
unsustainable ...

  .. an unknown concept to the lying NeoCons ...

    .. all they ever do is moreofthesame - mostly criminal bulls**t


ww1 - war to end war - obviously didn't

ww2 - peace, justice & the Amerikan way = prime bulls**t

cw - fear - unnecessary - except as theft-enabler for US aggressor

planet-wide US murdering violence now worse, worser, worst

cultural colonisation via the boob-tube = propaganda

sub-prime - biggest rip-off of all time

recall the filthy super-profit scam

the US doesn't buy, it steals

all planned by the self-titled 'masters of the Universe,' all a complete and utter failure - all they really enabled was the obscene to the point of going horribly obese US over-consumption

IF only moreofthesame - criminal bulls**t, THEN the bigger the eventual crash

Murphy says: If it can happen, it will.

Q1: How smart is Obama? Will he push on, or pull back?

Q2: How smart are we the sheople®, to tolerate the essentially intolerable?

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