
partly agree with Damian_1921

Submitted on June 23, 2007 - 11:11am.

 Re: Rhetoric and propaganda dies away; geo-political reality bites.


G'day Damian Lataan; thanks for your effective counter-propaganda work - there's lots to be none, and every bit helps (but only if enough sheople® were to appreciate such efforts.)

You may have noticed that SBS now regularly sends stuff with US accents; this probably 'goes over well' with any wannabe-Californicated sheople - but this sort'a pro-war slanted material (some also being relayed by the AusBC; what colossal nerve to allege left bias!) - is truly reprehensible, propagandising paid for out'a the public purse. Then there're the clips featuring the presumed to be Hollywood-groomed Israeli spokespersons...

An effective counter to any propaganda is to use one's own eyes and good native sense; one asks, for example, if it's asserted to be murder for oil, Q: are there any signs to confirm this? A: naturally enough, the answer is "Yes," see the US insistence that the (puppet) Iraqi government pass the largely US-drafted oil law, say, among other risible 'benchmarks.' (The whole benchmark thing is a ploy; as the Iraqis fail such 'tests' - as planned, the US says "See? We gotta stay!" - and they will, until the Dummocrats finally get the message. Q: too late? A: far too late for far too many Iraqis, perhaps 2mio dead since '91. Mostly due to the US, i.e. see Albright on 60 minutes - "worth it".) The propaganda spin being pushed about the oil law is 'revenue sharing;' the background to this 'sharing' (Haw!) being the 50-year span now being mooted for the brutal, murdering US-boot on Iraqi-neck occupation.

And as for Israel, Q: are their 'borders' being pushed ever further into erstwhile Palestinian 'native' territory? Q: is the perversely named IDF (hardly defensive, far more offensive) killing Palestinians using the very latest revoltingly murderous US whiz-bangery? (Blam! - out'a clear blue skies. Tut, tut - poor collaterals. The murdering trigger-pullers - possibly on both sides - obviously have no scruples. But whose land/water/oil is/was it?)

The geo-political reality of murder for spoil is cloaked in filthy, lying propaganda - which must be countered by all who can. What stands to be won is truth and justice; achieving that is the only reward I seek. (I mean, how else could I profit, daaarlings?) What drives the pro-murder propagandizers, one could wonder? (Tip: such propagandizers may also often be heard to say "Greed is good...")

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