
Webdiary; open letter & call to action.

Subtitle: save the planet.


With the recent ejection of Craig Rowley, and subsequent statement by David Roffey on Damian Lataan's blog, it has become apparent that Webdiary, far from being any sort'a solution, is well and truly part of the problem.

David Roffey:

«Damian you continue to be the sort of complete tosser that drove me away from the left thirty years ago ...»


(Disclosure: yes, I have a gripe, my own ejection following my attempts to counter the Jay White = Paul Morrella = lying fraud and troll was unjust and also part of the same problem. In reply to my query: "Did you not look at Morrella?" Margo Kingston answered "No. That's the past, before I came back. I'm looking to the future. I'd like us to start afresh." In this way, White/Morrella was enabled to continue destructively trolling, injustices accumulated.)

David Roffey has now made inaccurate/untrue and unsubstantiated allegations about both myself and Craig Rowley, a fine situation indeed. Allegations, mind you, that could be considered slanderous and/or defamatory and outside the internet would probably be actionable. My conscience, not just BTW, is quite clear, as appears Craig's, we are both fighting for truth and justice and hold the moral high-ground. Some of my conflict traffic with Webdiary can be seen elsewhere in this blog; without such transparency external to Webdiary, no-one usually sees what Webdiary censors. And by blocking any input from so-called 'banned' posters, there is no come-back possible within Webdiary itself. How fair; how just. Not!

Far from being a storm in a tea-cup, the recent history of Webdiary shows just what's going on; the reappearance of a swag of posters 'of the right,' better referred-to as right-wing trolls, marks a deliberate and management-supported moving to the right of the whole blog.

Specifically, supporters of the current regimes of the US, UK, Aus and Israel are all pushing the (filthy, lying) propaganda of the problem; they are mostly disinterested in debate other than to derail or stifle it.

The wise response is (should be) clear and the time has come to cease debating anyway; solutions need to be identified, then implemented - starting yesterday.

If anyone thinks they still need convincing, these:

a) Perkins' "Economic Hit Man,"

b) Klein's "Shock Doctrine" and

c) Monbiot's "Heat." (The last specifies the scale of the problem: a 94% reduction of CO2 is required by each of the US, UK & Aus.)


PS#1 Anyone knowing the eml@s of Angela Ryan and/or Alga Kavanagh is asked to send them a note drawing their attention to this post.

PS#2 The obvious tasks are three:

1. Reduce the greenhouse to eliminate the threat.

2. Reduce the world's population to a sustainable level.

3. Eliminate the Friedman rip-offs and install justice for all.

Anyone knowing any of the 'hows' of doing (3) please let me/us/the world know.

[cross posted]


Anonymous said...

Bravo, Phil, for penning this open letter and call to action.

There is a comment on Webdiary today by that person now calling himself "Paul Morrella". It might make you smile. I find it hilarious because it includes this line:

"You really gotta to love a comment such as this. Nearly as good as the fella calling all American's; obese, dumb, slothful idiots."

My laughter was triggered first by this person's use of Aussie idiom despite the fact he's pretending to be Canadian.

Then I got to the part where he's calling all Americans "American's". It is amusing to witness another example of what makes him appear to be a dumb, slothful idiot who never put in the effort to learn the proper use of the apostrophe.

No doubt he'll be thinking, if not writing: "I'am not a dumb, slothful idiot."

(The misused apostrophe being reflective of his atypical writing style ... one only he and Jay White have ever exhibited on Webdiary).

Anonymous said...

It gets funnier as the day progresses, Phil.

Jay White has such a poor grip on logical reasoning ... whether he's posting comment using that name or one of his other pseudonyms.

In one 24 hour period he's been banging on at Bob Wall about all the logical fallacies he's been able to half-comprehend by reading boning up at nizkor.org or similar and then he's started throwing the most whopping great red herrings around. He's trying to 'argue' with Angela Ryan's point by extrapolation from the fact that current president of Harvard University, Catharine Drew Gilpin Faust, is its first female president.

To Team J it would seem a society cannot be counted as tending to racism or sexism if a small board of highly educated individuals within it finallys realises that a female should on merit be appointed by them to the position of President of an organisation that has otherwise had male presidents since 1637!

Friedham I. Whont said...

imitation, the sincerest flattery ...

 .. or a pitiful reaction to a thorough thrashing?


G'day Craig, and thanks for looking in.

Makes y'wonder, which insightful fella the
  Jay White = Paul Morrella = fraud
meant in this: "the fella calling all American's; obese, dumb, slothful idiots," and which bits don't get right up s/he/its collective nose?

I might'a contributed stimulation to the Team-J use of red herring and fallacy m'self, having deployed them both together targeting s/he/it here, then equally appropriately as required several times since.


Without going ad hominem - Small Man syndrome[1] being a bit incompatible with obese, dumb, slothful and/or idiot, say, perhaps what we're burdened with here vis-à-vis Team-J is APD[2]? (Thanks & g'day Bob Wall!) And we can't have the 'all' fallacy, what we've gotta say is nearly all, meaning more than enough to make a really big difference.

Then there's the over-loud voice (and shirt to match); they do seem to work on earning their ugly American sobriquet... (Pssst! Don't mention the war:
aka US murder for oil in Iraq!)



[1] Small Man syndrome ...
«is a colloquial pejorative term used to describe a type of inferiority complex which is said to affect people who are short. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives.»

[2] 1776.0 Americanistic Personality Disorder
«The essential features of Americanistic Personality Disorder include pervasive patterns of extreme self-absorption, profound and long-term lapses in empathy, a deep disregard for the well-being of others, a powerful aversion to intellectual honesty and reality, and a grossly exaggerated sense of the importance of one’s self and one’s nation. These patterns emerge in infancy, manifest themselves in nearly all contexts, and often become pathological.»

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Jason Miller's witty piece on the 35% of American's who may fit the APD diagnostic criteria.

Did you see the second comment after the article? Could it be the work of a satirist or did one of the possibly 106 million or so diagnosibly "ugly" Americans simply not realise he was so effectively helping to prove the case Miller had made so well?

Anonymous said...

Whoops ... forgot to put the quotation marks in around "American's" in that last comment!