.. distraught at the filthy, criminal Israeli depredations in Gaza, and the total lack of any (visible, effective) opposition.
It is utterly disgusting how the so-called 'leaders' of the 'civilised world' do nothing (visible, effective) to stop USraeli murder for spoil.
And possibly the worst aspect is the way the propaganda is pushed, i.e. by the public broadcasters as well as the 'commercial' MSM. Boo! Hiss! I have seen McGeough's "Incursion in November was the last straw" and now "Mission revealed: destroy Hamas," McGeough is to be congratulated for showing us some cracks in the Israeli pushed-paradigm lying façade.
It really makes me spit, hearing or reading the cruel fiction about how 'poor, little Israel' has to 'defend itself from Hamas,' while what is actually going on is Israeli genocidal murdering theft of all things Palestinian. Brutal, murdering Israeli tanks and aircraft against Palestinians armed with little more than stones! A few 'penny rockets' are nothing, against 'world's best' Israeli tanks and aircraft! Brutal, murdering Israeli tanks and aircraft against mostly the unarmed, more often than not the harmless old, women and children! Penned into Gaza, also by their corrupt brother-Arabs along their southern border, the poor Palestinians simply have no escape. Defenceless fish in a barrel! It's beyond deplorable, it's simply, filthily criminal - and that on the Nuremberg scale.
How can they *all*, i.e. perpetrators, apologists and (crooked!) politicians & MSM + even public broadcasters almost everywhere be Oh, so blatantly bad? And the sheople® 'let' themselves be (comfortably!) deluded.
One could say that they, all those who do not *strenuously protest*, are bringing disgrace - on the whole human race.
The press in general and the public broadcasters in particular must be eternally damned for retailing the outright lies coming from the Israeli PR machine; know you that 'PR' is itself a misleading term first deployed by the author of perhaps the definitive book on propaganda, Bernays. We the sheople are being swamped to the point of drowning in Bernays-style, lying propaganda - to the ghastly purpose of perpetrating mass-murder for spoil.
Any and all who shrug, don't do anything, therefore by default accepting, allowing these horrible crimes to continue make themselves accessories to those crimes. One simply must protest, somehow, and in the loudest possible way. Might does not make right, never has and never will. No more murdering, thieving war! What are we humans, just another sort of crude animal? If something more noble, then war in all its forms must be banished and that means from exactly now; no more bloody war!
Dear reader - one must either protest, loudest - or accept part-responsibility for these most dastardly of crimes that the Israelis are currently inflicting on the poor, hapless Palestinians - and have been so inflicting, for 60+ looong, bloody years. Gotta be stopped; someone's gotta stop 'em.
just one word: distraught ...
every j*w on the planet ...
.. just as every trigger-puller in the IDF ...
.. and (possibly worst) every Israeli order-giver ...
are all 'responsible' for the 60+ year carnage inflicted on the poor, hapless Palestinians.
But it's not 'just' those 'primary' irresponsibles, there're more 'layers' of criminal deceit, namely coming from the so-called 'opinion leaders,' prime amongst whom are many politicians of all 'stripes,' and then there's the main-stream media (MSM), including the public broadcasters.
It is well known - to those who care to look - that the entity referred to as Israel is occupying land basically stolen from the 'original' legal owners, namely the Palestinians. The combination of Jews and/or Zionists, whoever they are and who cares what they call themselves, have perpetrated a fraud on the world as they've inflicted murdering theft on the poor, hapless Palestinians to steal their land and water. (Like the US murdering to steal Iraqi oil, why can't these rotten, murdering crooks just *buy* stuff?)
Firing what amounts to a few 'penny-rockets' at their tormentors does not justify the murdering onslaught of the risibly name IDF. Defence is incorrect for the offensive functions being carried out - for 60+ long (bloody!) years now. That's sheer and outright murder - on a genocidal scale.
Every person on the planet who does not unconditionally condemn these lying, thieving Israeli murderers contributes to the crime, with very special mention of the public broadcasters; it's through the media that the lies are propagated, the tax-payer supported public broadcasters especially have no remit whatsoever to retail Israeli propaganda to the tax-paying public.
Stop the killing; no more murdering, thieving war!
PS Well, perhaps not quite "every Jew on the planet," but all those who do not do their utmost to stop the slaughter - as is happening in Gaza right now.