
no further comment ...

 .. for the moment, that is.


I just had occasion to 'visit' WD.

I'd like to pay tribute to three people's posts, namely those from Angela Ryan, Bob Wall & Daniel Smythe; their posts run together here, interspersed by a post from a known troll CP/ER.

There is no proper 'answer' to filthy trolls such as CP/ER, but as an indication of my utter contempt for such, I quote two passages (the last one was linked-to in a previous post on the same thread):

«In discourse analysis it’s known as the false dilemma. You can’t argue with somebody, particularly a leader, who insists that he was doing what was right because, implicitly, you invite yourself to be seen as arguing for what is morally wrong. And that’s why conviction politicians are so successful and can get away with murder. Literally. (It’s analogous to the assertion that "God promised us the land." The only sane response to that, if ones dares, is "You’re mad.")»

[ICH/Alan Hart/A Manifestation of Evil or Just Plain Madness?]

Note that the beginning of the Hart quote mentions "doing what was right" and was 'aimed' at Blair, but no person in their right mind could possibly believe that B, B & H's illegally invading Iraq (now morphed into a brutal occupation) with the intention of stealing its oil was ever "doing what was right." Further, I re-aim the end of the Hart quote not just at all of B, B & H, their accessories and apologists but also squarely at M-W's equally filthy 'lobby.'

«What then, in the end, do our leaders - present and future, Republican and Democrat - stand for? What is the most apt emblem for the ultimate value they embody and most assiduously serve?

A child dying in her own shit and blood, in a land ripped to pieces by a criminal war.

[Chris Floyd/Eating Iraq: Corruption Rules and Cholera Rises While Insurgents Surf the Surge]


Daniel said...

Down through history, wars have typically been fought by the rich and the powerful as well as various assortments of religious fanatics! Occasionally one person combines all three.

Those who profit from war never put themselves or their families at risk. In secrecy, they pay hurried visits to war-zones, get their photo taken, then get out as fast as their shaking little legs can carry them.

It's the peasants who make up the ranks of the dead and injured be they members of the indoctrinated Armed Forces or innocent civilians.

War is an obscenity for which there can be no justification!

Those who initiate war are parasites. Hanging is too good for them.

Anonymous said...

Finally Daniel comes on board over tha hanging of Saddam Hussein who initiated wars on Iran and Kuwait.

Anonymous said...

Angela Ryan,
Bob Wall, and Daniel Smythe?
The Three stooges!


Let's pay tribute to these clowns eh?

Daniel said...

Phil, I see that Crotch-Rot is back again making a nuisance of herself and contributing absolutely nothing of value.

Her warped sense of humour is so pathetic it beggars belief. Most kindergarten children are more mature than she is!

Why allow her to pollute your blog, Phil? The trash can is where her infantile comments belong!

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Daniel,

deleting such droppings may already be paying too much attention.

You'n I are concerned about truth and justice, and saving the planet, say.

These trolls are the enemy (apologist/accessories), and if Tsu didn't say it then perhaps he should'a: "Know your enemy."

Look, for example, to Anonymous @ 6/12/07 21:30; a partially illiterate piece of propaganda-shit, it screams "IGNORANCE."


Returning to truth and justice, there's a lot'a head-scratching going on about the GWBush NIE-lies, here may be the nub:

«Men, you must understand: we have just witnessed a gut-punch from the entrenched Imperial bureaucracy against the johnny-come-lately pretender.»

(In the comments to:
More War is Job One: Torturing the Truth on Iran
Written by Chris Floyd)

[chris-floyd ... Torturing_the_Truth_on_Iran]

I think that could be a very accurate assessment.

There's another pertinent comment here.

Anonymous said...

"Most kindergarten children are more mature than she is!"

And calling someone you've never met 'Crotch-Rot' is what sort of behaviour, Daniel?

Anonymous said...

Touche' Anonymous!
Heh heh heh heh heh..