
Take that, Harr'äh!

The following was designed to be posted here and is addressed to most/all of the denizens over there at Harr'äh's.

all hands to the pump

Subtitle: GP shows he's worth something (at last! - but it can't/won't last.)

Here is Will Howard's story: Catalyst: Ocean Acidification – The BIG global warming story - ABC TV Science.


Q: Why am I doing this?

A1: Because all those arse-holes over there are so disgustingly, psycophantically pro-Lib and so anti-Lab as to be pathological.

A2: Because the Libs, in addition to being filthy, lying, murdering criminals (Iraq), they will not lift a finger to stop the greedastrophe®, they *must* be dumped.

A3: Because they over there are such shits as to move en masse into WD in their foul attempts to prop-up those filthy criminal Libs.

A4: Because they over there are such shits to go so far as to loose the disgustingly undemocratic Jay White = Paul Morrella = fraud into WD.

A5: Because they over there are all such utter shits, full stop.


People of their ilk (i.e. most/all over at Harr'äh's) seem to think that they can survive the coming greedastrophe; to all of them my Q: is both a) just what's in it for them? (Yes, predicated that they're all some part of the rip-offs) - then, and far more importantly, how're they gunna survive, when it all comes crashing down? - Which, as Will Howard can see, is already happening? In short, what'a they got, that's gunna save their horrible, ugly little fat arses? Hmmm?

My tip: We'll all go together, when we go. But there is a difference; *they* over there at Harr'äh's are bearing some'a the blame, for not trying to stop the rot.


Anonymous said...

Check out this url: http://melbourne.indymedia.org/news/2006/03/107740_comment.php

In 2006 were Jay White and Chris Parsons tag-teaming on Indymedia at the same time as they were doing so on Margo Kingston's Webdiary?

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Anon E. Mouse,

and thanks for the link (the Troll Spotting stuff could'a saved me a bit'a learning-by-doing.)

But any (more) speculation about:

Jay White = Paul Morrella = lying fraud and

C Parsons = Eliot Ramsey = lying fraud is basically a sad waste of otherwise useful time (unless you have some new slant?)