
civil discourse_1837

Submitted on June 14, 2007 - 10:03am

Subtitle: whither WD?

«G'day. Since I started Webdiary in 2000, I've envisaged it as a space for civil discourse between Australians of different political viewpoints – a democratic conversation.»

[Margo Kingston/Editorial Policy]

I'm supposing that the contents of the following:

Where Is This Stolen Oil?
... by Pаul Mоrrella on June 13, 2007 - 1:10pm

Margo: Hmmm. A true
... by Pаul Mоrrella on June 13, 2007 - 2:00pm

You Say Illiberal, I say Liberal
... by Pаul Mоrrella on June 13, 2007 - 2:11pm

Here we go....it's the "evil materminds behind world history"
... by Eliоt Ramѕey on June 13, 2007 - 2:29pm

Beware of 'The Claw'
... by Eliоt Ramѕey on June 13, 2007 - 4:44pm

Phil, Gary I am sure you have the heart in the illiberal place
... by Pаul Mоrrella on June 13, 2007 - 9:51pm

- are all perfect examples of your wished-for 'civil discourse,' eh Margo? I direct the question also to David R.

Lol. That obvious?


Anyone can have a proof-free blog - ask your mate 'over there;' that's one'a his specialities. Unsubstantiated discussions are toadally worthless. - Oh! Only IMHO, of course! Is WD to degenerate into ever more senseless blather; empty-headed nattering?

WD 'moderators' may take liberties; any 'cosmetic improvement' could obscure 'keyboard finger-prints,' say, and chopping out bits - like removing a "Prove it ain't so!" challenge - must be considered a bit undemocratic, if not outright autocratic/dictatorial. Hmmm? Is this sort'a manipulation how WD implements "free speech?" Not happy, Margo.

Again IMHO, the nature of the posts from both Mоrrella and Ramѕey indicate either ignorant interference or deliberate derailing/obstruction - i.e. they are time-wasters at best or simply 'trolls.' The only questions are two: a) are they sick, volunteer pro-murder for oil propagandists (as opposed to some sort'a 'professionals;' any difference being 'merely' the degree of criminality) and b) what is WD gunna do about 'em?

Tip: Allow them to waste ever-more of our Oh, so precious time?

As with the chaos in the remnants of old-Palestine, the illegally invaded now brutally occupied Iraq - and possibly/probably some/most/all of the other so-called "Al-Qaeda" trouble-spots, say, exactly whose interests are being served?

Tip: Follow the (grubby US oil) money!


All the while, the greedastrophe® gets ever more unavoidable, ever closer, ever more disastrous. How/where should we spend our last gasps? "On the Beach?" (But with no petrol for one last run of our Ferraris; the US having stolen it all? Just get in, take the pill.)



«Not really, just a decade or so experience on and off similar forums.»

[Pаul Mоrrella on May 27, 2007 - 12:52pm]

Oh, do tell?

Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Pаul Mоrrella". (0.12 secs)

Must'a all been on and off non-indexed forums until WD, eh?

Bye Pаul. Again. Bye Eliоt. Or should that be "Goodnight from him?"


Damian Lataan said...

Phil, there's a lot of evidence (not quite conclusive) to indicate that Eliot Ramsey is just a reincarnated C. Parsons. Note the patronisig similarity in patter and jargon that Ramsey uses; sound familiar?

Friedham I. Whont said...

G'day Damian,

and yes, the same thought has occurred to me.

I think that seep might'a compromised himself with this Manly quote:

Prominent Sydney atheist identity opposes Dawkins's positi
Submitted by C Parsons on June 2, 2007 - 1:09pm.

"...non-other than Left-wing Sydney local government identity, Brad Pedersen, the atheistic independent Acting Mayor of Manly..."

last seep post:
New problem for "peace" activists looming...
Submitted by C Parsons on June 9, 2007 - 10:23am

Here's ER's 1st post:

Joe Lieberman is irrelevant I think
Submitted by Eliot Ramsey on June 12, 2007 - 12:25pm


Then there's the Pol Pot rubbish, and

...(in my archive; 2005-now) of 8 'primary' mentions of "Germaine Greer," 1 is mike lyvers, 1 is Solomon Wakeling, 4 are C Parsons, 1 is Michael de Angelos and 1 Eliot Ramsey.

then GLW:

Yasser Arafat - typical US Zionist puppet
Submitted by Eliot Ramsey on June 22, 2007 - 10:34am.

"And appears to have gulled the editors of Green Left Weekly, no less, hardly a radical or extremist newspaper, into providing a platform for Mr Haddad's views."


I'm not a great detective (I know of at least one better), and in a way (I've said it:) "It's all data," but I too think that CP/ER is one person; a liar and pro-Zionist, pro-war propagandist. It's a central theme behind my 'effective counter-propaganda' post of today, title-changed (by MK) from 'partly agree with Damian' as submitted.

Nice to have you 'on the team.'

regards, Phil.