
culpable ...

  .. and/or incompetent ...

    .. but in any case, wickedly criminal


"All politicians lie!" - or so we were informed, as that ghastly fact became unavoidably obvious in the 'run-up' to the US-led (with UK and Aus as poodle with dag) illegal invasion of Iraq - murder for oil.

Equally obvious - at least to those who wish to see and look closely enough - is that it's not 'just' the politicians who lie; it's also the MSM (main-stream media: largely corrupt and venal), including some public broadcasters, like the AusBC and SBS, say. (Boo! Hiss! How dare they take our dough - then lie to us!!?)

The MSM - and the AusBC, SBS etc. go so far as to deploy 'talking head' so-called experts, many of whom were actually briefed by the Pentagon ('over there;' one suspects a similar process to be under way in the UK and Aus, after the principle of "Monkey see, monkey do." Recall the AusBC 7.30 Report's pre-Iraq war 'make-over,' and the subsequent 'expert' analysis segments.)

That we are being deliberately lied to was exposed largely due to 'citizen journalist' efforts associated with (against!) the illegal invasion of Iraq (now been morphed into an equally brutal and murdering occupation), and we won't forget that Iraq is only one modern occurrence, there's the almost concurrent invasion of Afghanistan (murder for a pipeline), and a looong list of US transgressions stretching at least from WW2 - the A-bombing war crime, my own chosen 'starting point,' but plenty more before that - right down to this day. The US is a war-oriented organization, they murder for spoil. See Blum's "Rogue State," Chomsky's "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" and Perkins' "Economic Hit Man" for examples.

That we were being deliberately propagandised occurred to me relatively early in my own investigations into the Iraq imbroglio, stimulated by the crooked works of Judith Miller (NYT) and Tony Parkinson (theAge) amongst other journalist-traitors. "Why that?" I cried to myself. Finding the answer took some deep digging, and a bit of serendipity.

We all should know by now the chilling implications of "the big lie;" try reading that ref. as a refresher to see if it rings any alarm bells anew. I draw particular attention to this bit:

  «His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.»
[wiki/Big_Lie, ibid.]

(Any viewer of AusBC's "The Howard Years" could keep the above in mind.)

But there was a predecessor to 'The Big Lie,' namely Bernays.

Reading that reference exposes nearly all, to wit, that we the sheople® are being deliberately propagandised - but worse: with malice aforethought.

In a nutshell, that's how our so-called democracies - US, UK, Aus & Israel - most of the Anglo/Judaic group and possibly, probably many others - are being deliberately corrupted. I regard that, and the subsequent results like murder for oil in Iraq (and all such lies and transgressions) as being filthily criminal.

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