
faux news

 Subtitle: the eff'n 4th estate - filthy liars.


Over the 'long haul[1],' one of the most pernicious aspects that I have observed in 'political life' (both in Aus & US) has been lies. Not 'just' lies, and not 'just' from the political principals, not 'just' from governments but also from oppositions (failing to oppose - why?) - then worse, perhaps far worse: lies from 'the press,' modern term "main-stream media;" aka the (venal!) MSM.

It's almost a fable (as in fabulous[2]); the so-called 'good economic managers' that the Libs claim to be, and that the MSM reinforces at revoltingly short intervals - ad infinitum, even. We get this almost-fable thrust down our throats - but it's just not true. Take for example interest rates, whereby Howard's 22% from his own past period as treasurer is ignored, minimised or simply poo-pooed; we have our noses repeatedly rubbed in Keating's 17% or whatever, and then the latest iteration, the 'keeping interest rates (at record!) lows' hoo-ha. All basically misleading at best when not outright and deliberate lies. Both Howard's and Keating's 'highs' were mostly imported, although admittedly both compounded and confounded by local idiocy. Exactly the same story with rates since 2004. Yet the misleading lies abound, and the then-opposition either concurred or demurred; why?

One could query - as I do, as to the how and why we (the sheople®, = sheep + people) tolerate these political lies?

One 'excuse' could be along the 'no sense, no feeling' lines; the sheople have been dumbed-down, mostly by TV. But even if so, the sheople surely should be accorded a bit more respect; a properly functioning democracy requires at least three things, a) an aware and educated electorate, b) a fair and reasonable choice (of candidates), and c) accurate information.

The sad fact that too many candidates are crooks and liars is obscured by the venal MSM; shame and scandal twice.


PS I assert these sort'a things (venal MSM, say); is there any proof? Yep. Had a radio-test just this morning; many American accents. Why that? A big bit'a our TV programming comes from Hollywood, ads by Madison Ave. There's a reason; cheap! (We at chezphil prefer 'less expensive.') But nevertheless, we are steamrollered with US culture (too bad.) Anything else? You bet! Both SBS and the AusBC source far too much from the US - CNN, say, without proper (or even any) analysis. The breakfast-bag on RN is a serious, repeat offender in this respect, but here's a 'real' example of what I mean:

«HOLMES: The Iraqi navy on point getting ready to take over the sole responsibility of guarding the country's most precious resource.

NGUYEN: And their success or failure could have global implications.»

[CNN (SBS 071008) October 7, 2007 iraq oil]

The piece concludes with:

«ROBERTSON: The stakes are high. Failure here would impact world oil markets with inevitable repercussions for the global economy.»

See what I mean?

Filthy, lying propaganda.

(Do I need to labour the point? Surely not, but if a clue really is needed: murder for oil. Mass-murder. Millions gruesomely, "pink-mist, shock'n whore" murdered. Thanks, but no thanks Yanks. Go home.)



[1] Noun 1. long haul - a journey over a long distance; "it's a long haul from New York to Los Angeles"
journey, journeying - the act of travelling from one place to another
2. long haul - a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out; "in the long run we will win"; "in the long run we will all be dead"; "he performed well over the long haul"
long run
period, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"

[2] fabulous adj. 1 incredible. 2 colloq. marvellous. 3 legendary.  fabulously adv. [Latin: related to *fable] [POD]


Daniel said...

Point is, Phil, that, if the people of the world were properly educated and could think for themselves, liars would cease to exist! Cheers!

Friedham I. Whont said...

Not so easy, Daniel - educating all'a the sheople® (Aus, UK, US) is about 400mio, wouldn't it be easier just to require the MSM to tell the truth - on pain of death, say?

Daniel said...

Given a choice between truth or the pain of death and making a profit, the MSM would choose the latter every time, Phil!