
ebony and ivory_1927

Submitted on June 28, 2007 - 4:40pm.

 Subtitle: what every troll should know.


Y'know what, Pаul Mоrrella?

I don't give a flying fu... - err, fig for your (slanderous!) attacks on me.

Kindly allow me to remind you, of where we actually are.

Highest on the list of things going wrong - if the indications from the legion of honest scientists working on the problem know what they're talking about - would be a climate-collapse triggered by a vast excess of CO2, what I call the greedastrophe®.

Second on the list of things going wrong - if the murdering bloody disasters in say, Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq are indicative - would be a world system out-of-control, as I've said many, many times before. The world's putative policeman - the UN - is not; it has been corrupted, consciously so, and the main corrupters - seems to me, are the US and Israel, which, when combined with the Israel Lobby infesting the US forms USrael, and along with rest of the Anglo (Christian) CoW® being neatly summarised as: the wannabe world hegemon plus its illegal sprog and the poodle with dag, all mass-murdering to enable theft (of oil, land and water).

Third on the list of things going wrong - if the rip-offs evident in the mining industry are indicative - would be, as far as we, the sheople® are concerned, a government/industry - in the US, the m/i-plex, also toadally® out'a our control, dedicated to (ever further!) enriching a fat-cat keptocracy already filthy-rich beyond any dreams of avarice, descending into disgusting obesity. How utterly horrid! Not to mention criminal.

That should be enough, for now.

Well, of course some of the sheople® were/are still disturbed. Going back a bit, I personally entreated:

"Leave it to Blix!"

"No killing!"


To which is added: "Stop the rip-offs!"

And "Get some morals!"

See where I'm going, Pаul?

Elegantly simple really, in the words of the Jackson & McCartney song, "I'm a lover, not a fighter;" I fight the good fight: me - n'me mates - we have right on our side.

Any opposing me/us, on the above themes, say, simply don't.

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