
a very hopeful sign

 Subtitle: MAD if y'do...


We know all about last straws, and camels' backs - or, we ort'a.

What if the wicked and illegal invasion of Iraq, now morphed into brutal occupation, each more criminally murdering than the other, is such a straw?

What we do know fur sure is that the US first, then with Israel and the M-W lobby fused into USrael has been nukular-blackmailing the world.

What we don't know is why the world acquiesced (the threats must'a been truly horrendous), but with the exposing of the NIE, we might have crossed a real turning-point. The 'intelligence' establishment has, in words of one syllable or less, called GWBush a liar. But worse, is the sort'a lies he's been telling, as he Oh, so openly threatened Iran with "all options." (And note that it's not 'just' Bush&Co, the Dummocrats almost to a wo/man, too. Idiots.)

Consider another 'data-point,' the remarks of Fallon (paraphrased perhaps): "Not on my watch."

On the one hand, the 'responsible' military officer saying he'll disobey any order to attack Iran and on the other, the spies yelling "Liar, liar! Pants on fire!"


Until now, USrael has brutalised the world, doing just about whatever they wanted to do, in plain words mass-murdering for spoil (US for resources, culminating in murder for oil in Iraq, and Israel murdering for land and water in the pursuit of Greater Israel) - but all of a sudden, the most visible warmongers are being told in no uncertain terms "Why'n'cha just shuddup?!"

You have to ask Q: "Why?" - and the A: must be because someone has worked out that the game is over, they (USrael) are most likely not to get away with their threatened action (in this ball-breaking case: striking at Iran.)

Then Q: "Why not?" - and the A: must be because someone has made a bigger return threat. Nothing else makes sense; (cowardly!) thugs only ever cave-in to bigger thugs.

Something like this, perhaps?

«The Sea Dreamer: ...
Correction: 'massive deterrence' should read 'massive retaliation'; 'false-flag asymmetric nuclear warfare' might perhaps be better described as 'no-flag'; and of course the doctrine of asymmetric nuclear warfare has neither yet been fully articulated, nor demonstrated.
December 06, 2007
Votes: +0»

(In the comments to:
More War is Job One: Torturing the Truth on Iran
Written by Chris Floyd)
[chris-floyd ... Torturing_the_Truth_on_Iran]

1 comment:

Daniel said...

The opposition of countries like Russia and China may actually save our world from the very real threat of American imperialism and hegemony, Phil.

Rather ironic, eh!