
when your only tool is...

.. a) a hammer; all problems look like nails.

.. b) hubris; most solutions involve arrogant pride or presumption.

.. c) criminality; most solutions don't just look like filthy crimes.


Some people seem to think that they can 'win' by being - well, a wee bit less than totally honest, shall we say? They seem to think that crime doesn't pay can be avoided. And by some accounts, some do so get away with criminality - for a while anyway, and I offer these three examples:

1. Howard (hopefully soon ex-PM),

2. The U S of A &

3. Israel.

Quite clearly, Howard has been less than totally honest, and 'suffers' (if that's the correct word) from hubris. As do the next 2 examples on my list.

The U S of A has roughly 5% of the world's population - but consumes roughly 25% of the world's resources. This mal-apportionment has not been achieved in a totally honest way, much to the contrary.

The state of Israel, as may clearly be seen, occupies great swathes of land which does not legally belong to that state; the state itself being of extremely dubious legality.

Each of the three think they can get away with their varying degrees of criminality; Howard has the nerve to try for yet another election win, The U S of A is by all accounts insensitive to the failures of their Iraq imbroglio (illegal invasion turned brutal occupation) and Israel just won't stop its Oh, so often murdering aggression against its neighbours.

What will each need, to teach them the error of their ways?

Some solutions - real solutions, just solutions - will be less painful and/or harmful than others.


1 comment:

Daniel said...

Glad to see a new post, Phil! I was beginning to wonder. Take care.