look no further than Iraq or the former Palestine.

These thugs can do what they do because they propagandise the sheople®, the sheople being demonstrably more interested in flat-screen TVs (say) than peace & justice via truth - why/how else could each of B, B & H have been re-elected? The handmaidens of the pushed-paradigm propaganda are the corrupt & venal majority in the MSM, the whole show being run for the benefit of a tiny fat-cat getting obscenely fatter minority: the kleptocracy®.

I don't think it goes too far to say that anyone not opposing these swine to the best of their ability are the true haters.


One last thing: humanity stands before a possible, becoming ever more probable CO2 caused climate-crash, aka the greedastrophe®. It will be no good, as we all drown or burn or both, to say "Der - I didn't think!"

The time for action is now; we must start as we mean to go on, and rid ourselves of the enemies of humanity. We have our voices and votes, say it out loud: "NO MORE WAR!" - and vote all the lying warmongers out.


[1] lie2 —n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. —v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]

[2] hate —v. (-ting) 1 dislike intensely. 2 colloq. a dislike. b be reluctant (to do something) (I hate to disturb you; I hate fighting). —n. 1 hatred. 2 colloq. hated person or thing. [Old English]

hateful adj. arousing hatred. [POD]

[3] hypocrisy n. (pl. -ies) 1 false claim to virtue; insincerity, pretence. 2 instance of this. [Greek, = acting, feigning]

hypocrite n. person given to hypocrisy.  hypocritical adj. hypocritically adv. [POD]

[4] truth n. (pl. truths) 1 quality or state of being true. 2 what is true.  in truth literary truly, really. [Old English: related to *true]

truthful adj. 1 habitually speaking the truth. 2 (of a story etc.) true.  truthfully adv. truthfulness n. [POD]

[5] justice n. 1 justness, fairness. 2 authority exercised in the maintenance of right. 3 judicial proceedings (brought to justice; Court of Justice). 4 magistrate; judge.  do justice to 1 treat fairly. 2 appreciate properly. do oneself justice perform at one's best. with justice reasonably. [Latin justitia] [POD]

[6] peace n. 1 a quiet; tranquillity. b mental calm; serenity. 2 a (often attrib.) freedom from or the cessation of war (peace talks). b (esp. Peace) treaty of peace between States etc. at war. 3 freedom from civil disorder.  at peace 1 in a state of friendliness. 2 serene. 3 euphem. dead. hold one's peace keep silent. keep the peace prevent, or refrain from, strife. make one's peace (often foll. by with) re-establish friendly relations. make peace agree to end a war or quarrel. [Latin pax pac-] [POD]


KF's aviatar (avis+avatar); very low brain-power but quite sex-mad. Nickname: squeak.


Daniel said...

Onya, Phil. I knew you could do it!

Now you've made a start, it's simply a matter of relentlessly sharpening your pencil until it cuts deep into those people in the world who thrive on injustice and hate and manipulation!


Anonymous said...

Onya Daniel! Knew you'd turn up to piss in the self righteous one's pocket.

Birds of a feather eh?

Btw see you have been inundated with comments...... Not!

Think you need a new pencil old boy!

Anonymous said...

My profuse apologies Phil!

I was refering to your blog with regards to the dearth of comments.

Credit where credit is due.

It would be remiss of me not to clarify my comment.

Daniel of course, has the usual nutters, drop kicks, nay sayers and doomsday merchants frequenting
his blog.

Keep pluggin' away Phil!

Who knows?..

Maybe one day, you may reach the giddy heights achieved by Dan the Man!!!

Daniel said...

Did you know that the Medusa calls herself a Christian, Phil.

Hard to believe, eh?

Anonymous said...

PSST! Hey Daniel?

What do you get when you cross a Jehova's witness with an Atheist huh?

Someone who knocks on your door about nothing!


Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Daniel,

dunno much about 'x-ian,' but I ran a wiki-check on Medusa; who "was a monstrous chthonic female character; gazing upon her could turn onlookers to stone. She was beheaded by the human hero Perseus, ..."

More? - OK: "When we asked women what female rage looks like to them, it was always Medusa, the snaky-haired monster of myth, who came to mind ... In one interview after another we were told that Medusa is 'the most horrific woman in the world' ..."

Sounds about right. And a mental cripple, to boot.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh Freedom I don't Whont, a man of your intellect needing to run a wiki check on Medusa? Tsk tsk.
Should have asked your old mate Daniel what a Medusa was eh? It was he, after all who bestowed that name upon me!(batters eyelashes)
Don't let a few snakes put you off Phil! (winks)

Just so you don't feel left out, a special joke for my Philly willy.

Two cannibals are eating an atheist, and one says to the other
" Can you BELIEVE the way this guy tastes?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys? Thanks for the entertainment.

The Medusa reels in her line(baits been taken again!)packs up and heads home,with a couple of big fish in her bucket...

Janders said...

So Medusa you now have more fish than functioning brain cells. But how did you manage to count to two?

Anonymous said...

Hello Phil, it looks like that Kathy Farrelly (posting now as "Medusa") has a problem.

I mean, how autistic is poo smearing?

Anonymous said...

You know Kathy Farrelly claims to be a practising Catholic. Wonder what the people sitting next to her in the pews each Sunday would think of what she gets up to with her online persona(s).

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing at the irony of her lame 'slap':

"Btw see you have been inundated with comments...... Not!"

Like her old mate James Waterton (http://itneededtobesaid.blogspot.com/) is completely drowning in the huge flow of comments to his blog.

Anonymous said...

And Phil, you point out so astutely in your post:

"There is a single principle of morality, namely the "Golden Rule - Do unto others..." That, along with the "Silver Rule - Do no harm," are based on reflexive altruism, i.e. what's good for one's self is good for all. To claim this morality as the property of some religion is nothing short of bizarre. (Take that, one!)

Kathy Farrelly sure can't claim that morality for her church now can she.

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Anon E. Mouse,

re: Kathy Farrelly.

Yes, I agree she has a problem, actually several. The obvious one is attention-seeking, but the method and pay-off remain obscure. Her 'normal' habitat and preoccupation is faking orgasms over at HH/DD's, it's actually a wonder that even among those thought-poor she is nevertheless tolerated. Then, there's her so-called 'faith;' again obviously, she either doesn't understand how she's supposed to behave, or deliberately scorns such 'shoulds.' One thing is 'fur shure,' she's not worth any more attention than this short comment.

Anonymous said...

Make that 3 big fish and one (anonymous) blowfish! Heh heh heh.
Yep, The Medusa just keeps reelin' 'em in..

A record 15 comments too!

No, no need to thank me Old ham i Am!

Happy to be be of service.

Anonymous said...

No actually, I recant on the blowfish catch.
Phil Kendall aka Old Ham i Am, posting as anonymous doesn't count!

Friedham I. Whont said...

Out'a the mouths'a babes (make that 'tarts':)

"I may be an idiot, but I sure as hell ain't old!"

Posted by: Kathy | Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 22:35

Following the link to see what Katie (g'day) had to say is recommended. (This link to the Mackay article worked when I tried it.)

Anonymous said...

Ah Fried Ham..
You take yourself far too seriously!
I, on the other hand....well I'm not averse to taking the mickey out of myself..(or you!)

You need to relax old boy, lighten up. Not worth getting an ulcer over.
After all, it's only a blog.

Remember Blogs cannot change the world.. Talk is cheap!

People and their positive actions can!

That energy spent scouring the blogosphere for rare gems from 'moi' could be put to better use I'm sure.

Especially in view of the fact that you are wasting your time..

This is all fun and games to me.

Alas and alack, not for you.

More's the pity.

Friedham I. Whont said...

Dear Ms. Farrelly,

it is indicative of your mind, that you think that I might be chasing around after you. Quite the reverse; if you pop-up into my headlights, I might try to run you down each time (but only if I feel like it), just as I might try to run down every bunny, cat, dog or rat. Small children are safe, but not idiots.

Anonymous said...

Okay Phil, I'll bite! (MUST BE MY TURN) What's with the crested pigeon?

" Small children are safe, but not idiots." ..Touche'

I'd best be staying out of your way then, eh?

Friedham I. Whont said...

You parody yourself; if you'd observed these birds you'd've seen that they run hither and thither, often preferring running to feeding. And no matter what season, they appear ever-ready to go'a courtin'. Sound familiar? Then, try running your cursor (MOUSE!) over the picture. Other than that, just so. And BTW, murder for oil is a *bad* thing to do. So nobody in their right mind should support oil-murderers, aka Howard and the Liberals. OK? You must be bored out'a your tiny mind, eh?

Anonymous said...

Phil me old mate, that's what all pigeons and doves do.

And, you have gotta separate reality from fantasy!
I'm a happily married monogamous woman.
That's the reality!

Blogging...well that's the fantasy!

Btw, I do not support Howard and the libs.
Don't support that "me too" clone either!
Am sorely disappointeed that there is not a viable alternative!

Daniel said...

Twenty two comments. Phil, you're amazing!

And I notice a positive change in our Kathy as her comments progress. Perhaps we'll save her from herself after all.

We can but hope.