
How to win elections, regardless of the electorate's wishes.

Here and elsewhere I have documented the methods used by the Republicans to try to get the election result they want. They are many and varied, from vote suppression, intimidation voting machine "irregularities" to a partisan Supreme Court.

With the US elections close I have gathered a few articles on past and present election rigging.

First, how 2004 was done. A detailed piece well worth studying.

Next, an interview with Mark Crispin Miller.

On why he got involved in the issue:
MCM: What immediately drew my interest was the overwhelmingly obvious fact that the 2004 election was stolen. We already know the 2000 election was stolen because the Supreme Court intervened so flagrantly, but I think the 2004 election was stolen on an even grander scale. What struck me was not just that fact, but no less, the general refusal to admit it which was evident not only throughout the corporate media but on the left as well. Even now I can't quite get over how the left fell into line and dismissed the evidence as "conspiracy theory" on the basis of very sloppy reporting by very good reporters in progressive circles.

So the immediate reason why I got into it was because of this staggering miscarriage of proper civic procedure and a betrayal of democracy. The more I thought about it, the more I also came to believe that this is the most important issue, precisely because we can make no progress on any other front if we don't have the right to pick our representatives, and more importantly, reject those who don't represent our interests. That's vital, so I often say in my talks that regardless of what your issue is, you're kidding yourself if you think you can get anywhere when government is able to act with impunity

On 2008:
CB: What evidence do we have currently, in addition to the voluminous evidence that you've provided in your books, that the 2008 election may already be stolen?

MCM: I do resist putting it that way with all due respect to Greg (Greg Palast) and Bobbie (Kennedy). I don't like to say that it's already been stolen because it's demoralizing, but I will say that they (the Republicans) have made enormous strides toward a McCain victory already.

CB: In what way?

MCM: Well, election theft is a two-part process. On the one hand is vote suppression. The purpose of vote suppression is to shrink the electorate before the fact. In the last four years or so they have moved somewhat away from fraudulent manipulation of ballots cast toward grand pre-emptive tactics meant to prevent people from voting in the first place. So within the realm of vote suppression, they have managed to purge literally millions of names from the voter roles. In New York state alone, we learned last week, 1.5 million voters have been purged without their knowledge. That's New York; it's not even a swing state.

There was a report, I think on Daily Kos, that the Justice Department has managed to effect the purge of 13 million votes. I don't know how many of those are legitimate purges because a lot of peoples' names shouldn't be on the list because they're dead or something. But between legal purges conducted by the Department of Justice and illegal purges of the electronic voter roles carried out by various partisan secretaries of state, and voter caging and other tactics, they've managed to do a great deal to shrink the pool of voters who would vote against McCain. That kind of thing will require a lot of fighting and amassing evidence which means that there's got to be a lot of video interviews, polls, phone calls placed to the hotlines-what I'm saying is that this grand stroke of dis-enfranchisement before election day has to be exposed and evidence thereof collected and made available.

But that's not the only thing you do when you steal an election. You also engage in electronic fraud. Here, we have the testimony of an incredibly important person named Stephen Spoonamore who is the star witness in a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation in Ohio. He's a conservative Republican and a former McCain supporter, but most importantly, he is a prominent expert in the detection of computer fraud.

Finally, trying to divert attention.

Virtually the entire mainstream electronic media drank ACORN Kool-Aid this month brewed up by the Republican National Committee. Almost no one seriously challenged John McCain's comical assertions that ACORN, a grassroots voter registration group, "is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

While the Republicans had the distracted media searching for links between Obama and ACORN, RNC operatives were busily completing one of the most massive voter suppression and purging efforts in American history, stealing hundreds of thousands of Democratic votes across the embattled swing states and striving to arrange chaos and endless lines at the voting booths next week.

In 2006 things did not work out the way the Republicans wanted - possibly due to an underestimate of the swing to the Democrats. The problem in 2008 is that the polls strongly favour Obama, which means the Republican narrative will have to work really well lest people smell a rat. Given the electorate's mood, there might be those prepared recognise the stink. If the MSM do the right thing, that is.


Anonymous said...

game over ...

  .. but possibly not quite the way you might'a thunk


G'day Janders,

whereas stealing an election (or three) is nothing other than par-for-the-course for the failed (disgraced!) democracy that is the US of A, they face other problems. Really BI-I-IG problems.


On the 7.30 Report last night, they had an item:

Anxiety over China syndrome
The Australian share market remained steady today, however anxiety remains as global analysts forecast dire consequences for the economy if Chinese demand shrivels in wake of the global financial crisis.



China ain't goin' away, not too soon anyway. Nor is it gunna stop buying/building. They are a 1000s of years-old civilisation, hardly changed. Wherever they go, they get - make their own - *success*.

Any other talk is pure BS - like in the 7.30 Report last night.


Now, getting back to the (Neanderthal!) US. Their banks are f**ked, their society is too. The whole wide world (i.e. those who want to) can quite plainly see it. Filthily immoral to boot - but no dedicated TV-watcher notices, nor cares: "Wot!!? Me worry?"

Sooo, Q: What are the Chinks gunna do?

(Before I give you the *BIG-A*, recall this: the Chinese are sitting on a massive trade surplus, otherwise known as savings, of - Oh, about $US2Trio - effectively in cash. They neither owe, nor need to borrow. On the contrary, someone 'owes' them. Guess who?)

(To drag this out a bit more - ta - ra! Even more suspense; think of this: the Chinese, as most of the rest of the world, have been forced to swallow (Ugh!) vast quantities of useless, negligently printed US-fiat-dollar (torlet!) paper. The Chinese, before anyone else (form a queue - on the left!) - before anyone else, the Chinese will find a way of turning a truly s**tty situation (think: fiat torlet-paper), to their own advantage. Hmmm? After all, daaarlings, they do have demonstrable form.)

OK; A: The Chinese are going use up their US torlet-paper to make 'one last good - buy.'

They will use their massive, whopping great pile of surplus, otherwise useless US fiat-dollars to 'cherry-pick' the bones of the (failing - failed!) US empire (sub-branch Aus?) At the same time as the Chinese are buying up all the best bits, the world will be flooded (or is it 'wrapped?') in useless, US-fiat torlet-paper. And with that final wrapping (spelt with a silent 'C') splurge, any vanishingly tiny, residual value remaining in the $US will vanish - just pffft! All gone.

So here's to that great big fat (obese!) 'A;' a big bye-bye to the US (full of it) A.

Anonymous said...

G'day, Phil. Glad to see you and Bob still poking along.

I haven't seen either of you commenting on blogs around the world (unless you're using pseudonyms).

It's a good way to increase readership, get yourselves known!

Take care.

Anonymous said...

G'day David G,

funny you should 'pop-in,' even funnier you should 'push' blogging, to 'get ourselves known.' You were the one who said it was pointless, eh? And in fact I now agree with you: one is free to say anything - except if one were to become properly 'successful' - in which case one would most likely be 'visited' - by the 'boys' from Mossad, say, or the CIA - charming as those fellows are. Sooo, as long as one blogs, lives and breathes, one is clearly *unsuccessful*. Looping; why would anyone (in their right mind) wish to 'get one's self known?'

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil and David (nice of you to drop in), voting machines are a concern -here is a piece on the matter.

The state of play- from McClatchy.

And Time.

One internal link in the above is headed "How McCain Thinks He Can Win Pennsylvania". Which allows a segue to Tomdispatch and an article by Robert Eshelman "Republican Nosedive in Pennsylvania".

Usual cautions as per lead article. But beneath the extremists and crazies is a change occurring?

Looking ahead, and also from Tom, Andrew Bacevich - "Expanding War, Contracting Meaning."

Why leave your successor just one war? Leave him lots to keep him occupied.

Anonymous said...

G'day Phil, having provided lots of evidence of Repug fixing, now the other side ... and just what do they offer about alleged Dem shenanigans?

For weeks, Republican leaders have warned that widely reported problems with fake voter registrations could result in a flood of phony votes in pivotal states.

But Ronald Michaelson, a veteran election administrator and member of the McCain-Palin Honest and Open Election Committee, said in an interview that he could not name a single instance in which this had occurred.

“Do we have a documented instance of voting fraud that resulted from a phony registration form? No, I can’t cite one, chapter and verse,” he said.

That is par for their course.