
death AND dishonour ...

  .. tangled webs, etc. - bloody lying murderers!


A couple of comments ago, I posed the Q: "Why do they lie?"

As I've previously pointed out, the basic crimes are lying, cheating, theft and murder; although some 'lawyer-types' may claim that one cannot legislate morality, it should be perfectly obvious (deploying a 'reflexive altruism' algorithm), that anyone doing any of those basic 'criminal' actions to someone would be doing actual harm - and that's precisely what none of us should do to any another. It's almost a tautology, but one that is so often violated, one really has to wonder Q: "Why?" - in a broader context.

A: In the widest context, because (some times, too often) crime can appear to pay. (Ooops!)

Funny (peculiar) - but certainly sad, and not what we (the moral ones) actually want. Note that it's not some 'moral high ground' - which both exists and yes, we the moral ones do occupy it, it's simple self-interest (i.e. reflexive altruism); we do not wish to be transgressed against, so we offer a 'deal,' whereby we'll leave you alone (nothing personal: the generic 'you'), if you leave us alone. Real world "Hello!!?" - in Utopia there are no police, but in the 'here and now' we need 'em - and honest ones.

We can sort the criminal class into two groups, the 'petty' criminals, the common or garden variety - who may rob banks, or occasionally bash the odd grandmother to death. Small-time crims, to be sure. The other sort, the truly serious offenders, we can find running entire countries, if not (somewhat fancifully - but nevertheless criminally) the world - Ta ra! The current US and Israeli regimes. (With assist from UK, Aus, say.)

This criminal class is a composite, a cooperative formed from part (shadowy) ruling élite, part 'elected' representatives, part military, part industry and finally, part media (the venal MSM).

Even then, this criminal class does not work 'in isolation,' it has its accessories, apologists and enablers. Lies are deployed, great rafts of them; I call this lie-collection the 'pushed paradigm.' The criminals themselves, the accessories and apologists do not intrinsically need the lies for their crooked 'business,' the lies are aimed at the enablers, who in a supposed democracy are the voters and who are (supposedly) sovereign.

Sooo, that's why they lie; on the one hand they try to give themselves some sort of excuse, and on the other hand, they feel that have to win in the court of public opinion - because otherwise they would be sure to face well-earned censure.

But: There is no excuse for crime; they conjure 'rationalizations,' we conclude that they (any criminal class) actually knows that they're being bad, but to avoid 'cognitive dissonance' within themselves, they invent things like "We will bring them democracy!" - when what they're actually doing is stealing resources; land, water and/or oil, say.

It's clear that the lies are to delude, to avoid otherwise rightful censure. And Q: How do we get these lies? Why, A: Via the corrupt and venal MSM, including big parts of the AusBC and SBS (boo! Hiss!) There's the pressure point, the weak link - in more ways than one.

The so-called ruling criminal class (US and Israel with accessory/apologists UK + Aus) lie because they're vulnerable, the sovereign voters could / should call them to account. That would require an active electorate (wake up sheople®!) and free and full information flows. Anyone actively contributing to the crimes is culpable, it means in the US, the Congress, the Pentagon, the CIA. Since Nuremberg, there is no excuse: equally guilty - without a single shred of honour - string 'em up! Same for all filthy war-profiteers. A special culpability and a special censure is reserved for the venal MSM (including bits of the AusBC and SBS, they know who/what they are); those who pass the lies on, especially those who *amplify* the lies, are nothing other than vicious, bloody traitors. Shame on the lot of 'em!

Stop the lies, let the censure pour forth.

Save our once jewel-like planet.


Fazit: Rationalizations[1] (particularly of criminal acts) may only be successfully achieved by people so disposed; those with a sufficiently deficient morality, the outright diseased - or any/all TV-comatosed sheople®. (As in "Der, I didn't think!")

Universal responsibility is required; justice via truth.



[1] rationalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 (often foll. by away) offer a rational but specious explanation of (one's behaviour or attitude).

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