
a new 'down-under' world record!


Howard concedes defeat
Source: ABC News
Published: Saturday, November 24, 2007 11:24 AEDT

John Howard concedes defeat to Kevin Rudd in the federal election and says he looks set to lose his Sydney seat of Bennelong to Labor's Maxine McKew. Mr Howard says his government has led Australia into prosperity and extends his deep gratitude to his parliamentary colleagues.

Hoo-bloody-ray! The wicked old witch is dead!

Now, we might begin, to fight our way out.

Subtitle: but only if the sheople® don't go to water.


"If the polls are correct..." the voters could deliver a new world record smack in the chops for Howard.

Go for it, fellas (and ladies.)

The prize - watching Howard's capitulation speech.



For those who don't believe that we're being propagandised - not 'just' by the Murdoch rags, not 'just' by corrupt politicians, but also by *almost all* politicians, by *almost all* the (venal!) MSM, including the AusBC and SBS (Boo! Hiss!) - then any such 'doubting Thomases' may be well advised to read this article:

«Spreading Democracy
By Gozawheena Bergacker
Deep in the bowels of a Washington DC Think Tank, ... »

- and don't try to tell me that the same sort'a thing isn't happening here, due to our very own greedies, and almost terminal monkey see, monkey do by most'a th'Aussie sheople. And we're not 'just' being propagandised, we're being taken to the cleaners - and all the while, being made utter fools of, where a large part of the 'being made' is reflexive.

Without a change, Howard will 'lead' us deeper into the shit.


Daniel said...

Break out the champagne, ring the bells, the right-wing, Coalition-Big Business stranglehold on Australia has been loosened.

The future is suddenly looking much better.


Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Daniel,

and thanks. We did in fact sip Champers - opened after the concession speech. A nice drop from Reims, courtesy of Aldi.

Now the tasks are (at least) three:

1. save the planet - from the greedastrophe.

2. ensure that Labor 'gets back on track;' avoiding the idiotic errors of the US Dummocrats, and

3. get the sheople 'back on track;' ditch the "me, me me" disease, reduce/eliminate the "retail therapy" distraction, turn off the TV more often if not permanently, and begin living in a friendly way towards neighbours and environment both.

All too easy!

Daniel said...

Phil, we appear to have similar objectives whereas some peoples' objectives seems to change almost on a daily basis.

As you read my comment there are unexpected love-ins occurring on other blogs (pardon me for feeling a little nauseous).

Anyway, I'm going to concentrate more on my blog and I'll give you what help I can to get yours up and running if that's what you want!

Regardless, Australia is a better place today!

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Daniel,

and thanks again.

Yes, Aus is undoubtedly better off since the crushing defeat of the mothers of the utter disaster which was Howard&Co, and the post-partum tantrum is now fully underway, for supporters and principals both. Well, "Boo-hoo," fellas (and 'ladies,' namely KF & JH.)

If we need any reminder (hardly necessary) this is one account of why:

«Why it's great to see him go
November 27, 2007

SPARE me the sentimental tosh about John Howard. Here's why his departure is a joyous occasion.»

[theAus/Phillip Adams]

The article goes on to describe some'a the many, far too many filthy things Howard personally brought us, and the disrepute.

As to 'love-ins,' you'll have to be specific - if it'd be worthwhile me investigating. If it's WD, say, I hardly glance at it.