Subtitle: contrast the dialectical dilettante's nuance.
Lie[1], obfuscate, propagandise...
Preamble: the recent election result was the most satisfying since that of 2Dec'72 and yes, that means that at least since events leading up to 'the dismissal,' things have been going mostly down-hill, and more precipitously so in the last 11½ years... Dear reader, if you are offended by the name Whitlam, or incensed that Howard has finally received the 1st instalment of his comeuppance[2], please leave this blog now, taking your (crippled!) mind with you. Or perhaps not: you could hang around (skulking and/or sulking?) and learn something.
Sometimes I mark items as 'key.' Here are some recent ones:
«Sleepers awoke from slumber of indifference
November 27, 2007
By Hugh Mackay
When John Howard recycled Paul Keating's line about a change of government changing the country, ...»
«If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom, I’m The Queen of England
By David Michael Green
I wish I had a nickel [5¢] for every time a conservative told a lie in order to sell an ideology that would otherwise be hopelessly unappealing...»
«The party's over and Liberals will soon be history
November 29, 2007
By Steve Biddulph
The Liberal Party is in trauma. The corporate sector is attempting to calm its nerves, ...»
To the above three I add two more:
«Environment shock
Marian Wilkinson and Stephanie Peatling
November 19, 2007
MUCH of Australia will lose its ability to farm successfully, and there will be a large loss of species from the Great Barrier Reef and the tropics if the growth of polluting energy from coal, oil and gas is not halted within seven years, a dire report from the United Nations peak scientific body warns.»
«IMF chiefs warns of economic 'perfect storm'
Posted November 28, 2007 22:45:00
The chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given a warning that the world economy could be facing what he calls a "perfect storm".»
That ort'a be enough for now.
The phrase which triggered a most ugly right-wing troll onslaught was contained in this snip: "I said that the time for arguing any of this is over; and so it is. All we can do now is observe the filthy, murdering criminals in action."
The criminals referred to in that snip were the regime-elements associated with B, B & H of the US, UK and Aus and their illegal invasion now turned brutal occupation of Iraq, and the murdering action is their still-proposed theft of and/or wrenching control over Iraq's oil. Whereas this is the current major crime, there is another of scarcely less import which has been underway since at least 1947; I refer of course to the illegal invasion now turned brutal occupation of Palestine by the i/j/z-plex, aka Zionists.
Far from being delivered into a world of peace and justice, we have been plunged into a morass of increasing violence and criminality. It's not 'just' the obvious armed attacks, there has been a systematic looting of world resources carried out under various themes such as 'economic rationalisation' and 'globalisation,' all 'lead' by "Chicago School" type thinking and implemented by the products of the "Harvard Business School (for sharks)" and such-like sharp types and practices ('sharp' here being homologous with 'criminal.')
As a bit of an aside, the 'systematic looting' that I refer to is the mal-appropriation of profits from the resources sector (keyword: resource-rent). In a nutshell, resources world-wide are mostly being rorted by corporations without adequate recompense. As if that wouldn't be enough, the US (otherwise worthless fiat) currency is out'a control (keyword: M3); they are attempting to print their way (recall Weimar), at a great cost to the rest of the world. The proof of this printing is asset-inflation, both in stock and house prices (the latter having received a local boost from Costello's CGT halving. Good economic managers? Hah!) Further proof is the accumulation of US$s outside the US, effectively worthless and worse, almost useless; look at China. Not much can be done with these external $s - except possibly to buy (US-produced) arms, thus enabling the extension of the circles of violence. Bah!
Although Blair and Howard have now left/been thrown out and Bush must eventually go, the crimes continue. Worse, the US economy is faltering and the greedastrophe® gets ever closer.
A note must here be made: it's not 'just' the filthy, lying politicians B, B & H plus their ugly assistants (and apologist/accessories) at fault; they could not propagate their lying propaganda without the active connivance of the main-stream media, the (venal!) MSM. This was marked during the election campaign by both overt (theAus, say, but big bits'a the SMH, Age etc) and covert support extended largely to the coalition, some of this sly support extending from deep within the AusBC and even more revoltingly by SBS. Boo! Hiss! Exactly who 'allows' publicly financed broadcasters to push lying propaganda?
To prove my even-handedness, I'll quote an Americanism (spit!) - "In g*d we trust; all others pay cash." That sets the tone; in having the wicked old witch Howard now (metaphorically) dead, it's up to Labor to save our local bit'a the planet. We don't just trust or hope they will, we will work to ensure they will. In other words, we will hold Labor to the promise; having stood against the ogre and won, they must now correct the ogre's errors.
PS And wha'da'bout "keep it simple, stupid" (aka KISS?) Well, the truth could be likened to a line, a single line so thin as to be only one-dimensional, a tiny thin thread running through the vastness of time. All else, the great infinity outside this single thread being the universe of (filthy!) lies. Only the single thread of truth is accountable, all else is not: keep it simple; no lies, see?
Next, some people say some sort'a g*d is needed, some invisible (and imaginary!) deity, to hang a morality on; I say "What utter bloody rubbish!" A fully functional and fair morality can be built on enlightened altruism, and it sits stably (and comfortably!) on the 'high-wire' of truth (no safety net needed). It behoves us all to seek out the truth - and tolerate no lies, no never, no more.
[1] lie1
Len's loyalty to his mates had made him tell lies
UNTRUTH, falsehood, fib, fabrication, deception, made-up story, trumped-up story, invention, piece of fiction, fiction, falsification, falsity, fairy story/tale, cock-and-bull story, barefaced lie; (little) white lie, half-truth, exaggeration, prevarication, departure from the truth; yarn, story, red herring, rumour, fable, myth, flight of fancy, figment of the imagination; pretence, pretext, sham, ruse, wile, trickery, stratagem; (lies) misinformation, disinformation, perjury, dissimulation, mendacity, gossip, propaganda; informal tall story, tall tale, whopper; Brit. informal porky, pork pie, porky pie; humorous terminological inexactitude; vulgar slang bullshit.
-related word: mendacious.
-opposite(s): TRUTH, FACT. [New Oxford Thesaurus of English]
[2] comeuppance n. colloq. deserved punishment. [come up, *-ance] [POD]
Actually - or better, rightfully; B, B & H and their assistants (and apologist/accessories!) ort'a be tried for war-crimes. Most probably won't happen but should, presuming that a fair court were to exist. Yet more problems. Cooperation is the key, enlightened altruism the way.