
not just in Iraq, is the US jackboot ...

  .. crushing down on a hapless, helpless nation's neck ...

    .. it's basically the whole, wide world suffering similar - why that?


Preamble: The world is drowning in equal parts of lies, greed, corruption, outright theft and (often mass-) murder most foul. As self-titled 'leader of the free(?) world,' the US is 'responsible' for this situation, not just because it has failed to prevent it - Oh, no - but because the US has created most of it. Worse, worser, worst: they knew beforehand what they were doing, they planned it(!!?)

Almost invariably, when I reach the end of some analysis, I screech "Why?" In this case, I wish to know a bit more: not just a) why has this happened, but b) why do we only find out about it now, and most importantly, c) why has there been no effective resistance?

In other words, where are the adults?


Intermezzo: There's an old saw, that goes:

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics."

I propose a slightly different form:

"Lies, damned lies - and economists (Chicago School) ..."

To which I add:

  ".. and filthy, propagandising trolls."


I will 'deal' with (b) 1st;

Q: "Why do we only now find out about it?"

A: Because we have been mislead (aka lied to); another old saw, we've been enrolled in the "Mushroom Club," i.e. kept in the dark - and fed on bulls**t.

Thanks, but "No, thanks!" to the impetus of the fatally hubristic GWBush&Co, plus a bit'a serendipity - namely the internet, those who wish to see now can - and what an eff'n mess it is!

Until GWBush&Co showed up, my 'prime source' of information was the AusBC. Although we now see that the mainstream, corporate media (aka the venal and corrupt MSM) are the main conduit for, augmentors - and even creators of the propaganda-flood, it was predominantly the AusBC which kept me personally in the dark - and fed me on bulls**t, since I generally avoided the commercial alternates. QED against any 'left bias' slur; that's only a furphy, one of many similar deliberately deployed by 'the enemy.' And speaking of enemies, see this[2].

More generally, the world has fallen to propaganda, starting first perhaps with the dumbing-down of the US' own sheople® and their now apparently complete addiction to TV, with its distorted 'news,' Madison Ave., Hollywood - all, as we now see, poisonous to greater or lesser degree. In summary (possibly looping - comme d'habitude), we've been lied to - deceived, and that deliberately - also by publicly financed broadcasters, boo! Hiss!


To (a) the crime and its 'why:' That's too easy; the US set out to take more (far, far more) than its 'fair' share, and it set out to do that by deploying 'power tactics:'

  «We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.»

Kennan was regarded as 'dovish:'

  «"The final answer might be an unpleasant one, but...we should not hesitate before police repression by the local government. This is not shameful since the Communists are essentially traitors....It is better to have a strong regime in power than a liberal government if it is indulgent and relaxed and penetrated by Communists. "»
[discuss ...the United States' military and political objectives ...]

Some dove, and 'Communist' was the epithet used on anyone who thought government functions included providing what would otherwise be termed 'normal' services to, or otherwise providing 'support' for the local peasantry(??!) 'Communist' has now been morphed/generalised to 'Socialist,' and attempts were made to smear Obama as such, just this year. Same old same old -

  - as most of the above is old, but the situation has continued. Using WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get - in other words, propaganda-created blinkers off and see what's really going on), we see that the US, still with 5% of the world's population now has 25% of the world's resources - and they have gone fat to the point of obese with their vicious, thieving greed and over-consumption.

But: anyone thinking this is not an extremely acute and current problem could try reading the whole of the article this quote[3] comes from.


Finally (c), why has there been no effective resistance? Who let the US 'get away with it,' up till now?

In other words, where are the (moral, clever) adults?

Search me. Lazy? Corrupt themselves?

Thatcher cried "TINA!" - it was a lie (no surprise), but now we've got an alternative - i.e. do nothing, and complete the drowning - or more likely crashing, starving and/or burning-up, as our ecosphere crisps in the excess-CO2 caused greedastrophe®.

Or some adults could take charge and follow my tip: finger out, dump the US and the $US with it, start soonest on saving our once jewel-like planet.



[1] jackboot n. 1 military boot reaching above the knee. 2 this as a militaristic or fascist symbol. [POD]

[2] «The Pentagon's Information Operations Roadmap now describes the Internet as an enemy "weapons system."»
[globalresearch/Psychological Operations are my specialty]

[My comment: Not a truly serious article perhaps, but may contain more than a little truth - like that quoted bit, say.]

[3] November 12, 2008
Obama's Economic Advisors
Against Volcker
By Patrick Bond

  «Elmar Altvater of Berlin's Free University recalls how the world "slid into the debt crisis of the 1980s after the US Federal Reserve tripled interest rates (the so called 'Volcker Shock'), leading to what later has been described as the 'lost decade' for the developing world."

How 'lost'? The British Medical Journal complained in 1999 of orthodox World Bank structural adjustment policies that immediately followed: "According to Unicef, a drop of 10-25% in average incomes in the 1980s - the decade noted for structural adjustment lending - in Africa and Latin America, and a 25% reduction in spending per capita on health and a 50% reduction per capita on education in the poorest countries of the world, are mostly attributable to structural adjustment policies. Unicef has estimated that such adverse effects on progress in developing countries resulted in the deaths of half a million young children-and in just a 12 month period."»

[counterpunch/Patrick Bond]

The implications flowing from that article have local repercussions; suffice it to say that with an honest media (and politicians similarly honest), our wide-brown may suffer quite a bit less than it currently does. Our resources are being ripped out of the ground without adequate recompense; our politicians actively assist this rip-off. Our governments are being strangled by tax policies which favour the already filthy-rich, the list of malfeasances is looong. At the root of the problems is the so-called 'Washington Consensus,' an erring, filthy rip-off ideology. See "Economic Hit Man." Why should we be forced to suffer these depredations?

Final comment: Just when you think things can't get worse, they quite often do. The more I find out about what's been done - and what's been largely hidden from us, the madder - I mean angrier - I get. We the sheople - here I mean it with respect, all our fellow-citizens everywhere, shorthand 'humanity,' we do not deserve to be so ripped-off, so deceived. It's gotta be stopped, reversed, our world made whole again - and all the irresponsible criminals must be thrown straight into gaol.

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