
what is vs. what could (should?) be.

Subtitle: Que sera?


Some big problems with "what is:"

1. Excessive & dangerous CO2 pollution.

2. Excessive & unsustainable resource (mis)use.

3. Excessive & profligate consumption by some sector(s).

A 'passenger' to the above is excessive population growth.

An actual 'driver' of the above is current 'leadership.'


It can be argued that the sheople® f**k like rabbits; it certainly seems that the highest population growth is most often associated with depressed living conditions and low education. An obvious antidote would be to improve living conditions and education - and certainly, to provide as much help as possible on the contraception front.

Q: Why is this not being done, in fact often the opposite?

A: Gross current 'leadership' failures.

As if that wasn't enough, the sheople are being encouraged to (over)consume - little encouragement required, but the direction nevertheless; a 'worst-case' example being humongous 4WD/SUVs as a class and the 'pits' here being the behemoth H3-Hummer. What a filthy, largely useless and senseless waste!

There might be nothing wrong with 'aspirational' per se, if the cumulative effects weren't so damaging; time to realise one may not always be able to Havidol...


Where we currently are is a result of ideological failure, not of the 'left' as alleged by some running-dogs of the 'right,' but failures of that right-faction itself, since it has been on the ascendancy these past years - since WW2, say; keywords Friedman, Chicago School, Perkins' Economic Hit Man, Klein's Shock Doctrine. More? Out'a control m/i-plex; colonial wars aka illegal invasions leading to brutal occupations, cf. (ex!)Palestine, Iraq - theft, torture and (mass!)murder.

We can claim 'leadership' failure exactly because the sheople are being further dumbed-down (corrupt politicians, venal MSM), further than they naturally would be, even under the worst Malthusian[1] nightmare. Laugh till you cry[2],[3]? We the sheople are being misrepresented; when we implored "No War!" we were ignored - and called a mob.

This situation being so - WYSIWYG; what to do?

The sheople, being sheople as they are, can only say: "Aorta!"

The (irresponsible!) leadership is a neff-ing disgrace.


PS As sheople, we are not exactly powerless. We have our voices, individually not much but collectively a possible "ROAR!" We have our votes, however devalued and/or corrupted. We must stand on our honour and morality, rejecting all corruption. It behoves us to speak out, and not reward any, let alone the grossest of leadership failures. Here I refer to the current incumbents[0].

Translation of an old German proverb:

"You have to take life as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it."

A vote for no change is unlikely to encourage desperately required improvements.


[0] incumbent —adj. 1 resting as a duty (it is incumbent on you to do it). 2 (often foll. by on) lying, pressing. 3 currently holding office (the incumbent president). —n. holder of an office or post, esp. a benefice. [Latin incumbo lie upon]

[1] Malthus , Thomas Robert (1766–1834), English economist and clergyman. In Essay on Population (1798) he argued that without the practice of ‘moral restraint’ the population tends to increase at a greater rate than its means of subsistence, resulting in the population checks of war, famine, and epidemic.
Malthusian adjective & noun
Malthusianism noun [Oxford Pop-up]

[2] Hobbesian

Hobbes , Thomas (1588–1679), English philosopher. Hobbes was a materialist, claiming that there was no more to the mind than the physical motions discovered by science, and he believed that human action was motivated entirely by selfish concerns, notably fear of death. In Leviathan (1651) he argued that absolute monarchy was the most rational, hence desirable, form of government.
Hobbesian adjective [ibid.]

[3] Thomas Hobbes 1588–1679
English philosopher

Laughter is nothing else but sudden glory arising from some sudden conception of some eminency in ourselves, by comparison with the infirmity of others, or with our own formerly.

Human Nature (1650) ch. 9, sect. 13 [The Oxford Dictionary of QUOTATIONS]

My comment:

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.


Daniel said...

Leadership can be defined as: a vigorous activity directed entirely at self-promotion. John Howard is an exemplar of this activity.

However, recently, he may have led himself up the garden path, convinced as he was that he could walk on water. Cheers.

Kathy Farrelly said...

And copycat Rudd is any better, Daniel??

Rudd, a leader with NEW ideas??

In a pig's eye Daniel!